Prophecy FAIL: People are Mad Jesus Didn't Return.. Messiah 2030, Eclipse Prophecy

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Many were expecting a rapture, destruction, and much more during the 40 day window since April 8th. The Prophecy community is upset... However, is there something more to the story? We explore the Latter rain, Pentecost 2024, and the Messiah 2030 many are talking about.

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Be patient people …I’m 76 years old and I’ve been waiting since I was 11 years old…be excited…be prepared…God will come on exactly the right time … mean time the harvest will gain more souls …look up…He is on the way…may God and His Magnificent Son be with us All 🙏🏻💙🙏🏻


Spread the gospel to everyone especially your family and friends


We are more preoccupied in predicting when He will be coming back rather than being preoccupied living for Him everyday!


Just keep watching and leave everything else to the Lord!


❤ *I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken* - Psalm 16:8


When people start giving dates, I turn away. I do, however, believe we are very close! Our job is to very ready and help others be ready.


I didn't even know it was 40 days since that eclipse. I can't believe that so many people fall into these traps. I want to see Jesus as bad as everyone else does, but I know it's in the father's time frame, not mine. If it's not until after I pass away, then so be it.


Well if a profecy doesnt come true then we know it was not from God. So better to be quiet and listen to Gods voice rather than make up their own ideas.


I as Christian man. I personally don’t question signs and wonders that this world gives. Just live in the preparation for the Lord. To many signs and wonders that are not of God.


Watching, Waiting.. Looking For Yeshua.. Iam Ready.


John 3:3 Jesus replied, “ Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of GOD unless they are Born Again. “ Repent, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again


Yesterday, the President of Iran, who is behind the war on Israel, was killed when his helicopter crashed.


For us who can not wait to see our King Jesus-He is coming at the Fathers time-We must always be ready and trust that our Father has things that must happen before the return of our Christ-


I watched the 3-part series of Messiah 2030, and have also seen your Hosea Prophecy video, and both have amazingly striking similarities. One thing is certain, our Messiah is coming back very soon, and we are the generation that gets to witness and experience it. I am grateful for people like you and those behind Messiah 2030, who put in all the time, research and study. It's not an easy feat at all! Your diligence and perseverance have paid off, as more and more people are drawing closer to God. God bless you Jerren and the AOC team. Looking forward to all your upcoming videos 🙏♥


Agree with you. No date setting. We must be ready at any time, either He comes first or our life here finished first. Every new day is a bonus extra day to do God's work. Thank you for your video. Lord Jesus bless your ministry.


Hey everyone. I'd like to share with you what I got from one of Messiah 2030s videos.
It basically gave us a new perspective on the verse where Jesus tells his disciples that "no one knows the day or the hour, " so the idea is that when Jesus said this, he was talking to his disciples, who existed only in that time in which he told them, in other words, that verse will apply in a literally sense to those in THAT TIME PERIOD, that they do not know the day or hour, because let us not forget what the angel told Daniel in Daniel 12:4- “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”
So the point that I'm trying to make is that the people in that time do not know the times because they have not been revealed yet, but as it the times of the end it will be revealed, as in when in the last days when the time is right, the day and hour will be revealed and we will know it, why do you think they also say knowledge will increase? Friends, the people of that time were not supposed to know because it was not the right time, but in the future or in the last days (in which we are already in) we this generation will know.
But I encourage you to look into that video it's really interesting and I'm sure you'll like it.
God bless ✨️


Thank you for this AOC. I just took an exam to get my Masters Degree in Speech Pathology. I could use some prayers on passing this exam. God knows my heart and how I have tried to witness to individuals who are diagnosed with varying disabilities and conditions—I hope I passed and that I continue doing his will in this profession. Thank you and blessings to you all. I always appreciate prayers.


When I was a young woman date setting sort of worried me but I also wasn’t into Bible studies. Now that I’m much, much older I enjoy studying the Bible. Since most pastors don’t preach on Revelation, Daniel and Isaiah I do that on my own. Your channel and the old Chuck Missler videos are my favorites! The ones that date set not so much. The Messiah 2030 is fascinating but I don’t want to know the day or the hour. Jesus IS coming and that gives me joy! God Bless young man ❤


Always love an AOC upload! 💜
To be honest even though we are at a period where things are really wrapping up and certain years like around 2030CE-2033CE could really be The Day of Yahuah, im rather waiting for more clear signs than waiting for a specific date. We are seeing a major increase of people loving themselves and their money, boastful and prideful, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful blasphemous etc as said in 2 Timothy 3 and the world preparing us for major "Climate Change" agenda, World Currency, World Government, Tension rising and Peace being taken from the world and many more prophecies. I think its best that we just watch for more prophecies like The 2 Witnesses, World Government & Lawless One and most importantly stay ready and clothed with Sackcloth. For YHWH is coming 'Real Soon'...🌄✝️🔥


Just stay focused on your relationship with the Lord! Amen!
