#1 Most Important Finding In How Not To Age!

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What is the most important finding in how not to age? If we only did one thing to improve longevity what would it be? What is the ant-aging 8? What is methionine and why is it so important to this discussion? What is mTOR? How much protein should we be eating per day? Let’s find out…..

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He's absolutely correct, in my experience as a 70 year-old man.


Maybe we should take notice of what Michael Pollen said “ Eat real food not too much “


The most extensive study on the protein intake and its consequence was done by Dr Colin Campbell. I highly reccomend his book "The China Study".


This is fascinating because there are two camps. So many others like dr mark Hyman, Dr Atilla, brad Stanfield, and so many others say we should increase protien. I eat mostly plants, therefore a moderate plant protein intake.


Estoy aquí solo por qué me gusta escuchar tu voz! Cómo me encantaría hablar como tu, bien clarito y bien articulado cada palabra en una entonación perfecta. Wow! 🤩


Valuable information, thanks for bring it to us!


❤ Thank you ! This is valuable information ! I must admit though the longer I have been dealing with the topic „protein intake and longevity“ the more insecure I have been getting. In contrast to Dr Greger the representatives of a muscle centric medicine ( Dr.Gabrielle Lyon for example ) insist on a high intake of protein ( especially from animals, even if they explain that it might be possible to cover one‘s needs with plant derived protein, although this could be more complicated in the long run ) next to resistance training to sustain or build up muscle tissue. So here I am …torn between restriction and levelling up my protein consumption.


I have one healthy kidney and my nutritionist set my daily goal of protein to 70. I’m 45 years old.


👍 Whole food plant based for the environment and health; vegan for the victims!


Thanks so much for sharing this great Information.


You can live to 100 if you give up everything that makes life worth living.


We evolved from the billions of persons who lived the carnivore diet over the last 2 million years who did not worry about fiber or fruits or wheat or corn. They needed high quality food within 3-5 days or their fat stores would diminish to the point of weakness and animal food was the only way to provide that instant energy (fat) and sustenance (protein and flesh nutrients). We stopped eating mostly meat about 25, 000 years ago when we had driven to extinction those animals that caused us to thrive. It was all downhill after that. I will stick with 90% carnivore. No science experiments for me.


After watching a video like this one, it just makes you want/need to do some more investigating! Which I just don't have the time for! But, I appreciate your efforts to stimulate my curiosity!!


Thanks so much for making this important video.


if u intentionally eat low protein (for example like the suggested 50g) on a vegan diet ull almost certainly be chronically low in lysine
u can punch the numbers into cronometer and see for urself
also...in my personal experience: if i eat that little protein, i feel unsatisfied/still hungry after 2000+ cals, and after a while i notice that my movements become slower and my hair doesnt grow as thickly (takes a while to make the connection, its not like somebody tells u this...u just notice it after switching back to higher protein intakes)


agreed. However, lets compare people who eat highly processed plant foods against people who eat 100% natural foods with a little bit of meat.
It is the processed foods which are killing us, not eating some meat.


I really appreciate Dr. Greger's work, but could he please address the significant inflammatory problems some people experience with the lectins in legumes and quinoa, and suggest some good plant protein alternatives?


What if you are into sports and working out? I am sorry, I already know what I feel like on only 60-90 grams of plant protein, and it isn’t high performance or anything that feels like strength. Add a good vegan sports geared protein powder with enough BCAA’s included in it for some protein synthesis, and I start to feel a bit better…


I am familiar with Methioneine restriction but cycsteine restriction surprises me. One of the most popular anti-aging supplements is N-Acetyl-Cysteine. Is this a contradiction? Is one of these wrong, or is there a biological oddity at work?


So if I'm understanding correctly, cutting the amount of methionine helps decrease aging? Because if so, that's good news.
