Messiah 2028 - Messiah 2030 Rebutted

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While the work of Messiah 2030 is honorable and the prophecies are true excellent references, Messiah 2030 is just 2 years off in its chronology. If Messiah 2030 had followed its own reference to the #40 being 2000 yrs/ 50 Jubilees, they would have considered the Talmudic temple signs as a foreshadowing judgment picture of Yom Kippur, not the Passover, which Messiah 2030 mistakenly attaches the crucifix to, which is a different holy day, in a different season of time, representing 2 different literal fulfillments, 2000 years apart. Passover is not Yom Kippur and while they may share a similarity, they are completely separate in their purpose. Christians often just lump prophecies together that are not related, like they do with an end time 7 year tribulation, just throwing it all in an end time 7 year junk drawer. We don’t think God was that careless with history in the book of Revelation and the same applies to Passover and Yom Kippur. They are not the same. That is the mistake Messiah 2030 made, not going deep enough in their research for the true chronology. None the less, Messiah 2030 is a good work, awakening the body of Christ to how close we are to the glory to come. Change it to Messiah 2028, and the work will be prefected.

Linked References for Messiah 2028

References are not a 100% entire endorsement of a particular ministry or author.

Dr E.L. Martin's work on the unbroken biblical 6000 year count.

2107 years Adam to Abraham.
Scroll to chart at bottom, look for Abraham born 2008 years from creation, add 99 years = 2107 years in our 6k chart.

Years of the kings of Judah

Assention year counting

Inclusive year counting

Lunar Calendar Reckoning

Herods death 1bc/Birth of Christ 3bc

Constellations at Christ birth 3BC

Majority Early Church says 3BC Birth of Christ

Ptolemy fraudulent secular BC year count

Josephus not without fault.

Supernatural signs backing WW3 soon and 2028 Resurrection.
Youtube WW3 Signs

Bill Weather’s YouTube channel
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Whether 2028 or 2030! We better be ready ☝️✝️🙏


We who study are all scholars in our own understanding and all have thoughts. I am in disagreement with stating that the 2030 content is a false teaching altogether. This is their scholarly interpretation. This brother has his scholarly interpretation for the view of 2028. No one person can say definitively as "Messiah 2030" said that this is not definitive and could have alternative exclamations. The dates of birth, death and return of our Lord God have been in debate since all A.D. What we know is that this is the last church age, the church of Laodicea. (Last church chapter 3 in Rev) Revelation 4:1 NIV
[1] After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. Rev. 4:1 "And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a TRUMPET said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.” After the final church age, the trumpet will sound. Chronological timeline is good to know as we know we are closer now than when we once believed. But, do you know Him? This is the question. 2028? 2030? Today? Are you ready for this Holy event? After the church of Laodicea He will say with the shout of the Trumpet, "come up here!" Friends, we do not know the time, but the season is upon us. Be ready. Not trying to offend any. I love y'all, and I look forward to seeing you on that day. Gloria a Dios poderoso por que El es el Rey de Rey y el Señor de Señores!


Let me get this straight. You produce a rebuttal to Messiah2030 that he was wrong by two years? Wow! Just wow! How does 2 years even matter?
I hope you are right, but I have 2029 through 2033 on my bingo card, I'm okay with any of those years.


So you’re refuting their movie by 2 years? And so much for all the other prophecies they mentioned.

And if it was 2028, you need AC to show up THIS YEAR. And he may… so we will see, but if you get to sept next year and no Antichrist, better change your opinion asap.

Idk… we will see. Not fighting a brother, but think we all need to be more open and not “legalistic” to our own ideas.

I do believe 2030 before the movie came out though.
Again, not about being right but having evil ended.


All this just shows me nobody is correct, but all say it's soon, so STAY AWAKE!


Good work young fella. So, by your reckoning we are heading into the start of the great tribulation in the next several months. I would say yes it certainly is a strong possibility by what is being set up. The stench of the sin coming from the earth must very foul by now to the Lord. I say let it come Lord we are sacrificing our children, we are altering our genes and we are so perverse now to the point of being worse than Sodom. I cannot see our world preceding without severe judgement. Hold the line Brother. Love in Christ


Thanks for the nice presentation. You have great points. But at the end of the day. Whether you are correct about the 2028 timeline or whether "Messiah 2030" got it right. God is still in control of when is the appointed time of Christ, his sons return.


