Messiah 2030 ~ The Prophetic Messianic Timeline - Part 2 of 3 (Part 4 in production)

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In part 1 of Messiah 2030 we revealed 40 prophecies that give us the year of the Messiah's first coming and what appears to be the year of his second coming.

In part 2, we continue right where we left off and provide 12 more prophecies, including the 7-7-7 Lamech Prophecy. We also offer a detailed presentation on Matthew 24:36 and what the Messiah really taught about not knowing the day and hour.

Messiah 2030 ~ The Prophetic Messianic Timeline - Part 1

Messiah 2030 ~ The Prophetic Messianic Timeline - Part 3


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This is a call for a watch, not setting a date. If your house is not in order, and you do not know our Savior, there is no time like the present.

0:00 Introduction
4:10 Life of Job Prophecy
9:36 The Throne of Solomon Prophecy
12:42 The Last Trumpet Prophecy
15:42 The Three Wells Prophecy
20:01 The Shunammite's Son Prophecy
21:37 The Fox Prophecy
23:29 The Ruth Prophecy
25:15 Seven Times in Jordan Prophecy
27:01 The Jehohash Prophecy
30:49 The Days of Rest Prophecy
32:52 The Sold for Silver Prophecy
34:37 The Years of Punishment Prophecy
55:07 The Day and Hour No One Knows?
1:26:04 7-7-7 The Lamech Prophecy


PLEASE consider supporting Messiah 2030 here:

While we will always offer our content free of charge, nothing is free to produce. Thank you for the support, to His glory!

Please also consider supporting this project by relentless active sharing on social media and other means. Please keep this ongoing project in your prayers. There is much more to come.


-The Mark of the Beast is scheduled for summer 2024.
-The Visions of Zechariah is scheduled for fall 2024.
-The Greater (Second) Exodus is scheduled for EOY 2024.
-Part 4 of the “Prophetic Messianic Timeline” series is scheduled for Passover 2025.
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PLEASE consider supporting Messiah 2030 here:

While we will always offer our content free of charge, nothing is free to produce. Thank you for the support, to His glory!

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I wish my friends and family would watch and listen. When I bring this to them I’m accused of being in a cult 😭 they make me feel crazy. But my husband believes and we are waiting and watching and raising our children to love the Lord


I have a feeling this is about to be an interesting 7 years to come. Who else feels it in their spirit? We have to finish what we started to make it into the Kingdom.


This is the truth - I have no religion, I have a relationship. All the Father ever wanted is for us to WANT His love and to reflect it back to Him.We seek GOD (at first) in signs and wonders, then we seek Him in knowledge and understanding . However, when you finally break down in sorrow, pain, fear, or frustration then you find Him through trust, faith and LOVE by sitting at his feet with a childlike heart. Most people say that the LORD sends blessings to us that we can see, touch, and measure (money, health, success). However, I say the best things that the LORD gives us are all unmeasurable, unseen and untouchable. These are things like Faith, Grace, Mercy and Love. Of these LOVE is the greatest and the LORD GOD is the source of all LOVE. Praise Jesus! Come JESUS come!


I cannot explain how excited I was to find out that I'm most likely going to be the generation that sees his return a few years ago. It brings me joy seeing how the spirit is bringing this information to light in more than just myself. It clears my doubts and brings joy.


No more politics, no more sorrow and loss, I personally can't wait till he comes for his bride !!!


Thank you so much for making this beautiful documentary free for all of us. Thank you. 🕯📖🙏


God had changed my life in 6 weeks. A complete 180* degree turn for the direction of my life. I never thought I could be fixed. There was always something wrong with me. THE ONLY THING EVER MISSING FROM MY LIFE WAS THE LORD CHRIST YESHUA. WITHOUT HIM, MY LORD, MY LIFE HAS ZERO MEANING. Because of his love for me, I lay my life down before him. I give him everything I have, because he gave me everything I have. My only hope is that I can stand before him someday, and he will know me, and I will be worthy of him. All I ask of my lord, is that I may serve him until the very end. Christ is love. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. God bless all of you. I hope you may come to know the King as I have come to know of him. Amen.


Excellent! Finally all the prophecies have been put together in one place. No more hopping around to different videos and different YT channels, it's all here, presented very well. Thanks for your work in this important message. Thank you.


I had a rapture dream-vision yesterday. First i hearded a trumpet sound, then i saw Jesus in the sky, with all his glory, the sky was dark, and i fell on my knees, with a great fear and love for Jesus, i sad to him, please dont left me here, and my body was changed. Then i woke up.
I really feel that i will see Jesus soon. The last days is here.


I am feeling so privileged listening to this enormous work of yours. Thank you!!! May your efforts bring a whole generation closer to the Lord!


Brother your work on this matter is phenomenal. A+ content, crisp, clean, cut to the chase, all that. I’ll go ahead and congratulate you on 2 million views 😂 looking forward to Part 2!!!


Anyone else watch these over and over? It’s so remarkable and the discernment from the Spirit is strong. My body is covered in goosebumps!


I love how our Father intertwines in His word. 🙌🦅


WOW, all I can say is WOW!!! Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit. Come Lord Jesus, Come!!!


I pray we are the Omega Generation that gets to see Christ's return! I pray my infant daughter will be saved ss well! Jesus loves the little ones so I believe she will be. God is so good!


Idk why but the first part really eases my soul 😌. God does have a plan for humanity and He has won, is winning and will always win! Can't wait for this second part! God bless 🙌 ✝️✝️✝️


Thank you for your in-depth study, glory hallelujah to our KING Jesus.
Hosea 6:2 👑
“After two days He will revive us;
On the third day He will raise us up,
That we may live in His sight.”
1 Thessalonians 5:4 🕊️
“But you aren’t in the dark about these things, dear brothers and sisters, and you won’t be surprised when the day of the Lord comes like a thief;”
#maranatha 🪔


This is truly enlightening, and what resonates with me is the phrase "The Wise Will Understand." I wish for this message to reach every one of the 7+ billion individuals, potentially saving them.

God bless you and your team brother! Amen


The best revelation i have ever seen of the word of God...surely the return of the LORD is at the door
