Tonsil stones becoming more common

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Have you ever heard of tonsil stones? Well, they're more common than you may think. They're soft lumps of debris that form in the crevices of the tonsils. They're becoming more common as more people aren't getting their tonsils removed. Tonsil stones are harmless but can be very odorous. Doctors recommend gargling regularly with mouthwash.
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Okay, since most reviewers seem pretty unimpressed with the amount of info in this video, I wanted to give what useful advice I can. These are some practical ideas I have used for my own tonsil stones. Here is some information (some of which, has also been said in earlier comments, so please pardon if you already know this). I couldn't read each one. Please, feel free to correct me or add if I missed something. Every person has a unique body, with unique genetics. It's true, tonsils are useful. They are, as said in a comment below, a first defense against external pathogens. Tonsils are lymphatic organs. Some people have no idea the lymphatic system exists, or what it does. Lymphatic vessels travel along overlapping arteries, veins and other organ systems. You can cause too much bleeding easily because they are arguably part of the circulatory system; they circulate and carry blood cells made in our bone marrow, just like red blood cells. Lymphatic vessels and organs certainly circulate fluid, exchange with arteries and veins, travel to organs to clean waste and debris all over. Moreover, lymph is mostly white blood cells (WBCs), like plasma. That is why tonsil stones, tonsiliths, are white and have bacteria inside. Pus is mostly made of white blood cells as well. Pus becomes yellow, green, or inflammatory because of bacteria, since your white blood cells are responsible for fighting infection, whereas red blood cells (RBCs) are red because they carry oxygenated, iron-rich (making them red) blood so our ENTIRE bodies breathe, after oxygen enters through the similarly cavernous lungs.

FIRST: Tonsil stones don't happen because tonsils themselves trap food. They may have bits of food, but they are not tonsil stones. Stones form to contain bacteria or small debris that might result in an infection. Lymphatic organs are useful because they can isolate infection. Like lymph nodes. So, they contain bacteria, perhaps food particulates - but, in a style both large and strange to us. It's like bubble wrap for white blood cells. Lymphatic organs like tonsils have space to wrap up the infected area or particulates in our own white blood cells from lymphatic fluid. Not all blood is red. They are usually like a mini-mini snowball with a tough core of ice. You can see this with some skin infections as well. When our bodies kick the immune system on full-speed lymphatic tissue is ALL over the body. It is responsible for cleaning our blood through close contact and semipermeable membranes. The stones are white from WBCs, not because of bacteria. It would be white or clear either way. AS noted above, we could consider lymphatic vessels part of the circulatory system because they circulate white blood cells, follow arteries and veins to clean all our blood, internal organs, exists in our brain to CLEAN OUR BRAINS from waste, toxins, or bacteria. It cleans the brain while we sleep. The collection and disposal of cell waste is as important as cell growth because cleaning makes space for more efficient function and for the growth of healthy cells. It is akin to the importance of cleaning trash out of your home to prevent illness AND make room for new food, things, people, etc...

Our bodies are constantly in motion. Which, is good, because it means we're alive. Even if we are on bed-rest, just stretching will cause lysis (cell death) in more cells than we can imagine. Often, our immune systems behave in a manner uncanny and similar to human strategy in war. There are WBCs that behave like strategic generals; there are WBCs called micro and macrophages that eat waste and old cell particles. I happen to believe these stones may have a genetic component, but there are not a lot of studies since they are fairly harmless. HOWEVER, you should be gentle when cleaning your tonsils. Softer stones, or lymphatic fluid may be in your tonsils because it can contain bacteria that might spread down your throat or into your nasal, or sinus cavities. So, gentle pushing, and washing are better than piercing the stones. I have given myself strep by accidentally piercing very soft tonsil stones, accidentally allowing fluid into my throat. I was in bed sick, fever and all for a week. Tonsil stones with an odor indicate a higher concentration of bacteria. They may be stress related since stress puts extra pressure on your whole immune system. In order for your immune system to work properly, you need rest and relaxation. Your nervous system has two distinct modes, sympathetic (high alert) and parasympathetic (low-key, relaxed). If you are under unmanageable stress your immune system will not function at its best because it will be caught in the "fight, flight, or freeze" sympathetic mode where resources are sent to muscles, organs for perception, adrenal function, and whatever else you absolutely need to run away from a tiger or fist fight. When you rest, your parasympathetic system can restructure your energetic resources to less-urgent, but not less essential functions, like digestion, sleep, cleaning, healing, and regenerating.

