DaVinci Resolve BEST Export Settings Explained! 18.6 UPDATE

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DaVinci Resolve 18.6 is here, and it brings a CRUCIAL new feature for exports! So it's time to finally go over EVERYTHING you need to know about #resolve export settings!

00:00 Resolve 18.6 is AMAZING!
00:42 Cache, Scratch & Export Locations
01:55 Project Settings Optimizations
03:30 Container/Format Choice
04:13 Codec Choice
05:12 Resolve 18.6 Free Encoder Selection Issues?
06:03 YouTube takes ANY codec!
06:39 Quality Settings!
07:08 Mac Quality Optimization
07:27 Network Optimization?
07:55 10-bit!
09:43 Multi-pass encode?
10:28 Advanced Settings
11:12 Subtitles & Chapters
11:58 STOP uploading 1080p to YouTube!
13:04 Vertical & Square Formats
13:26 NEW Audio Exporting MAGIC
15:18 Where to Export renders
16:25 Free Downloads!
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Brilliant. Finally someone making an export video with some genuine knowledge behind it. Thanks so much...


THIS WAS AWESOME. I Watched a million videos and not one person gave the these export setting in such a way that made you feel like you understood the what and why for most of the features.


As someone who just transitioned from Premiere to Resolve, this video is SUPER useful. Thank you!


The Holy Grail of DaVinci Exporting. Without any doubt, the BEST tutorial on the whole damn internet.


Network Optimization is basically faststart option in ffmpeg, it'll move "moov atom" to the beginning of the file. So having moov atom at the beginning of the file have a benefit with no impact of file size and quality.

For example, when you upload it to YouTube, your video will get process instantly *while you're still uploading* This is because moov atom contains information about your video such as resolution, frame rate, and other information that require mp4 or mov container to function. (There are a lot of details about how mp4 container works. I'm not going to write it all in here.)

This is the same reason why OBS said when you choose mp4 for recording format that the file will corrupt if there's BSOD or power outage. Because moov atom usually write at the end of the file in the finalizing process when you press stop recording. When there's BSOD the moov atom didn't finalize and result in the corrupted file.


I tried your export settings and they've made such a huge difference. File sizes are way down and upload speeds are up. Thanks for this fam!


I was working on a video for my YouTube channel, and I wanted to say thanks for creating this video. It is so easy to just click the EposVox preset I created in DaVinci Resolve when I'm ready to export my video. Your video was so helpful. Thanks again!


Hey, I was checking out Davinci Resolve again after using it a few times before. I didn't really know what all the extra settings did, but your explanation was super clear! I realize now that I wasn't using the export features to their full potential.


Thank you! I always look forward to your deep dives on programs I use!


those are some nice features! Looks like I’m gonna upgraded to the studio version. Between the subtitles, transcription stuff, and these export settings, it’s worth it.


I've been using Davinci for a while now but only have been doing basic stuff such as clipping video recordings, but I've always had issues on exporting. Your video helps A LOT not only on getting to the point fast but also explains on what each setting does and which system is best for it.
Amazing summary.


Could you do an updated video please? I thumbled through the settings as they look quite different now, especially the audio tab on the render settings. Would also be good to show a zoomed out Render settings page, as I often got lost as to where you were looking, partly because of the changes but also an overview is nice too. Appreciate the video and the tips!


I feel like I leveled up watching this. Appreciate you!


oh wow. I've been jonesin' for an easier way to normalize audio for YouTube for EVER! I never even knew that feature was added and I'm so happy to have it now. Thanks for the demo of all these good settings.


Thank you very much for your tips.
I will apply them right from my nearest rendering.


This is GREAT info! Thank you thank you :) I might suggest turning down some of your film grain and the extreme blue hue on the video, but tons of great knowledge in here.


Thanks for this! Been waiting to upgrade!
So much good stuff! Again, thanks for the coverage!!


This is all I was looking for. Great video...finally I know what to set everything with a good reasoning behind it


I started exporting my 1080p videos to 4k and the quality is way better. The bitrate, everyone says to crank it but automatic does seem to work well. I’ll have to test it some more


Looking forward to using these suggestions on my next video! Definitely interested in the audio normalization. I typically would upload a test render and compare the content loudness dB to more popular creators so I know my loudness is on par with those.
