The Cautionary Tale of Vanessa Hudgens and Austin Butler

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“To not let your boyfriend stop you from meeting your husband” is hilarious 😂😂😂


She was a stepping stone for his career. She finally got what she wanted with someone else. Happy for her


Being the perfect woman does nothing for you if you love him more than you love yourself


My sister in law went through this for 10 years. She gave him an ultimatum, he married her. He's been cheating their entire relationship and he looks miserable. I think he was always looking for someone better but never found anyone who would tolerate his bs the way she does. She pretends they're happy but they're not. She's always crying for his love and attention and gets jealous of other women who are happier than her.
Ladies, don't wait longer than 2-3 years. A man knows who will be his wife and he won't hesitate with the right woman. Don't waste your precious life.


She is happy now married and pregnant happy for her❤


i had this too. My ex was always letting me know how it was too early to marry. We lived together and had a dog. He didn’t think that after 3 years we where ready to marry yet. I started to get impatient and talked with him about it. Conclusion of a pretty peaceful conversation: we had to split up, because he didn’t know what he wanted and he made the choice to not keep me from finding someone that could give me what i wanted. He was a good guy, we just where not a good fit. few months later i met a guy that is now my husband, after 1 year of living toghether we had a kid and now the second child is on the way. And i couldn’t be happier, my husband really is amazing


Basically. "It don't take a whole day to recognize sunshine " 🌞🌟🌞


I remember messing with my boyfriend in college by pretending like I was going to fill out a marrige certificate for Vegas. He just said "go ahead, I'm down" and he didn't even try to stop me or freak out. We'd only been together for almost a year at that point. 10 years, 1 marriage and 1 kid later, we still have a great relationship! If you know what you want, dont waste time with less!


This is the truth!! Dated a guy for nearly 4 years, always talked about how serious I was about marriage and having a family, and he would have every excuse why our relationship wasn’t ready for that next step. We broke up eventually, my rose colored glasses came off.. 1 month later I met my now fiancé, the man I had been praying for all those years and we both knew on our first date that we found the one, our end game. He asked me to marry him within 6 months of us dating. We’re getting married this summer! I couldn’t be happier or more blessed to be with such an amazing man!!
Moral of the story is: when a man is serious about you, he will make it abundantly clear that you are the one. If you’re questioning your place in his life and uncertain what a future with him looks like, you need to decide whether or not you wanna spend the rest of your life in a wishy-washy relationship and go find a real man.


My husband told me he knew within the first couple months of dating that he knew he wanted to marry me, he just wanted to wait until i felt ready. He proposed a year and a half into dating, by 2 years we were married. He started our first date saying that he was dating to marry and if i was just dating around then I wasnt for him. I told him i didnt have a specific age I wanted to get married, I always wanted to get married based on when I met the right person whenever that was. My answer was satisfactory for him. Now were married, buying our second house soon, have a toddler and I'm pregnant with twins. We're not even 30 yet. Life is good.


Some guys like having a “forever girlfriend” because they’re comfortable and won’t ever be ready for the marriage titles. A man who truly loves you and wants what’s best for you won’t waste your youth like that and will never leave you confused❤️


Girl it took me 2 kids and twelve years to learn this. Left and met my husband. After A year, he asked me, and we been Happy since. He even asked my kids first if he could marry me and could we have a baby together 🥰


Some people are meant to happen, while only one is meant to be. You won’t find the partner that is destined for you, if you don’t let go of people that are just meant to happen. My husband proposed within 2 months of knowing each other and wanted no one else to have even a minor chance of stealing me away. We’ve been lovingly married for 18 happy years❤ Good luck finding your true love ❤


Let‘s not forget that age is a factor.
At 22 you are not as experienced as with 32. My parents met at 32 and got married 5 months later and they are still married 36 later.
My mom always said that she knew exactly what she wanted and my dad was just that. But also, that she only knew so well because she had gone through a couple of crappy relationships and had life experience.


I met my husband in a videogame. We are each other's first relationship. The day we First met after being 15, 000 km apart, it was weird I knew him for so long already. He proposed to me that evening, and now 10 years later it still feels like honeymoon period. I asked him why he proposed so fast so many times, and he'd always tell me that when he found me, he knew he needs to act fast and not let me go 😂


My mom already passed away but when young she was stunning inside and out.
Instantly my dad asked her out, flocked to her house to met her parents, asked for her hand then rapidly proposed within one or two years I believe.
My dad had to fight off alot of guys lol
He wasnt necesarily what youd call handsome but everytime he could, hed tell mom, "Thank you for choosing me!" 😂


Girls, I told my boyfriend of 4 years I'd be okay with not marrying, even though I wanted to and still want to, just because he didn't want to get married and I wanted him. We broke up yesterday. Sitting with my head on my hands.


Men who know their girlfriend wants to get married and have kids and they waste their time are so rude. Especially for a woman who has limited time to be able to have children, if you know they want kids, don't waste their time!! Glad Vanessa was able to move on and get pregnant.


😂😂😂 my sisters husband proposed after 3 weeks after she left a 7 year relationship and was told she'd never find someone to marry her, with 3 kids. He proposed after 3 weeks, they got married on their 6 month anniversary, and have been (seemingly) happily married for 12 years, with 3 bio kids. She'd broken up with her baby daddy 2 weeks when she met my BIL


I was in the same situation as Vanessa. Was with my ex for nearly 10 years, I did tell him early on I liked to be married someday. That day never happened and by the time he mentioned (not propose) about getting married that idea had sailed well into the horizon for me 😂 I’m glad we didn’t because after leaving him I met now my partner who I am so in love with and with the first few months he asked my thoughts on marriage I said I’ve always wanted to and he was like “a girl like you I don’t want to let go of”. That’s the kind of man you want who sees your worth where my ex did not. A man will make it clear if they want you and if they don’t don’t waste your time. I’m really happy for her!
