Lat “Non-Responder” Solution (LATS WON’T GROW!)

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Grow bigger wider lats with one routine

Having lats that don’t respond to normal training and resist growth is actually pretty common. The reason for this however is pretty straight forward and not so difficult to fix. In this video, I show you the most common reason for lats that won’t get wider or bigger and give you ways to fix that with one simple exercise. In fact, this is one back exercise that you are likely doing in every back workout you do already.

The one armed row showcases exactly why you probably aren’t getting your lats to respond. Most of the time, we perform this back exercise incorrectly which leads to more back thickness being developed and less back width. In search of the added width, we seek out other exercises that spread our arms out over our heads (as in pullups) but still don’t get the results we are looking for. That is because the solution was not what exercise you did but how you did the ones you were doing.

With the one armed row, you need to do two very important things if you want to maximally affect the lats. First, you must keep your upper arm tight to your body as you pull through each rep. Your elbow must stay tucked to your side in an adducted position. This is not the most comfortable thing to do however, as you are likely to feel an intense contraction if you aren’t used to performing your reps this way.

But that is just the beginning. In fact, beyond just the position of the elbow in relation to the torso you also must limit that amount that the elbow bends if you want to force more lat spread. The tendency is to let the elbow bend a lot as you pull but this is because you are recruiting extra help from the biceps to help you lift the weight up. Good for your biceps but bad for your lat recruitment.

Back to the position of the elbow, realize that as it tracks away from your body almost perpendicular to the torso you are shifting the majority of the work to the traps, rear delts and rhomboids. Again, this is not a bad thing if you are trying to build more back density and thickness. When looking for back width however and that elusive V Taper, you are going to get it from training the lats and to do this the elbow must stay tight to your side.

The move you are trying to accomplish is very similar to the straight armed pushdown. This move allows you to get your elbows tight to your sides while getting the upper arm to pass behind your body into extension. You should feel as if you are mimicking the same motion as you pull with an arc and limit elbow flexion on the row variation I show you here.

Рекомендации по теме

Me doing any sort of lat pulldown*

_forarms and biceps have entered the chat_ 😡


god man. every time I watch a new video, I learn something new. by far the best fitness channel on YouTube.


All of my muscles are non responders :(


Jeff please do a video for calf and forearm non responders!


Hey Jeff, one thing I always do for my back and delt exercises is that I take my thumb out of the equation. Instead of closing the grip around the dumbbell or bar, I put my thumb on the other side of it. So instead of making an "O", I make more of a "C" grip. Works great on lat pulldowns.


You got me into the gym 8 years ago and still watch your old videos regularly to sharpen my knowledge when needed thank you for your help.


this guy always has the most instructive videos on YouTube on how to properly perform the exercises correctly. couldn't ask for better videos.



Thank you, Jeff!
Just did my first close-side lat set, and I immediately feel the target muscle group hit. Awesome. Can't wait to support your mission with a program purchase.


I had the exact problem yesterday & you've just provided a solution 👍 best fitness channel on Youtube by far👏


Everytime I watch this guy I learn something new. I had my lesson for the day. Great video my friend.


i am convinced i was born without lats


So true, I've been following his advice on one arm row only for a couple of weeks and already I can see a huge difference in my lats. The dude is giving away gold. Legend!


Learning something new every video! Thanks for the effort, Jeff!


Jeff ..i am a 65 yo male that had heaps of problems health wise ..i just got to a point of no return and thought ..i have to do something here or i'm done..i started on a program following you helpful tips lifting just the weight of the slide on it's own ..i have now progressed to lifting 6 plates in various exercises and i feel a whole lot better for it..all this from a man that could at one stage not even put on a shirt without help...many thanks for your well thought out training video's they have helped this worn out male get a new lease on life and i am very thankful to you for your help in achieving what i at one stage thought impossible..John


Simple exercise but even trying it without a weight and simply doing the motion with your arm makes you feel how much of a contraction you get in the lats. Thanks Jeff


I find these videos not only educational but also inspirational thanks again


awesome video, tried it yesterday actually sore for a change! feel like I finally worked the lats, thanks Jeff!


Jeff you're the only trainer i understand and feel that explains throughly each point and why each one is effective. great job you are a great inspiration to me. i dont know you personally but it's almost like a do cuz your videos really help me. thank you brother.



Do the One-Arm Dumbbell Row.
1:05 Don't let your elbow drift out to the side. Keep it tight by your body.
1:55 Don't pull with your bicep. Keep your forearm perpendicular to the ground.

Saving you time. Thank me later.


I’ve been struggling for this for a while and have searched so many youtube videos and i can’t believe it’s taken me years to find this one!
