Not Faulty! | Bargain Hornby N15 'Camelot' | Unboxing & Review

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0:00 Intro
3:22 Unboxing
7:42 Prototype Info
9:05 Detail
16:16 Mechanism
19:24 Performance
22:44 Haulage
27:53 Ratings
30:50 Conclusion
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Hey Sam I found the odd one out, it's the bachmann jubilee

Cheers Jasper & Willow


I picked up one of the older N15s (R154 Sir Dinadan) a few months ago for £50 and it's a great little model. It's obviously not the most detailed model ever, but with that green livery, it looks absolutely lovely.


Hello Sam, the N 15 locomotive you have aquired is painted black because it is in its wartime livery.
Most locos on all regions were painted matt black so it was made difficult to bomb or strafe them from the air.
Even the Flying Scotsman 4472 had a matt black livery for wartime work hauling goods trains.
A few years ago i saw the Flying Scotsman in black livery on a special to Holyhead.
More recently when it was going back to holyhead it was Green again.


I love that title. Imagine Hornby promoting it like that.

"Come buy our new N15! It's not faulty!" 😂


It’s only a Hornby model
Shhhh! Model train enthusiasts, I bid you welcome to a bargain model. Let’s go and buy Camelot!
(Knights of the turntable song plays)


I have an older version, Sir Lamiel. which runs very well. Glad to see improvements have been made, particularly in putting the DCC decoder in the tender. I fitted a decoder to mine and it was a brute of a job as there is hardily any room in the boiler space, even with the smallest decoder I could find. Very good model you have there


This N15 locomotive from Hornby is very nice Sam and I do like that model. Buying the model for 212 pounds directly from Hornby is just stupid. If Hornby keep on jacking up their prices, they are going to go bankrupt at anytime .


OMG. A Hornby product that DIDN'T Cause Sam any Trouble, I must put that down in my Calender, As a Day to Remember..!

That little Blob of Glue was Annoying but Maybe Forgivable..!?
And a Flywheel in such a Large area wouldn't have been outa place.

But lets hope Every other Buyer has the Same Result.
And Hornby, may just have Redeemed themselves somewhat..!???

Maybe..!! Great Video Sam, nice to see you "Not Spitting Chips" for once..!

Cheers All, Kim in Oz. 😎


Gotta love the King Arthur class. There was an experimental version of this engine, No. 783, which had three funnels to disperse smoke over itself to keep itself hidden during the war.


like they say it in monthy python and the holy grail, "camelot's a silly place"


Excellent review, Sam. Just don’t let it near your Gladstone…

(Hornby N15 sits in a siding, enjoying his business, when Sam’sTrains Gladstone speeds past with a passenger train)

Hornby N15: Heyo, get back here! You stole my wheels!!



I have Hornby's SR no. 751 "Etarre", and as soon as you mentioned yours made a noise I knew what you were about to say - mine has the same squeaky tender pickups too! Nevertheless it's one of my favourite locos - runs absolutely beautifully. Etarre looks great in the SR green, although your black one looks cool too.


It is always pleasant when a new purchase of a similar class performs better than your previous experience. Had that myself recently. Got the Hornby USA Tour Flying Scotsman (the 2013 one with the observation coach), and it performed better than my 2022 release A1 Doncaster. Funny, really.

I do really like the King Arthurs, hope to get one some day.


Hi Sam, Your N15 in plain black matt livery with Sunshine lettering is that way for a reason. It’s a WWII wartime livery. All locos of the Big Four were so rendered on the instruction of the War Office to prevent strafing by the Luftwaffe 🇩🇪. Brightly coloured locos would have really stood out against the British 🇬🇧 countryside. Post-war, Southern Railway passenger locos were repainted in Maunsel green with Sunshine lettering up until Nationalisation in 1947.


Hi Sam, This N15 was on my wish list a very long time but it kept its high price compared to the Maunsell S15 that I bought new for 89£ a few years ago.
I have 4 S15's and had to replace one motor send for free by Hornby. Can't complain of this service from them ! But all running excellent, equipped with the S15 TTS-sound. Very pleased. For less than 100£ the N15 would be a deal. Thanks for reviewing. Cheers, Filip


Hi Sam, The only thing they did with Sir Dinadan was in its last year of production was to go from a waxy plastic coloured body to a much better painted body. I think the Sir Dinadan production run was only 3 years. But as an engine it did lend itself to a huge amount of modification to make it look better. Also, it was the only engine to use the slip click tender connection. They had to do this as at the time it was the only engine to have a cab fallplate fitted as standard.


Hi Sam, I've had faulty motors on both the Hornby Raven and B12, both returned to Hornby for warranty repairs. It's a pity Hornby (possibly?) choose to install 'economy' motors, for the sake of a few pence, bearing in mind the prices! Keep up the good reviews Sam!


I saw the southern 825 at the NYM railway in goathland the other day absolutely stunning locomotive in the flesh. Was renamed Rudolph for the Christmas Santa running times in the build up to Christmas


Hey Sam, you got a diamond in a bucket or rocks there. You got lucky mate. A little EZlube which is a little weight lube for electric connections


Hi Sam I can't wait to see you live tomorrow, I hope that I win one of your challenges tomorrow.

Cheers Jasper & Willow
