What Men Really Want In A Woman

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Many of us believe that men only look at the physical, but they do not, they also pay attention to other important aspects.

So, What Men Really Want In A Woman? Keep watching to FIND OUT ...

1. Attitude.

Attitude is a basic thing to consider. Men like women who are cheerful, funny, smiling and have a good sense of humor. The attitude of a girl should be positive, this will make you more striking and will facilitate the way how you relate to others.

2. The way of walking.

Men notice a woman's body a lot, and this goes hand in hand with the way women walk. A serious mistake is to use huge platforms that make women look as if they were a new born deer. Do not try to walk like a super model, just do it naturally.

3. What you carry in your bag.

Men notice everything even if you do not believe it, it is common for the cell phone to go to the bottom of your bag and you begin to take out all your beauty articles, keys, wallet, charger, a thousand things that women carry. Be careful! A man relates the disorder in your purse with your personality. It is advisable to carry only the essentials in the bag.

4. Heels.

They are fascinated that women wear sexy heels, which make them look like a turned figure and obviously that they walk nice.

5. Smile.

A smiling woman is a woman who reflects happiness, and what better than to be with a girl like that. Always have a pleasant smile, take care of your teeth and breath. Many men, like women, pay attention very much to this point.

6. Way to dance.

While you are hilarious at the disco dancing with your friends, you do not realize that there are a lot of male looks watching your movements to the beat of the music. A woman who moves well on the dance floor is very sexy for men.

7. Lips.

There is no doubt that the lips are the trait most men look at in a woman, especially if they find her attractive and make them want to kiss her. Make sure your lips are soft and without cracks. Always wear a gloss or a red Labello and moisturize your lips when you have the opportunity, preferably those who do not leave stains when kissing.

8. Friends.

Men look a lot at the way you are with your friends. It is common for men to think that you can be similar to them. As the classic saying goes: "Tell me who you walk with and I'll tell you who you are."

9. Posture.

Walk upright and sit upright, it is frowned upon a woman who doesn't sit correctly. Avoid sitting on desks, tables or climbing your feet to chairs.

10. Hair.

Actually, the first thing you see is the face, but the hair is also important. It is a weapon of beauty that women must keep clean, soft and shiny. It's very nice for a man when a woman's hair smell nice.

Take note of all the above points, you will immediately notice the way men look at you and take you into account.

Рекомендации по теме

I wear work boots, my hair always in a bun 😄 hardly have time for lipstick or nails done, I'm in the construction field and that's what people love about me. Always be yourself 😍😍😍😍😍


Each woman is beautiful in her own way, be natural but be confident, smart enough, and dress 👗 well, smell good treat a man well each men have a different way of looking at a woman, be faithful and be the best 👍💯All the best girls


Common interests, communication, sense of humor, respect, responsability: are the 5 basics to a healthy relationship.


If a man really loves someone, then he will only find a soul mate in her. These things are not necessary. You need just a kind nature and able to understand his feelings


RESPECT is man's greatest need from a woman 😁❤️


There is no need of doing any of these
if a guy loves u truly he will accept u the way u r 😻


I am a guy and u want to point out the fact the a man will accept you the way you are if he loves you. I couldn't care less about how a woman walks, you be you and he will love you for who you are. I know that there is one girl that I love a lot but if she were to be physically different I wouldn't care, she could be as flat or as curvy as you can imagine and I will love her for who she is. If a guy only likes you for how you look that you know that he has something wrong and that you shouldn't waste your time on him.


None of these things were important. I asked for only one thing. A woman who LOVED me.
Someone who considered how I feel and cared about that.
As in "Shallow Hal" a woman who is beautiful inside very quickly is seen as beautiful on the outside too.


Am I the only one to notice that early in the video he says to not wear heels and later he says to wear heels? Confused! lol


Be true to yourself & to your partner & to your relationship that's it.


How about loyalty, trust, communication and honesty? I couldn't care less about the so-called qualities depicted here. If anyone is looking for a woman who ticks all the boxes, he knows nothing about what really matters in life.


Men usually pays attention to nice and good looking women but physical attraction is just temporary so better make your self a more desirable woman by improving your character and behavior because men will invest in women who could be their lifetime partner.


😂😂😂no I don't think that I would have to change my self for any one. 🤓🤓🤓


My husband love just the way I am as always if I dress up no not he always say I love you n u look cute n beautiful..


I wish there was a laughing option for videos


Just done his emotional or bad feeling then run away never come back or see again smile orsay hello


who loves u accept u as u are what women want in men


Oh ...I loved this one! had me giggling to laughing ! thank you for the fun! God bless. xo


I'm tired keep thinking what men like and don't like! Women need to start to think.. what we like and what we don't like in a men. I realized that i need to love and think of myself first that my peace of mind is more important than keep trying to convince someone that I'm worth enough for his love. He needs to love me for exactly what I am. No need to do anything to convince him. It's fucking tiring!


wonderful , are very important all those points you mentioned , thanks for sharing the video, God bless you
