7 Ways To Stop Dying In Apex Legends

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Today we are going over 7 Ways To Stop Dying in Apex Legends Season 12! These Apex Legends Tips and Tricks really all have to do with how to survive longer in Apex Legends and how to stop losing fights in Apex. Let me know in the comments if you learned something and if you would like more on how to stop losing in Apex in the future! Apex Legends Season 12 is looking pretty exciting and should bring in some new players to the game which always means Apex Legends Tips and Tricks for beginners are helpful!

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0:00 - Stop Doing These
0:20 - Arguably The Most Important...
2:15 - Movement
3:52 - Just Wait A Second
5:02 - Best Practice
5:50 - Slow It Down
7:00 - Game Sense & Position
8:42 - Enemies
10:15 - Slam That Like Button :)


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Being aware of your teammate's positioning is important too! My Achilles' heel is being an engagement when my teammate's aren't around to support or are in a spot where it's difficult for them to maneuver to help 😅


Most of the times I die, I easily kill two out of three people in a team, being the last one in *my* team alive, and then make a really stupid mistake or move which gets me killed. I end up thinking about it for ages after the game has finished, thinking about all the different ways it could’ve gone had I done something different lmao


Just don't drop fragment is my general tip to survive longer


I die far too often trying to clutch a reload rather than switching to my secondary


I can't stress this enough, but be aware of where you drop, and if there is another squad nearby, almost all the time a jumpmaster will drop players into a massive crossfire zone and have the squad dead before they can even pick up guns.

Most of the time if you are playing in a pub you are usually having a team of people with less than confident aim and reaction time, so its better for them to get well geared first before dropping them into a firefight.

Because at least a player with low skill can get a few good shots before going down if their gun is kitted out and their shield is blue or purple. Where as in the middle of a firefight with nothing but a p20 they might as well be walking shield XP.


Ngl that kraber shot in the smoke at the start was clean


Thank you for this video.

Learning from great players makes it easier for us to improve


I literally just followed most of his tips and got my first win as ash


My movement is pretty bad (strafing I mean). I don't tend to overpeek. But I do have this bad habit of throwing all of that out the window when I realize my teammates(s) are getting low health, and this will normally get me knocked. When I don't have to worry about my teammates, I've found I can play much more efficiently. I'm not the best at 1v3s so I would always pray my teammates will have the sense to push when they know for sure we'll have the advantage. I also have the habit of sometimes cracking someone and wanting to finish the kill. I've found that cracking an enemy is a good tactic to have their other teammate push individually, which gives you a greater advantage of knocking one without the worry that the other teammate will risk pushing while still low health. This situation is different with 1v3s (which is why I'm not so good at it). I hate when I'm having a 1v1 and their teammate comes up behinds me and shoots me, or I'll suddenly get shot by 2 people. Not sure if anyone has videos on dealing with this sort of situation, but getting out of it (when the players are clearly goof at aiming and tracking) is almost nearly impossible.


bloodhound scan is a pretty solid thing to heal off of, you can always cancel and usually they would expect a peek after you get wallhacks on them


I have the elite series 2, but my aim is terrible, do you have any advise for me to get better at my aim.


Another that I always forget to do that make me lose my games is after wining an engagement like a 1 on 1, is to take cover, take a deep breath and RELOAD, I always forget to reload in the moment and try to engage another player while both of my guns empty having myself jump on them not shooting but reloading right in their face. XD


Thanks for the tips, they are really good!


i needed this thank you sm and got heirloom today!


answer to the thumbnail : yes, not just yes but xtra yes


tim: dont peak when u are low
*proceeds to show a clip of him with half health no shields running in on enemies*


I watch these till 1:00 in the morning thanks for the good content


Bald heirloom Wraiths: Wow! This is worthless


The best tip(s) to not die is to
1. *git gud*
2. Don't die


10:22 What was that about crouch spamming? :D
