Too Good To Be True? | TWO Faulty Hornby B12s | Unboxing & Review

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I heard back from Hornby after finishing the video: these B12s were not sold as seconds, and they said that only a small number had been returned for repairs.

Thanks for watching!

0:00 Intro
3:34 Unboxing
7:07 Prototype History
8:24 Detail
15:34 Mechanism
17:55 Performance
20:31 Fault Manifestation
25:00 Haulage
30:43 Ratings
33:06 Conclusion
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Who gives a rat's patootie the blessed thing doesn't run? Why, those splendid chaps in the Hornby Quality Control Division know perfectly well that money grows on trees, and I rather always wanted a B12 to use as a paper weight. Terrific insight by the Hornby Blokes, and once again they have taken my confidence to new heights. That is, on a scale of negative integers.


Still running my 59 year old Triang B12. It has never missed a beat and is now just nicely run in.


I stupidly broke my golden rule February this year of never to buy Hornby again, I bought the B12 from Kernow . It ran well during running in and for about a month afterwards. I then put it back in its box and thought it was a good one . After seeing Model Railways Unlimited I thought I better get it back out again to give it an extended run and sure enough it started to run just like yours . I contacted Hornby’s service department and straight away the chap said oh yes we know about this and that they had a fix for it, so mine has gone back for repair . If when I get it back if fails again it will go back to Kernow for a refund as I think Hornby knew damn well these had faulty motors just like the S15’s that they were doing cheap some years ago . I’ll be surprised if you get a reply from Hornby . David


Hi Sam, thanks for the shout out, yes after extensive testing the motors are clearly faulty, I pulled my motor apart and put up a video showing what I found. It's either a brush problem or they are wrong voltage, ie too low. The excess heat causes failure of commutator and windings and is a fire risk. I'm so sad about this. I've heard Hornby now admit the problem but then the same happened to my S15. No B12 should draw more than 160ma off load.


Had this exact issue with my D16 that was seriously discounted. Sent it back to Hornby who said 'It performs well, it should be like this' when it REALLY shouldn't! Sent it back for a replacement motor, still didn't work, so sent back for a complete replacement. Will let you know how that gets on!


Yep, as I expected when I started watching your presentation. My 2 x B12 chassis are currently (oops) in Margate waiting for new motors. One of mine peaked at 800mA, then settled to 400mA (which the second maintained) before stopping on the rolling road. Both of mine started out on the rolling road fine, but failed subsequently. A real shame since they are such good models. Incidentally, it's the same motor that previously plagued the S15's. Looking forward to seeing your dissection and whether you reach the same conclusion as Mike did. So yes indeed, who is culpable, because someone knew!
Another good presentation, thanks, Chris.


I bet the stuff my dad had 50 years ago would run more reliably then this, the models available in the 70's were as BASIC as basic can get, but they just worked, also, would you consider reviewing older models from like 30 or more years ago, it would be really interesting to see how they compare to todays models.


Hornby knows how to charge exorbitant prices, it’s just a huge shame that they don’t spend any of that money on quality control ☹️☹️☹️


When you showed the motor with the two flywheels, I was a bit shocked to notice quite a few drill bit points machined at various points around each brass flywheel. I've never seen that on any make of 00-gauge loco before. Its dynamic ballancing of the motor's rotor (armature). I've actually done that when I was an apprentice in aerospace, where my company made rotating electrical machines. A strobe light highlights the position to add or remove mass as appropriate.
Now if you bought that loco new, then that means Hornby did it. Looking below on my phone as I write this, I can see recommended videos of others who have also reviewed this loco and they are also mentioning motor issues in their title descriptions !


Such a shame. Beautiful loco which we know is capable of performing well let down by a shoddy motor. If Hornby did supply hattons with these to sell very cheaply I recon Hornby did know these were faulty but maybe deliberately told them they were fine. Knowing Hornby these days they’ll probably say they didn’t know of any faults. Only time will tell. Great vid anyway bud 👍


At least mine lasted 2 weeks, took it back to the retailer he tested it and the motor was drawing 700ma, he then rang Hornby and was told they didn't have a replacement motor in stock and would not be getting any. Nice one HORNBY!


Mine ran o.k. for about 3 sessions, then started jerking and failed. I looked at reviews and decided to contact hornby who seemed puzzled until I mentioned the reviews. Sent back 3 may returned 7 may, with new motor installed. Its on the rolling rd at the moment
and is running warm, so I am not too confident. Keep up the good work.


This is sad to see. Imagine some poor individual getting this as a present. How did these garbage motors get to ruin such an expensive item ?. Take them to the vet to be put down.


No consumer, regardless of the product, should accept sub standard or faulty items
Straight back to the retailer for full refund or replacement under the Sale of Goods Act


Once again it's Hornby's wretched motors! The B12 can now join the hallowed ranks of other Hornby failures; the melting Class H, the random variable speed and overheating feature of the S15, the 'new' Terrier which stops on a whim etc., etc. I've had it with this hobby Sam; what with the absurd costs we're being charged for sub-standard rubbish, and the added gamble and hassle of returning and hoping the replacement works. All my stock now resides with a well-known shop in Sheffield. I will, however, continue to enjoy your informative and revealing reviews! Thanks as always.


Dang it. I appreciate you finally getting around to posting it. I got one of these for maybe $102 USD and now I’m going to have to send not only my W4 Peckett but possibly I’ll have to send back my B12.


I also bought 2 of them and are sorry now my self . I have watched many other videos by other 00 scale train lovers and have all the same problems. This did not just happen . Someone had to know because they say on their videos they contacted Hornby. So they should have recalled them . So now I have to add them to my S15 that have problems also. Thank your your input. I can always trust your videos.


Hi Sam, unfortunately I have had the same experience, I purchased the first B12 from Amazon which had the fault shown in your video which I duly returned. I purchased a second example from amazon again only to suffer the exact same fault and will also be returning this one !
I am relatively new to the hobby and have purchased over twenty Hornby locos over the last eighteen months and have had to return over 30% of them because of major faults all to do with performance, sometimes more than once. I enjoy this hobby as I use it to reduce stress and it works but in future I will be avoiding Hornby locos not because of the price (although some are extortionate) but because I am fed up with the lottery of whether they will in fact run, this is such a shame as some Hornby locos such as the B12 are beautiful.
Many thanks for the reviews as they have really helped my introduction into this fascinating hobby!


Boy, am I ever glad I got a used Hornby Railroad B12 and not that one. I almost did, but now I'm sure if I want a modern B12. I'll stick with mine, thank you.


I have a Blue B12 from the old Anglean Train set (and it has a chuff chuff sound box in the tender). THANK GOD mine runs like a dream.
