Nuclear Submarine LOST by the U.S. Navy | The Proof Is Out There: Military Mysteries (S1)

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What's the real truth behind the mysterious sinking of an American nuclear submarine and why did the Navy try to cover it up? See more in Season 1, Episode 5, "Mystery of the USS Scorpion, B-24 Air Explosion, Backyard Bombs, Operation Bolo."
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Combat veterans Rudy Reyes and Ronnie Adkins unravel the mysteries behind the strangest and most controversial images, sounds, and documents from the modern history of war. Mysteries span the modern era of warfare, including the World Wars, The Korean War, the Vietnam War, The Cold War, The Gulf War, and the conflicts of the 21st century. Assassinations caught on tape, exploding battleships, ghost planes, vanished soldiers, propaganda hoaxes, alleged cover-ups and conspiracies are analyzed and dissected by Reyes and Adkins, aided by a team of top experts, and former members of the military. Each episode lifts the veil of secrecy on the fog of war.
The Proof Is Out There investigates the world’s most mysterious videos, photos, and audio recordings, and uses the best technology and experts to render a credible verdict. Each episode analyzes and passes verdicts on several seemingly impossible things “caught on film,” including giant beasts, UFOS, apocalyptic sounds, hairy humans, alleged mutants from the deep, conspiracies, and many other cases. Host and veteran journalist Tony Harris takes nothing for granted in a quest for answers, tracking down eyewitnesses, putting each photo or film through a battery of tests, calling out the hoaxes, and highlighting the most credible evidence in an attempt to better understand our world.
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Combat veterans Rudy Reyes and Ronnie Adkins unravel the mysteries behind the strangest and most controversial images, sounds, and documents from the modern history of war. Mysteries span the modern era of warfare, including the World Wars, The Korean War, the Vietnam War, The Cold War, The Gulf War, and the conflicts of the 21st century. Assassinations caught on tape, exploding battleships, ghost planes, vanished soldiers, propaganda hoaxes, alleged cover-ups and conspiracies are analyzed and dissected by Reyes and Adkins, aided by a team of top experts, and former members of the military. Each episode lifts the veil of secrecy on the fog of war.
The Proof Is Out There investigates the world’s most mysterious videos, photos, and audio recordings, and uses the best technology and experts to render a credible verdict. Each episode analyzes and passes verdicts on several seemingly impossible things “caught on film,” including giant beasts, UFOS, apocalyptic sounds, hairy humans, alleged mutants from the deep, conspiracies, and many other cases. Host and veteran journalist Tony Harris takes nothing for granted in a quest for answers, tracking down eyewitnesses, putting each photo or film through a battery of tests, calling out the hoaxes, and highlighting the most credible evidence in an attempt to better understand our world.