SECOND: As I discussed above, tonsil stones form as part of our immune systems. White Blood Cells target bacteria and harden around it. Then they fight to break and kill the bacteria, or at the very least, keep it from entering other organs, taking them out of circulation. They can become large if the infection persists. If the infection is gone, they may fall out, or simply clean up layer after layer of WBCs to reveal a mineralized core of dead, mineralized bacteria. If you have removed a tonsil stone and found it to have a hard middle spot that crushes like sand or dust, then you have seen mineralized, dead bacteria, and the stones have done their job. I bought a whole sack of sterile syringes (no needles) and mixed about 1/3 to 1/2 of hydrogen peroxide and water. Then I use a reading light, small LED flashlight, or self-lighting makeup mirror to see inside my mouth. Use a lighted free standing mirror to see all you can see. Hydrogen peroxide can help kill the bacteria within the stones, shrinking them, and pushing them out from the inside, instead of digging into your tonsil, injuring more tissue, or cutting into small arteries that may not be able to handle the bacteria, or may circulate it. Wshing them this way is generally safer, and you can reach more. It may not get all the stones, but if you leave the Hydrogen Peroxide/ water mixture in as your last flush (do at least 2) then bacteria will continue to shrink overnight and the next day you can gargle them and wash them out. You don’t want to make the tissue raw, so I don’t suggest doing this more than 1 x per week, or 2 x per month. You can put peroxide on q-tips as well. It will help loosen big stones.

THIRD: BE careful. You don’t want to break the stones and increase risk of infection. You can reduce the amount of Hydrogen Peroxide if you want. Hydrogen peroxide kills most exposed living cells. You can gargle with a solution mixed with water, but you don’t want to swallow it. It can kill the helpful bacteria in your stomach and give you gas or a stomachache. If this happens, eat yogurt with active cultures, or probiotics, as one might after taking a course of anti-biotics. Hydrogen peroxide is a superficial anti-biotic, so you don't want to use it like you would penicillin or the like for internal purposes, like strep or infections of organ systems. SO, if using hydrogen peroxide to clean your tonsils, don’t swallow it, or gargle too frequently. Just gargling with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water can loosen stones. It can also send small amounts of the solution into your stomach and mess with the balance there. Also, WASH YOUR HANDS before and after. Remember you are dealing with bacteria you do not want to spread inside, or outside of your body to others.


That's exactly why I had mine taken out when I was 32 yrs old. Many doctors will refuse to take them out for that reason alone, so I told my ent that my tonsils hurt all the time and that I would get horrible scratchy feelings in my throat from time to time.

If you do get yours taken out be prepared for an uncomfortable recovery.


When I was younger before the internet was easy to get we had no F'n clue what these things were lol


Don’t remove them yourself? I understand if they’re huge or really in there, but no one is going to go to the doc every time they have them. I get them weekly!


I clicked on this video trying to get an answer as to why they have become more common since I can relate it to my case. Didn't get an answer. Misleading title. Disliked


That.... was the most pointless interview with the mother.


They come back sooner than a person thinks. I have smelled tonsil stones on people from way across a room because I get them. I clean off my tonsils every other day! Tonsil stones stink like Hell, and could ruin a relationship or friendship if not recognized immediately in some cases!


Theyre becoming more normal bc its caused by inflamed tonsils that makes the crypts bigger. Ive had the problem since I was a kid and recently noticed how red and inflamed my tonsils are. When the inflammation went down, so did the size of my tonsils. The question is why we are so inflamed? Is it our diet? Disease?


I had my tonsils removed after years of struggling with my tonsil issues including stones. It's about the best decision that I ever made in my life. All the pain, odor, doctors visits, etc. all ended after the surgery. I only wish I hadn't wasted years of my life trying to solve it on my own.


They are a reason why people have BAD breath. Next time your breath smells, it maybe due to a tonsil stone


The big reason they have gotten more common is due to the fact that most our grandparents don’t have their tonsils. They would take them out for everything. I may have had strep every year but there was no reason to take them out because a round of antibiotics and I’m good. They had them taken out. I was taking about tonsil stones and my grandparents were giving me weird looks and my mom told me able the tonsil removals.


I have removed them myself over years and there was no problem with it. I used a "japanese" ear-cleaner that has a metal loop and it worked out perfectly. These stones also develop when you have fissured tonsilles like I had (I had tonsillitis sooo many times in my life, esp. in childhood - and this has caused scarring - when your tonsilles are smooth on the surface you are less prone to these stones). In the end I had the tonsilles removed as they were causing more infections than being a shield for my immune system.


Smelliest substance known to humankind: the tonsil stone!

I've dealt with them for years. I also recommend not using any implement, incl. hand, to remove. Clicking the palate with mouth closed will allow one to dislodge these.


I have a huge problem with these.... No matter what i do they just freaking come And boy do they make ur breathe smell :/


Tonsils are an excretory gland. If you rub your lymphatic system in your neck, you can get stones to purge. It’s a natural way to cleanse your lymphatic system.


I hate these! They’ve cause me a lot of self confidence and social issues.


I suddenly got tonsil stones about 2 years ago when I was under immense stress from working a job I absolutely hated. Ever since I left that job, i haven’t seen a tonsil stone again. I wonder if they’re possibly stress related.


Almost bled to death using a waterpik irrigator, cut the tissue open.. so yeah.


Used to hack them up in class and thought my insides were melting


I get them just before I get ill & then again just before I get better. I've had them as long as I can remember.
