When One of Your Pigs Start to Spy On You, GET UNDERGROUND FAST! Minecraft Creepypasta

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And it gets scarier and scarier!

When one of your pigs start to spy on you minecraft creepypasta! So get underground fast!
WARNING! Jumpscares are often in these videos! You have been warned!

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Just a note: my videos are only for entertainment. These are not meant to be taken seriously.

I really enjoy making creepypasta videos with horror, jumpscenes, and other fun scary elements! This includes videos with giant alex, minecraft creepypasta seeds, creepypasta herobrine, and other Minecraft Creepypasta stories! I may also do Minecraft creepypasta roleplays or tutorials on my creepypastas or how to build some creepypasta builds/maps. Also, should I try Minecraft 100 days, creepypasta style? Maybe even Minecraft in Ohio?

#creepypasta #minecraftcreepypasta

If you enjoy my content, I suggest looking up similar YouTubers like WildDogxd, Shark, Eystreem, mrhoneybun, GephoMC, and Not William. There are other YouTubers who are similar to my experiment videos like PrestonPlayz, DanTDM, and some of my horror manhunt videos like Dream, Sapnap, tommyinnit, and georgenotfound.
Enjoy! This is done in Minecraft!

Рекомендации по теме

1. that base and cave looked awesome
2. the pig appearing up there in the pen scared me
3. really subtle with pigs being the only animal spawning
4. no matter what it is, your creepypastas keep jumpscaring me


0:00 start. 0:05 in Minecraft. 0:09 he’s breeding pigs 0:40 get da pig 0:49 eating 1:02 upstairs 1:13 farm 1:28 a pig is missing! (Weird) 2:00 in the cave 2:04 resting 2:40 fishing 2:43 raining 4:40 somethings not right 5:03 pig looking down 6:03 skeleton 7:16 he can’t sleep 7:40 waking up gucci on my pjs🤑🤑🤑 8:02 pig on top (very weird) 8:33 on the boat 10:22 checking on the pigs 11:42 there’s a pig up there!!! (Very very weird) 12:30 where’s the pig!!! (Weird) 13:01 Bros mad💀💀 17:28 kill the pigs 17:36 no pigs 19:25 the pig is stealing the farm (super weird) 21:06 ishowmeat 22:10 bro the noise 22:10 monster spawned 24:33 ah fresh meat 25:07 ladder 28:42 jumpscare (super super weird) 29:49 ending


28:42 oh my gosh that scary pig almost gave me a heart attack.the sound when the player saw the pig was terrifying


I really like how this Channel actually managed to keep the Creepypasta Feeling alive IN MINECRAFT OF ALL THINGS and how this Guy creates new Bases each time to better sell the Story of it always being someone else playing. Quality Content as always


idea: if you hear phantom noises, but you were sleeping, DO NOT GO TO INVESTIGATE THEM (same idea requesting day 1)


NGL this YouTube channel is very entertaining
And Ive watched this for like 2 or 3 years from now and I still love it


Yes one day i was playing Minecraft and i found a village at the first join so i went to there i treded a villagers too but one night when i was going to the bed a villager was looking at me throh the window the whole night i ignored him and sleep when i woke up i saw nothing i tried to find that villager and i found him too i noticed that he was behaiving strangely i ignored ' yes i forgot to tell that there a mountain nearby the village' so lets go back to my real story, and when night came again i saw him looking at me again and now i got a bit scared but i sleep and at every night i saw him looking at me now i got very scared and killed him after 2 days later in minecraft i saw him again in that mountain that i told you looking straight at me but he has no face now so i got scared and deleted that world and now i never stay in any village i make my own house. Thats a true story of mine. Sorry for the wrong spellings .


On 19:25 I think he is mad. He is just seeing pig eating his carrots. He even don't tried to stop him


28:40 THAT SCARED THE F**K OUT OF ME OMG! My headphones where set to loud because I loved the other sound effects from 2 mins earlier


Idea: If you see your torch moving, REINSTALL Minecraft!


hey, raygloom. i've wanted to note something. me and a friend has been trying the giant alex seed on 1.5 for minecraft and ever since then we've been hearing things like ghast-like sounds, grass walking, blocks breaking, etc. it's gotten to the point where we've heard that ghast-like noise in our base.

we know it's not giant alex, since we've spawned on a island where there's NO land nearby no matter how far we go. we've also noticed that there's no fish in the ocean but just...squids? we don't think it's something others have seen either. my friend also saw a black thing b4 it disappeared in a recording they did. not to brag but it's actually scaring us. one of our friends even called it the walker.
i can't record, since my laptop won't catch audio but my friend has caught some of the audios.


ray, there's something I noticed on this video. When the pig was looking down his shadow looked smaller compared to the other pigs. It was like the size of a player. I dont know why I might think it's possessed or something, but anyways great video!


this is why I always make an underground base in my every playthrough

yes. you heard me right. EVERY. SINGLE. PLAYTHROUGH


28:40 I was writing a story but then that DAMN jumpscare got me poopin' my pants


Idea: If you're in a snow biome but it's raining instead of snowing



*"When one of your pigs Start to spy on you, GET UNDERGROUND FAST-"*
nuh uh i would delete my world instead


Idea:If you hear footsteps alone in your Minecraft world HIDE AS FAST AS YOU CAN!


8:03 if i saw one of my pigs like that i would've either said "ARE YOU THE PIG GOD" or i would've try to feed it carrots if it didn't eat the carrot try to kill it if it didn't die Move bases if it finds me at a new base build a underground bunker with a infinite food source and pray the pig can't get you their.


I love how he was trying to push the pig 😂


Raygloom you make the best minecraft creepypasta videos i always enjoy it
