Vocal Lessons - Ken Tamplin Coaches 14 Year Old Student - How To Sing - Journey - Faithfully

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Vocal Lessons - Ken Tamplin Coaches 14 Year Old Student - How To Sing - Journey - Faithfully
Vocal Lessons - Vocal Coach Ken Tamplin Coaches 14 Year Old Student Ryan Haeri- How To Sing - Journey - Faithfully
Learn great vocal techniques like how to use your head voice, how to use Mixed voice, and how to use your chest voice from Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy. Sing songs by Steve Perry or any of your favorite artists. If this young man of 14 years old can learn to do it, you probably can, too!

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This kid can sing... and he has some major guts to do this video. Those guts will help him on stage when he's famous.


Ken, it would be cool to hear him sing this again after so many years of hard work.
He would be around 22 now.


Ken, I just think you are awesome. Your vids have helped me sing better with more fun for my spiritual community. Thank you.


This is awesome! You are both extremely talented! Thank you for your post!


I sure hope I can talk my daughter into taking your free course!! She's got it, just needs some Ken!! 🤟


ok, I JOURNEY & all of Steve Perry's solo work (Foolish Heart, You Better Wait, Missing You!!!) you've had your 4 years Ryan, get your single out. lol... you don't know me from sam, but you're better than most I hear on the radio, no insult to them (like that Stitches guy), plus I would think the guys and girls would think you're cool looking. SO impressed with Ken's style, and kindness... All the best on a great 2016!


Eres un excelente profesor. Great teacher 😊🙏🌹


Ive learned a lot from you sir ken ...thanks for all your videos it helps me a this is jay from the phils. Rock in roll to the world!!!!


Sir !🙏🙏
By watching your videos, i found my voice and worked on it, now i can sing some difficult phrases also in singing, i can sing aggressive with my guitar, but, i am confused about head and mix and chest voices
I am from India and i sing hindi Bollywood songs
But i don't know in which voice i shoud sing and therefore my vocal tone is not good i can sing in pitch but not with good quality tone
Please react to indian singer Arijit Singh and please if you can just briefly tell me in that video in which voice i should sing to be in better tone !chest or mix or head !!
Love from India 🇮🇳💖💖💖💖


I love the Vocals..inspired by your student... :) Great! keep it up!


Sure would love too!! Even lessons! So how would I go about doing that?


Hey Ken, his voice sounds pre-pubescent at the time the video was taken, after all he IS 14 in the video. Did you coach him while he made the transition since the video, and do you still coach him? If you still coach him, has his mature voice settled in yet, and has your techniques helped him while he was transitioning? 

Are there certain techniques that one should avoid while they are in puberty, as to not permanently damage their voice in the process? I've heard some children that were great singers...however when they made their transition, they were still singing certain ways and when the voice finally finished changing, their voice didn't sound right, they couldn't hit certain notes and tones the way they should be, etc. My cousin is around that age and I tell him to be careful to not over exert his voice in certain keys, to avoid damaging his chords while his voice changes.


Dude, Ken that is... You have some feisty students, and I do get a kick out of them. A certain blonde female singer is most entertaining, and maybe someday we could work together. On the other hand, a certain brunette singer rocks! Just be yourselves, as usual, and don't worry about the dumbest things. Your mind paints one picture, and reality reveal's another, a difference of just being yourself, sillies...


Love you bro. Not in a gay way lol.. you're awesome Ken..


I have never seen a vocal coach on here demonstrate teaching an actual student before, that is so great, love this kid he's so good! You've done an awesome job. Looking forward to seeing more of these.


He just turned 14, has only been singing for a few months at this point, started out as a guitar player and now has a direct audition for the voice :-)


You're really nice when you teach... Wish I lived close enough for in person lessons, lol


Is There Really Such Thing As "Stress Free Singing"?

I see many vocal coaches (and their students) promoting the idea that "there should be no stress while singing" and therefore frustrating the heck out of singers who think there is "something wrong with themselves" because they can't, over night,  achieved this "stress free" singing.
(this also gives a vocal coach "tribal knowledge" to keep you coming back to them as the only one who has the answer to this elusive concept)

This is nonsense and here's why:

Singing is like a sport. And with any sport, it's not the absence of stress, it's the management of stress that makes a great athlete.  

Think of it like this:

When Lionel Messi is going to goal, do you think his body is "stressed?"
(Anyone who says it isn't has never played a sport before).

But Lionel has learned the art of training his body and mind for that moment when it's time for him to step on the gas, take on 3 players and score what "looks" like an "effortless goal."

But you can be assured, it was not done "without effort" or without "stress."

Lionel achieved this through training his technical abilities as well as building stamina and muscle memory to achieve this consistency.

Now it is true that some styles of singing require less stamina than others and therefore can be accomplished with less strength training.

In other words, singing a light pop song requires very little "strength" in the sound whereas singing a heavy rock song often requires incredible strength and stamina.

This is also true for those (like myself) that want to push their "limits" and abilities to be all they can be. This of course requires more "effort" and technical training.

With that said, there are many stages to building this "stamina" and it's ok to "find yourself" as one first starts with "damaging street singing" (with total stress) and going through the different stages of learning how to manage this stress away form the voice through correct training.

If I didn't show the different stages of this process, and only showed "perfection", people would never learn that these people are all human, having to work on their craft just like yourself.



He's 21 or 22 now and I bet he watches this video often. I would.


For anyone interested in my singing academy - (Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy) 