2030 is the perfect year, because it's perfectly 40 years for Israel to repent from the Crucifixion to the Fall of the Second Temple, 70 AD. 40 years is a biblical time for repentance.

4 x 70 x 7 years or 40 x 7 x 7 after the Fall of the Second Temple is also a biblical time for the Gentiles to know the Gospel.

What I'm not sure is if the last 1 x 7 years or half of it (1260 days or 42 months) included or excluded from the 1960 years for the Gentiles.


Very important your point of view... even though nobody possess the truth at all. I really appreciate your explanation...


Thank you very much for the video May Yahweh bless you for the truth ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


The decree to rebuild Jerusalem was not given in 456 as you claim @6:10. It was given in 457/8. It was likely 458 so this is why you are two years off. Christ died in 30 CE.


Messiah 2030 is right from it's producer's point of view and Messiah 2028 is also correct from your point of view. But the view of Elohim shall stand. No one knows the day or the hour only Elohim knows. Amen


No! Everyone is trying to figure out when Jesus is coming. I remember in the 80's, claim that 2012 was to end of time. What happened, NOTHING. In the bible, there is no specific date. When Jesus is coming, we are all screwed. Everyone of us should concentrate our relationship with Jesus, not the end of time. The only one know is GOD, that's you


Thank you for your presentation. I am not convinced, but it is important to keep an open mind. May God lead us unto the truth.


The 70-80 yr generation of the fig tree ends in 2028. Messiah 2030 says the generation started in 1950 when Israel made Jerusalem their capitol. But, I believe it started in 1948 when Israel was declared a Nation.


Thought something was wrong about Messiah 2030.Thanks for your rebuttal.


I have done a thorough study in the scriptures on Jesus' timeline. Scripture (KJV) proves He was born in 3 BC, and that He was baptized in AD 28, being about (not quite) 30 years of age (Lk. 3:23). In other words, Jesus was baptized being just shy of 30 (still 29 years of age), Who did not preach the gospel until He turned 30, which was in accordance to the law (Num. 4). This means from the time He was baptized in AD 28 (most likely in the spring), to the time He turned 30 (AD 28 Tishri 1; about 6 months), He did miracles to manifest forth His glory, but He did not teach or preach the gospel until after He turned 30. It was only after He turned 30 did He teach and preach the gospel, which was after He was tempted of the Devil, having fasted for 40 days and forty nights, which then He taught them in their synagogues round about in Galilee. The question up for debate is how long was Jesus' ministry? Was it 1+ years, 3+ years, or sometime in-between? The answer depends on when we begin the starting point of His ministry. Do we begin His ministry when He was baptized in AD 28, or do we begin it when He began preaching/teaching the gospel after He was tempted of the Devil? Personally, I believe the starting point of His ministry began when He stood up for to read Isaiah 61 in the synagogue in Nazareth; where He grew up. I also believe He was crucified on Wed, Nisan 14, AD 30, to satisfy being in the tomb for 3 full days and 3 full nights. If correct, this means the length of His ministry was less than 3 years in length. I also believe Rapture shall come by 2028; that His Second Coming shall be in 2030/31 to set up the Millennial Kingdom. God is: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and these Three are one, amen. Note: I strongly recommend the book: The Mysteries of Jesus Life Revealed by Joseph Lenard.


Let's not be too quick to discredit each other, we are one and we are hoping and waiting for the Great day if the LORD together, we are should go ahead and do our best to bring light to the Word of Prophecy. Most importantly, let's maintain a personal Covenant intimate relationship with Jesus Christ by His Holy Spirit and be endowed with His grace and power and presence to withstand the Tribulation of the Anti Christ who will rise first before the actual Rapture.
Are we ready for the trying times ahead.? Have we discovered ourselves in Christ and discovered our ministries and calling. Have we started filling them? Are we committed to the kingdom of GOD? What are you doing now? Make sure you are in the Vine yard of Christ doing something and contributing to the Kingdom of GOD. GOD bless you all. Shalom 🕊️


Did you contact the makers of the original Messiah 2030 (seminary) to discuss the dates? Just curious


Agree can't be right no time for Tribulation
