Brake noise when stopping.

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Brake noise when stopping. One of the most common complaints for any auto repair shop. On this Tech Tip Tuesday - Episode 25 we look at very common noise and what the solution is.

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Never seen a video like this. This is a very unique diagnosis that I have not been able to find. Thank you for contributing to the world's knowledge.


No one can figure this out except you!!! You are a Genius my friend. Awesome find.


having the exact same problem, and just as you said when at the mechanic the noise stops haha


Had the same noise. I changed every parts I could to eliminate the problem. At first I also thought it was coming from a broken caliper pin. The noise came 2 days after I changed it. Then I swapped brake discs on both side because if it is, the noise should have been transferred from the side that came the noise. I finally eliminated the noise by fixing the brake disc dust guard. The dust guard was a bit dented which caused vibration to the brake caliper only when braking.


I finallly found the problem man, appreciate it💪🏼
I changed everything, calipers, brake pads, and I was about to change the wheel bearing but I wanted to check the rotor first and this is exactly what it sounds like


This is the only video in youtube that shows this issue. I've looked in forums, and plenty of people couldn't figure this out.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge sir.


Hi Lou! I’m getting the same noise when I press slightly on break and the noise stops when I press hard on the break. What was strange the noise went away after a carwash then came back again a day later. When I went to my car dealer we went for a test drive to check the problem and of course there was no noise… the mechanic checked the breaks and said the noise I hear is because I don’t drive much and there is a rust build up… After watching you video I’m sure the noise issue is what you discovered.


This is exactly what I am hearing on my sonata! I have already diagnosed its something with the brakes but I have never heard of rotor parallelism


Exact same noise on my breaks, you found out what my problem on my breaks, please elaborate how to fix this issues and upload more videos, thanks a lot


Ya..I have the same problem.. when I apply brakes slowly in turns this sound is coming and when I apply suddenly and fast the breaks, there won't be any sound.


Boyfriend changed my breaks and rotors and I have this exact sound only on my left front wheel. This video has narrowed me down cause I thought it was a caliper at first but now I’m convinced it could a faulty rotor now. It’s not constant. Only happens here and there but is it embarrassing when coming to a slow stop at a light with people next to me with there windows down, lol.


I believe this is my issue with a brand new rotor, front driver break makes that exact noise, but also backing up in the morning that same break sounds like im running over sticks at a certain point then stops. Then only makes this noise rest of the day.


Same problem when I applied brake at slow run the noise was horrible i changed bush wheel bearings disc break pads lots of new stuff but still sound not solved then i changed hub and wheel bearing along then the sound was gone thank u for ur video🎉


I went in a certified AAA shop for oil change with free diagnostic included. The car was fine, no problem. I get the car back and on my 1st turn on the light, i heard the noise and it is getting louder and louder. Very upset abt it.


Had this same noise every time I would press on break coming from rear thanks man ! Got new rotors and new brakes. Heard a bunch of theories before check that ur rotor is not out yet my dumb ass knew at first but still had theories of slide pins and all this other bs but it was my rotor


I just got my front brake pads replaced from a shop recently. Not sure if they replaced it incorrectly, but my brakes now makes similar sound from brand new pads when softly pressing on the brakes. It wasn't making any noise before the replacement, so why would replacing the pads cause parallelism?


Amazing!! Only video I could find on internet that's exactly replicating my problem.

In my case, issue started ONLY after I changed the rortor and the pads. Any reason why would it happen on new parts??

I would rule out the possibility of hub going bad since this occurred only after I installed new rotors and pads.

Thanks in advance!


I just installed new brakes myself and now I hear this exact sound! But the only difference is I get this WITH and WITHOUT stepping on the brakes. Yes, it happens even while braking. Yessir, I checked the dust shield. Not sure what it could be. Thoughts?


Finally, I found a video with the exact noise im hearing from my left front wheel while slowly braking. The noise came after i skimmed both front rotors and had both bearings replaced. Now my question is, why am I only hearing it from one place (LFW)? And also what could be the solution? If it is either the hub or rotor, should I change both right and left frint wheel?


I have the same issue right now caliper pin, brake rotors and brakepads are all replaced but still having the same issue, what might be the real culprit as it comesback again and still hearing noise even when the car is moving slowly
