Is Alzheimer’s Reversible? Getting to the Root Causes | Dr. Dale Bredesen

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Alzheimer’s doesn’t just happen overnight; it’s the severe end of a spectrum, that comes after decades of changes have already been occurring in the brain. So why is it that we’ve grown accustomed to dreading this diagnosis, instead of doing what we can to proactively stop it in its tracks? For one, we’ve long been told that once the brain starts downsizing we can’t reverse the process. Now, we know that’s not the case. It’s possible to avoid brain degradation and actually even rebuild it.⁣

Today’s guest on The Doctor’s Farmacy has been a pioneering detective for Alzheimer’s and other neurological issues. Dr. Dale Bredesen is internationally recognized as an expert in the mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases and the author of the New York Times bestseller, The End of Alzheimer's. His latest book, The End of Alzheimer’s Program, goes into greater detail on the protocol he uses with his patients and how it can be tailored to anyone’s needs, at any age. Dale held faculty positions at UCSF, UCLA, and the University of California, San Diego, and directed the Program on Aging at the Burnham Institute before coming to the Buck Institute in 1998 as its founding president and CEO. He is currently a professor at UCLA and the Chief Science Officer at Apollo Health.⁣

This episode is brought to you by BiOptimizers, Thrive Market, and TrueDark.⁣

Рекомендации по теме

I just lost my husband who was a doctor to Alzheimer’s, I tried so hard to help him... now I have been so afraid and don’t want to burden my family with the same outcome... Thank you for sharing this valuable information ; it will make a difference in my life as I go on ... I have just subscribed!


My mother died of Alzheimer in 2009, it is so painful to witness and to be helpless
Thanks for the presentation that gives hope for many


‼️ In the mid-80s I was diagnosed with late-stage Alzheimer's symptoms. I was 37 years old and had been struggling with health issues for a couple of years by then. I was also diagnosed with acute and chronic mercury poisoning. I lived in Norway at the time and had a doctor who knew what to do. I'm now 74, so yes I survived Alzheimer's!


My father passed away and had dementia, and wish we had to know more at the time and I appreciate this video. Thank you for sharing. It was such a hard time a be for many.


My dad had dimentia to the point where I had to move in to help my mom. I found out he was on 6 major drugs. My mom believes in the medical community and I don't. I decided if I was taking over I would flush his pills down the toilet, literally. In two days I thought I was making a mistake, he worsened, but I stuck it out. Within 2 weeks, he was my dad again. 90% back to normal.


I can’t say I fully understand all the processes involved but I’ve been “preaching” to everyone I know with Alzheimers relatives to try a keto lifestyle to see if it makes a difference for quite a while now but people just aren’t listening! So frustrating...


Finding this video has come at the perfect time for me. I was just diagnosed yesterday with this dreaded disease.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
And giving me real hope.


Thank you for this informative talk. I'm a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach enrolled in the Bredesen RECODE coaching program. Excited to be ready to help people navigate the process of healing their brains. 🙏❤🙏


In eldery homes here in the Netherland they offer a large amount of sugary carbohydrate food to the residents. In our university hospitals you find lots of machines selling all these bad things like Cola, chips, chocolate and so on. When you are hospitalized they offer you all the wrong foods like white bread, pudding and so on. Unilever plays a big role in the lobby. Our prime minister used to work for them??? Surprise, I think not. Sugar is the next smoking.


It's a truly amazing time we live in, in that I feel we're on the cusp of seeing a truly earth shattering shift in the outcomes of these otherwise death sentences of diseases on a larger scale. Great video, I love seeing these Dr. Bredesen interviews because what he's doing and has come up with is truly amazing!


The more I watch Markies channel the more I like him. Great information dude!


Dr Hyman,
Thank you so much for creating this format, it’s soooo helpful for navigating to find these specialists. It’s difficult to know which functional doctors are on track for neurological type healings.
Your work is invaluable, and you’re so amenable, and not arrogant, thank you for being who you are!


Since I started minimizing sugar intake of whatever kind, my skin starts to glow like getting younger. Laugh if you don't believe me, to see is to believe. DO IT NOW!!!


Thanks so much for these good infos for prevention and reversing. My father passed away almost 3 yrs ago with dementia and parkinsons at age 81yrs old. He was so active and full of energy and then his life changed when he got them. It’s heartbreaking!


This is amazing news! I work with Dementia patients and I see first hand how this disease progresses. I personally will start my vegan Keto, BHRT and supplement therapy. Also I will do a cognoscpy. Great segment! Thank you 🙏🏼


for phytonutrients, i suggest adding dandelion leaves and chopped kale and bitter red cabbage to salads. Arugula is good. Wild onion, and cilantro.


Watch Dr. Bredesen's video Survivors of Alzheimer's. 4 or 5 of tbe individuals describe their experiences in turning around this dreadful disease.

Some began healing themselves just by following what they read in his book. Truly amazing! 😰

I'm so encouraged after going thru it with my mom and feared i might be folliwing in her footsteps.

If only we knew then what we're learning now, that you can turn Alzheimer's around and don't have to succomb to it.


You two doctors should collaborate with Dr. Francisco Lopera in Medellin Colombia who is a Neurologist that is studying a village there with a high rate of alzheimers. These people get it at a young age. Many from the same family. The 3 of you could cure Alzheimer's for real. Amazing video! Thank you!!


The major stumbling block is patient compliance, since you need some order of it to get any result. My mom has dementia and is totally unaware of her condition. Her ability to comply with a good diet is minimal. She craves sweets; she's obstreperous when confronted with her condition. I've described it in stark detail in desperation to get some kind of reaction, some response. Nothing. This is after a lifetime of proactive health maintenance. She used to be the driving disciplinary force in the lives of our family. She was a registered dietitian! Now, when I give her a salad she picks at it, and promptly throws it out. It's like she's determined to beat the fastest path to the grave possible.

It's like the only possible way I could save her would be the kidnap her; hold her in a secret location, force feeding her leafy greens and supplements and making her walk a treadmill.

It's insane knowing how to cure someone, but not being able to do it.


Thank you for your solutions & being open minded medical professionals, esp. in the midst of argumentative closed minded doctors !
