How I Became FLUENT in FRENCH in 1 Year!

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Hi, I'm Rory. I lead serious French learners beyond the frustration of boring and ineffective grammar lessons, helping them confidently achieve all of their goals.

– Have you been trying to learn French via unproductive methods, such as grammar rules, private tutoring or language apps?
– Are you annoyed you have not progressed with confidence towards your goals?
– Are you ready to finally achieve your goals via a new learning method you have not tried before?

If so, go through my videos and see how I learned French in 12 months, and how I am working with my Students 1-on-1 to do the same.

Once you have done so, you can book in an Application Call with me to see if you qualify to work with me 1-on-1.

Note - I have a small, select number of Students. I will only consider your application if I can see that your are truly serious about achieving your French goals, and you are prepared to financially commit to achieving them. I make free videos here on YouTube, however teaming up with me 1-on-1 is exclusive and only for those who are the most dedicated to their success.

You will have noticed that I am a French "Coach" and not a "Tutor" or "Teacher". This is as, I cannot "teach" you French if you do not commit to doing the appropriate work. If you are not a hard worker and you are not serious about learning French, please do not book a call as you will be wasting both of our time.

––– More about me –––

I begun learning French in late 2019/early 2020, right as Covid 19 began. Living in Melbourne, Australia, we were required to stay at home for months by the government in "confinement". I had always wanted to learn a second language, even after previous bad experiences at High School with Japanese & Italian, so now was the perfect time. I had lots of free time and I couldn't leave my house! I decided to learn French as it was very mysterious to me.

I didn't know much about France, but I knew all of the stereotypes. Men with moustaches, baguettes, croissants and much more! Once I begun learning however I quickly realised how much I enjoyed immersing myself in a culture, so far, yet so close to my own. Frustrated by the traditional and out-dated learning methods school and private tutoring pushes, I was keen to learn via a new method - conversations and stories. Learning "naturally" and allowing the French to come to me made so much more sense than forcing myself to memorise boring grammar rules, or require myself to speak when I didn't have confidence to do so! I learned things I never thought I would, and it has provided me with a new-found self-belief that I am capable of learning anything in the world if I commit to my goals. I want you to experience the same.

My channel is here to provide you with the knowledge you need to learn "real life" French, nothing more.
My channel is NOT here to teach you grammar rules so you can pass a language exam and then forget about French.

I hope you find value in the knowledge and experience I share with you.

I have a small following here on YouTube & Instagram, and I want to keep it that way. I prefer to have 1,000 passionate French learners that find true value in the knowledge and experience that I share, instead of 1,000,000 "spectators", who just watch my videos for entertainment.

Remember that if you really want to achieve something, all problems become opportunities.

Think about that.

Rory Phelan - French Coach 🇫🇷
Рекомендации по теме

I love how direct you are — you nailed it. Language learning is not flashy (until you reach a level where you can have fun and show off). It’s gritty and you do truly have to sacrifice for it. Great video!


Leaving this here for the algo. Great, no-nonsense approach and delivery style


Such an articulate explanation of how to efficiently learn French! I had done the same type of immersion with Spanish for over a year now and reaped similar results. You begin to realize that as you continue to study, listen, read, and speak, that learning a language is a way of life, not a 30 day challenge. I hope to become fluent in French over the next few years as well (with consistency of course). Thanks for the motivating video mate!


I love the way u do in the first 3 months, you are exposed to language with comprehensible input and make it difficlut gradually. The interesting point is the effort to translate English into French and vice versa.


Bonjour ! Spot on! I agree with you! I started my French journey almost 5 years ago and it's been awesome.


Fantastic video! Direct and to the point! Well done Rory.


dont stop buddy ur gonna rise keep doing this


Il dit la vérité 💯.. C'est ce que je fais tous les jours et je m'améliore toujours car j'ai tellement pratiqué que j'ai maintenant développé une passion pour ça. Ma motivation a toujours été le Québec au Canada. C'est là que je vais vivre et la langue qu'ils parlent est le français, je dois donc être préparé. Mais personnellement, je pense que le français est la meilleure langue du monde.

Edit: Je pratique dans tout ce que je fais, je veux dire, tout et aussi partout, même dans mon sommeil, même maintenant j'étudie pendant que j'écoute 👂 cette vidéo.. J'espère parler français tous les jours de ma vie 💯.. Même quand j'étais à la plage hier, j'étudiais 😂.. Parfois je suis frustré, mais je suis déterminé, donc c'est important d'essayer de développer une passion pour ça ❤❤❤.. Mais je dois rendre toute la gloire au Seigneur car cela n'est possible que grâce à lui 🙌


thank you! you make me commit to learning french🙏🏼


The issues are conditioning the person to learn, developing the discipline for commitment, relevancy, and retaining information for long term recall. If I learn something today, can I recall it to use 6 months from now? But immediately, learning a thing needs reinforcement for long term recall. A good video that's food for thought, and I am also learning french. Now fluency is what level are we talking about? A1 level in 1 year or c2 level in 1 year. Phrases, commitment, social/emotional commitment, and watch the financial folks, somebody is always trying to get into the wallet. I agree on 1 thing. Grammer is a killer for beginners. Go easy with that. Grammer is a dirty word!


Wish it was 30 mins a day. It’s at least 4 hours for last three years for me


Thanks for the vid mate! Could you post a vid or refer me to one of you speaking in French?


Honestly these are amazing teps and pretty straight forward. 🎉


There is no progress without the putting in the effort. Surely, the effort will feel boring at times but there are no shortcuts to the learning curve. Grammar is the foundation, it allows you to understand the language and build upon it.


Bro have you used pimsleur and do you recommend


got any suggestions for sources to study phrases? thanks for the video, very helpful


Phrases or vocab? Do you mean every day phrases where you can source in an afternoon. Vocab being list of words. Thanks


Share your source where you learn phrases etc


Great video! What did you do most while studying? Reading, studying Assimil, or verbal conversations? Im asking because I’m on day 39 of learning Spanish by reading everyday. The first 30 days I read for one hour and now I’m readying for 2 hours a day. I do an Italki lesson every week to show my followers my progress. I am making amazing progress but have not done any real studying or memorising.


This is an Astralian accent, I guess.
