Can You Hear the Difference Between Cheap and Expensive Pianos?

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Can you hear the difference between cheap and expensive pianos?
I started the video by playing in a cheap piano, and then in the more expensive ones. I played 5 different pianos. Can you hear any difference in sound? Which one has the best sound?
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As a professional pianist, I can tell you, I'd rather play the cheap piano that's perfectly in tune, than the expensive piano that is out of tune. Case closed!
(One year- 199 replies later) Why do I have to explain this comment to some people? If there's a well-tuned cheap piano and an out-of tune expensive piano in the room,
I'd prefer to play the cheap piano. This is just my have yours...fine. Of course, I'd prefer to play a well-tuned expensive piano. (obviously the case is NOT closed!)


Can you hear the difference ...on your $10 headphones? ;)


0:05 first piano
1:02 second piano
2:03 third piano
3:06 fourth piano
4:04 fifth piano


I am so happy I found this channel. It seems to me any well-maintained piano sounds beautiful in its own way under the right hands. I loved all the renditions.


I can make both of them sound like 10$ one.


Tbh, the first piano has that nice old sound which i really like. Just personal preference haha


For those who are new to the classics, like me... Who want to know what kind of melodies this wonderful pianist is playing:
1.Claude Debussy - Claire de Lune
2. Chopin - Polonaise No. 6 In A Flat "Heroic" Op.53


The cheapest has an old timey ring and sound to it. The second cheapest seems like the best bang for the buck, as it sounds really full and balanced. After that, you do get a better sound, but it is subtle from what I hear in each step up. I'd like to hear more comparisons in between that $600 and $6, 400 price range.


The cheapest one had more "ring" to the notes. The expensive one had a beautiful depth, and subtleness to it.


Having a cheap piano is better than having no piano.


The cheap piano has the proper sound for an old western saloon and the most expensive one has the proper sound for a classical music hall in Vienna, or Paris, or London, or NY City, etc. !
The midrange priced pianos make perfect addition for the living room of those folks who can and love to play the piano.


First of all, you play beautifully. And you could hear the sound becoming less tinny, more rich as the progression went on. Also, it appeared more effortless, because you didn't have to bang the keys so hard to get notes out of the newer two. Thank you for the video! 🎹


The sound is totally different. Cheap pianos sound like western saloon pianos. They have sort of a "bell - ish" sound.


The cheapest piano has a very "ragtime/played in an old western saloon" sound to it. The most expensive is more "traditional, concert pianist" sounding. All are beautiful in their own right.


I bought a high quality new grand piano for my home and I soon realized that I would NEVER be able to play it the way that it should be played. So, I hired music students from the local university to play for me and that worked out great. I kept the piano tuned, the students made much needed money, and the master students would come by to do their demo reels on a fantastic grand piano that wasn't beat to pieces like the concert grands at the university. So, I got to meet some incredibly talented young people who generously gave me copies of the fantastic music they recorded while playing my grand piano. I am now retired, spend a good deal of time traveling doing humanitarian aid, I have no idea where the grand piano now lives, but I still have mp3s of the demos that the students recorded on it, and It brings a huge smile when I listen to them. In the end the grand was worth every penny that I spent on it.


Even through my little IPAD speakers, I was able to detect that with pricier pianos, the sound became mellower and notes resonated longer. I’m sure, as a player, you are probably able to notice differences in how keys respond and how lighter you are able to play. Amazing playing by the way. Nice Debussy Clair de Lune and the Chopin piece.


With his talent he can make a frying pan and a wooden spoon sound magical.


Title: Cheap vs expensive

Me reading title: Expensive vs expensive


I can see the difference. I feel like the most expensive one has a more clear sound but the cheapest one has like a cool, magical touch to it.


Diferença nítida! Mas tocando assim, até no mais barato, ficou lindo.
Espero que o vídeo motive pessoas a comprarem pianos baratos para estudar muito!
