Agenda 2030 & The Prophetic Timeline | Lee Brainard

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A popular view today associates the goals of Agenda 2030 being reached at the second coming. (This theory embraces an AD 30 cross, a 2030 second coming, a 2023 tribulation start). But have the demonic superpowers and the global cabal really set their goal date as the very day of the second coming? Isn't that shortsighted? Why set a timetable and a goal date which only gives you a few hours to enjoy the fullness of what you have been aiming at for centuries, then you and the plan get smoked by the second coming? I think that the midpoint of the seventieth is a better bet for the endgame of Agenda 2030 and every associated NWO plan. On that day the the worship of the antichrist is rolled out and so is the mark of the beast.


We’re the Prophecy Watchers. We have a long history of working to bring the truth of Bible prophecy to an audience of Christian believers who may not have local access to sound prophetic teaching, based upon the inspired writings of the Apostles and the traditional doctrine concerning the rapture of the church. Though we don’t believe in setting dates, it is clear that the rapture of the church is imminent, perhaps much nearer than we think.

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Satan doesn’t get his own timeline.
Satan gets what God allows him to get.
Remember Job.
God is in TOTAL control of what Satan gets yo do.
Therefore it’s God’s and only God’s timeline.


Yes Lee, but my life has been so awful that the only thing that keeps me going is my Jesus being due to take me home. If not this month, next month, on and on; then one month will be the home coming. The Word says that Hope delayed makes the heart sick. So if my heart is sick then so be it! A bride awaiting her bridegroom would feel the same. Come Lord Jesus!


If you think it will happen soon - this quickens you with a sense of urgency to reach others with the Word. If you think it's happening further out - this quickens you to spread the Word to as many lost souls as you can as this reflects how the Lord is longsuffering wishing none should perish. Spread the Gospel. 💕 Thank you Jesus for your atonement; for reconciling us and redeeming us.


Your question is why 2030 if they know they are going to lose. I don’t think they think they will lose. Just like most evil people they have deluded themselves. Probably true for their realm as well


These days of Lot and Noah CANNOT last indefinitely, brothers and sisters. Can we see the DAY Approaching or not? I think we can because we’re children of LIGHT. MARANATHA


Encouragement from Apostle Paul Romans 8:18
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us


All we can do for now is watch and wait patiently. No matter what happens anyway we still the winner because we put our lives in Jesus hand and that all that matter.


God tells us clearly when He's coming. When you see these signs...
That are here! WFVVS 🕊️


God does not delay, He provides time for you to reach people for Him. I see it like that!


From what I see going on in this world there's no way the rapture and the tribulation can be 2 or 3 years off.


Just because they (the fallen ones, demons, and their minions) set a goal of 2030 doesn't mean it can't happen sooner.


Just a thought... Im not sure their supposed knowing the exact day & time is possible.. A/The season, yes, but if its the exact time, date, day, then they know more than Jesus .. and thats not happening.


Interesting, but I'd point out that they do not think they are going to lose.


Lee how do the demons and satan know the day when Jesus said he didn't know the day or the hour that only the father knows?


Hello Lee, 2 Cor 4:17 and Rom 8:18. Hebr 12: 1 and 2 keep me on track. JESUS faced a litany of hostility before Him, especially His cross. I run that scripture often through my mind, thinking that JESUS, for the joy set before Him, went through His ‘obstacles’ to finish His race. I have to focus on running now, with heaven on my mind. GOD, HELP ME.

Thank you Lee. I am one of those who would like to be raptured yesterday. GOD BLESS YOU AND WIFE ON YOUR JOURNEY. Praying for you guys, and love you lots. 🥰🥰🙋🏼‍♀️❤️🙌🙌🇿🇦


I see the going up as 2023 and the second coming in 2030.


So, there needs to be another 7-year covenant confirmed and strengthened with many...


Hosea tells us Jesus will return 2, 000 years after he went back to heaven.

5:15 I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offence, and seek my face: in their affliction they will seek me early. 6:1 Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.
6:2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.

There is not a verse in the Bible that says his return is imminent.
It will be 2, 000 years after Christ died. If he died in 30AD then his second coming is 2030.
You ask why would Satan’s years line up with God’s.
I’ll tell you why BECAUSE GOD IS GOD AND ITS GOING TO BE GOD’s timeline.
Oh and the appointed days of the rapture and second coming is the feast of trumpets not any moment of any day.
His return is not imminent. He won’t return until the appointed day which is the feast of trumpets 2, 000 years from his ascension, back to heaven.
That’s what Hosea God’s own word says in part. 2 days 2, 000 years.


At this point I dont have another year. My body wont make it. Here's MY DATE I give it 6 months either the Rapture or my death. Up or out take your pick. I'd rather up cause outs gonna hurt!


Very good, Lee. We have to remember that a couple thousand people get saved on Earth every day. Those amazing homes being prepared by our Lord are all being assigned now. I'd hate to see acres of empty homes just because we got out very early. Going by the evil 2030 agenda, we should be out of here by the end of 2026. Just 3 short years. We still have food & water, roof over our head. Make the most of this short time.
