Which Hornby Hogwarts Castle Locomotive Was Best? | Old vs. New

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Did you know that Hornby produced 2 different Harry Potter steam locomotives over the years? This video covers the differences between the two models!

Thanks for watching!

0:00 Intro
3:01 Weight
3:51 Detail
7:52 Mechanism
10:25 Performance
13:10 Conclusion
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One other inaccuracy I noticed on the new Hall Castle: There's these weird red covers on what I think are tool boxes at the front of the tender just behind the fireman's plate, but these should be black as they are on the Castle Castle and on the real Olton Hall. No idea why they did that as it's just more work and paint to get a small detail wrong; they'd literally have been better off just painting the whole tender interior black.


You can definitely see areas Hornby have done some "value engineering" on the new model, while putting the price up.
Thanks for the great comparison. I'd like to see more of these sort of older compared to new videos if you have the resources for it.


If I recall correctly, HORNBY didn't make their original Hogwarts Express sets with a GWR Castle by mistake, they did it because the only Hall tooling they had was a super old Tri-ang one. As they recently made a new tooling for the Hall class they re-released the Hogwarts Express to have the correct locomotive.


I think the original Hogwarts Express was my first model locomotive purchase. It was the basic oval track, but it had a track mat based on HP and the Chamber of Secrets. Nothing much, it was literally just a poster of the movie. It had two coaches with it, I believe, it was a semi-decent runner, but I don't remember its pulling strength being that great. I didn't really use it that much as my collection expanded...


Awesome comparison. Bachmann has made an HO/OO model and set of the Hogwarts Express many years back. That would be neat to take a look at.


I genuinely think Hornby puts that awful attempt at a lamp upfront, so that serious (in terms of accuracy) modellers couldn't get a cheap hall class and therefore have to spend more for the same model.


Hi Sam, I believe there have been upgrades between the two issues you've reviewed here.

I have an R1095 Order of the Phoenix model which is an upgraded Castle class body version. I think it came out around 2009, though I could be wrong on that.

It's 372g, DCC Ready and has an upgraded motor. It has sprung buffers, the decent headboard, but plastic cylinder & crosshead assembly. It has the more basic cab, the plastic chimney and the old whistles. There are rivets on the buffer plate but not the running plates.


Hi Sam, great video. There was another version between the two you show here. I have the first one and the second (not the third which is the newer version seen in this video)

The second version I have has an LED, can motor, no flywheel, nice bearings and hardwired pick ups. It ran reasonably smooth... It also has traction tires on the centre wheels of the drivers. (which led to its demise)

I converted both of mine to DCC using early TCS decoders, After watching this video I decided to take them out of storage and give them a run (first time in ten years)

The one with the LED did two laps of the track and then the main gear on the driver slipped. The plastic had become so brittle it cracked. So that one is now out of action. I suspect the traction tyres on these wheels placed a huge load on this gear during fast stops and starts.

The first one with the ringfield motor still runs fine.

I also have a Bachmann version (DC only) and that runs smoother than both of the Hornby versions.

I would love to see a premium version of this locomotive. I have Trix, Proto Heritage and MTH Steam locos all DCC with sound and they are superb runners that crawl perfectly below 1 scale mph. . The Hornby product feels like a toy by comparison unfortunately. (you get what you pay for)

If a premium version was ever produced I would not hesitate to buy it.


Surely the best option if you want accuracy is to repaint rename and renumber a BACHMANN 49xx Hall Class 4-6-0 locomotive released in 2020. [See Sam’s Trains Review from Oct. 2020].

Forget both of Hornby’s ex-Airfix Castle (1980’s) and the ex-Triang/Hornby Hall (1970’s)!!


Great to see these two finally compared! Got one of the new versions of the loco myself which I've actually painted into a glossy finish because I think it improves the overall look a bit, as I've always thought neither model ever quite got the paintwork quite right. Awesome video though!


I actually own the old design, love it. My only tender engine out of the three I have. I have the Castle Class (obviously), the Coca-Cola 0-4-0 Diesel, and a Bachmann Percy. :)


Hey same you should get the Bachman hogwarts express I have one at my house and the engine is all metal the tender is plastic and metal and has a very accurate light


Hiya Sam - @ 1:34 That is the very Sam Loco which I've got aswell - The Kneler Hall No. 5934. I didn't know that there were 2 of them- but I do now!!! Thank you for sharing Sam 🙂🚂🚂🚂


I guess: As Hornby also did produce the AC Version for maerklin with tender pickups and working front light (The AC Version had the Pickuo-shoe and decoder on tender, but did use original DC motor in engine), they adopted that to their own model, when redoing it.


I know trix/marking used the castle tooling for their hogwarts express. Its absolutely lovely too and if I remember correctly it had smoke.


I'm an american and I wish they would make a hogwarts express for O guage. Not the kids cheap version but a real detailed one for adults.


Great review, I have the Hogwarts, old Castle class. First time I serviced it, was bit of a puzzle. A little later I purchased a Dapol 150/2 sprinter. The motor is the same Ringfield motor, the magnet was in poor condition, but I was able to source another one by using the parts list as reference from the Castle class!


I actually have the newer one that was dcc ready but I fitted it with a tts decoder from a Hornby p2 mikado. I paid $138 for the model counting taxes and shipping fees. I fitted the engine with all of the good features that the old castle class had onto the hall class model. I also fitted it with a headlamp from a Bachmann reading i10sa consolidation.


Hey sam! I wanted to ask if you could do a throwback review on your bachmann Berkshire steam locomotive? I think it would be interesting


I've done a video potentially for YouTube where I've gloss finished Hornby's rebuilt W1 Hush Hush in Garter Blue. They seem to be going through a phase of using that strange coarse glittery gold paint (almost custom metal flake). It doesn't look good in its as supplied finish, with text characters being hard to read. However, add a clear varnish on top and the gold suddenly lights up and looks wonderful. It makes me wonder if their gold is really part of a two-pack matt base and gloss lacquer paint system, as used by car makers.
So it may be worth a try to just put a bit of gloss varnish or clear coat across that Headboard.
