Life Inside US $4 Billion Nuclear Submarine Patrolling The Oceans

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22 years in the Navy. 13 of which was on subs. Each and every man on those boats was smarter than the average bear. Every man was a brother and could be counted on to his job flawlessly.


Air Force 26 year veteran here so much respect for our Navy Submarine people I could not do that job. Hats off to you guys keeping our country safe when the homeland sleeps at night and keeps our enemies awake ..


9:52 I served on a nuclear submarine tender in Guam back in 1973. Boy, things have progressed since then, starting with women serving on board subs. Most civilians don’t realize that the US has mobile nuclear missile launch platforms patrolling the globe 365 days a year. This serves an incredible deterrent to Putin should he do something stupid. This makes each $4 billion sub worth every penny! We should all rest easier knowing this fact.


Sub life was awesome! Every patrol was like a camping trip with your best friends, one of the best experiences of my life for sure!


Submariners are some of the most intelligent sailors in the US Navy.


Personally I don’t think I could fit in there! I think every one who serves in a submarine sure has my respect and they should have a medal for them that serve on a submarine!! God Bless each one of those that serve !🙏🏼☕️☕️


I remember taking a ferry from Long Island to Connecticut with my motorcycle when I was 17 (1987) and daydreaming during the short trip a "submarine" decided to surface very close the crap out of me, looked like a megalodon shark bursting out of the water of frightening but very cool to witness after realizing what it was


Them divers really have big balls for their job, ,,respect 😊


I certainly admire and appreciate all the men and women in our submarine force. It must be incredibly hard to be isolated for long stretches of time! I'm quite certain that I couldn't do what they do every day, and words are not adequate to describe the respect I feel. May God bless you every one of your days! 😊😊😊❤❤❤


I've had really cool career that has afforded me much, but this is definitely on my list of "if I could do it all over again." Not sure I would last for careers, and mentally and physically so rigorous, but I'd SO love to give it a whirl for a few months. I've worked with several submariners and have heard some amazing stories - then you watch a video like this and it's hard not to get a little giddy...


It's amazing what they have been able to pack into one of those tubes ! I wish I could go inside and have a look around.


I'm retired U.S. Navy Helicopter Aircrewman-Rescue Swimmer. When I first graduated from the 4 schools I had to complete, our job ASW. I volunteered for a 4 day crew swap. I went on a L.A. class fast attack sub.(I'm from Bham Al and the sub was the U.S.S. Birmingham SSN 695). Anywho, it was fun for 4 days. Learned a lot by but nah, claustrophobic lol. The ID s video is correct, the chow was AWESOME


Hats off to the guys that are taken care of business I'm so claustrophobic I can't even watch the damn video


✨♥️looove that the food is so amazing and the wall images of beautiful outdoor scenes for the crew✨♥️ what a dizzyingly complex vessel.. just incredible


Submariners of whole world is brave which are residing live in water grave. Extraordinary life and valour courage and self confidence.


Groovy video, very informative and enjoyable.


These sub guys are a special breed. There is no way I could do what they do. We salute you!


Packed with tech & structurale innovation. A starship of the ocean.⚓🇺🇲⚓


The silent service sailors are my heroes 🙏


It's a good thing it is a volunteer service because there is no way in hell I'd want to be crammed in a tube months on end under the sea. Much respect though.
