WHAT KILLED ALEXANDER THE GREAT!? | How Did Alexander The Great Die?

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Alexander the Great: Volume 2, Sources and Studies, Volume 2 - By W. W. Tarn
Aristotle, India and the Alexander Historians [article]
A. Brian Bos
Alexander died of Pneumothorax due to arrow piercing his lung.
Arrow was fired by one of the tribesmen from the border of current day Multan. Alexander never reached India. What you are seeing is Alexander getting the arrow as described in history books in 1800.
After the creation of country called Greece, this real history was mothballed. In India a story that Alexander won India and gave it back because we were good boys was floated by Pandit Nehru and Nehru's version from the fiction called "Discovery of India " was made the default history one had to memorize to pass any exam! This is why I was surprised when I saw the above woodcut painting from 1800s in a library in the west. That led me to read the translations of his official biographers who maintained detailed diaries. They talk of Mallian campaign. That was not even India. But that was outskirts where he witnessed an innovative weapon named arrow. An arrow is effectively a deep stab from the distance. India was the powerhouse of metallurgy and had special alloys that made arrow very deadly. Diary mentions how much the Macedonian hated arrows and Alexander wore the thickest Armor available. But it was no match for the Indian arrow. The arrow pierced the armor and lodged in Alexander's lung, causing it to collapse.
Both the body guards who were protecting Alexander with shield were also killed instantly by other arrows. They wore regular armor. Died instantly. All this is mentioned in the diaries his biographers wrote. But they covered up one information.
They said Alexander recovered and then later became sick with Malaria.
And they described in detail what ailed him till his moment of death. Korean surgeons who studied the symptoms conclude that it was Pneumothorax and not Malaria!
Reference here. Here is the conclusion from those doctors. French translation of Curtius made by Claude Favre de Vaugelas mentioned that Alexander was killed because of the arrow shot by Mallian tribesmen. That book was published in 1696.
Site mentioned in the picture contains pictures from that book. Courtesy:alexanderstomb .Look at the picture. It is also very accurate if you read Arrian's description of the event.
On the Fortune or the Virtue of Alexander is comprised by two epideictic orations, which are part of the Moralia, composed by Plutarch in his youth, probably in the first half
of the 60’s of first century CE.
In the first oration,
Plutarch imagines what Alexander would say to Fortune: “But my body bears many a token of an opposing Fortune and no ally of mine”.
Immediately, the Macedonian enumerates his war wounds until arriving to the Indian arrow that sank deep
in his chest, burying its steel.
Plutarch adds a blow on the neck not included by
Curtius, and then he wrongly states that Ptolemy covered the king with his shield.
In the second oration,
Alexander’s wounds are listed again, and when the
arrow wound is mentioned, the Chaeronean specifies
the length of the projectile, agreeing with Curtius. And
he mentions the blow on the neck again. This is the map of Malli. So entire story of Alexander coming to India is false. He was killed before he could cross Jhelum. His army was not aware of risks from archers!
They said, no arrow could pierce armor made in Europe, till they found out power of Desi steel!