Jim Rohn: ONE OF THE BEST SPEECHES EVER (Jim Rohn Motivation)

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Audio Licensed with Jim Rohn.

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I ate breakfast with Jim Rohn in 1991. I don’t remember a lot of breakfasts but that one I remember. I felt wealthy just being at breakfast with him. Then I got to sit in while he spoke to business leaders from the Dallas area. I sold tickets to the people in that room to see a wide variety of speakers. That year I met many speakers and yet it took me another 5 years to actually get it.
We all know what to do to make our lives better. We let our emotions and our possessions hold us down. We spend too much time focusing on the “what if” of failure rather than realizing that failure is just a test of our conviction of our dreams and desires. Failure doesn’t happen if you don’t try and failure is just one of the steppingstones toward success. Fail big and enjoy your failure because that means success is much closer than it ever was before.


I started listening to Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, and Les Brown 5 months ago. I’m starting my own business. There has been challenges but I’ve kept going forward. Times are tough for someone who is trying to start a business. Les Brown says that Murphy will come and tap on your shoulder when you least suspect it. The Coronavirus! I’m still standing and moving forward during these tough times


I have been listening & learning from Jim Rohn, Les Brown & Brian Tracy for the past 5 years. My life has never been the same again. My income has been more than double, I have grown in all areas of my life. I owe these men a lot. RIP to Mr Rohn.


Realize how blessing we are, spent 0$ but still can listen to his story


Jim Rohn by far my favorite speaker of all. God rest his soul for saving so many lives.


I saw him about 20 years ago, best seminar ever, I still read my notes even though they have turned yellow. One of the phrases that he said that stuck with me is " everybody can but not everybody will" this applies to everything. I will never forget his words of wisdom. Incredible man !!!


Been listening to Rohn for over 3 years now. Was a daily habit for a couple months. All I can say is he transformed my perspective and ideas on success. His wisdom is priceless and I am blessed to be able to have access to his teachings. Thank you, thank you


I have started to listen to Jim Rohn and Les Brown everyday for a month now. I am not trying to start my own business. I'm just trying to save my life because I am at a crossroad and it's emotionnally really hard. If I miss listening to them, I start crippling again. I am a lifetime thankful for what they left out there as motivational speech so that I can survive. hang in there people.


I’ve been exercising my mind for the past two weeks. Listening to motivational videos when i wake up, on way to work, on break and repeat. I can’t tell you how much better i feel mentally about myself and my life. I been so inspired save to say I’ve taken risks in this short time and i have three jobs now! I’m mind blowned how one small change in my thought process can manifest so much positivity into my life....


These philosophy had me rolling for 2-3years until some darker time came along. I went down but the Storm slowly passed.
It's important to always remember that without darkness light wouldn't exist.
Now, listening to Jim Rohn I feel back on my surf board again, getting fire up to surf that wave called life.

Cheers everyone!


I recently found out this amazing man passed away a while ago. It's amazing that I can benefit from this @21 years old. Thank you for your wisdom Jim Rohn


I love Jim Rhone! I've gone from nothing to something income wise because of Jim! Keep listening!


As another wise man said: the place and situation you are in today, is a result of all your thoughts you ever been thinking. Good news is you have a new chance every second.


he never forget where he came from. He never forget who taught him to be who he is today. He never forget to mention his mentor’s name


"Errors in judgment, repeated everyday". That hit home


I started looking up motivational videos a few days ago and everything I've heard so far from all these people that figured it out and live it everyday just confirms it.


A beautiful man who has shared his logic, wisdom, insight and life experience with a world that needs it now more than ever! We have had the privilege of seeing this beautiful man live, 4 times, all around the world and his wisdom has helped us create very happy lives and successful businesses. Thank you Sir, and thank you to the people who continue to share this message with the world!!


The last bit felt important. "Failure is a few errors in judgement repeated everyday"

Every decision counts towards successfully developing oneself. Even the small ones


You can’t beat someone that never gives up! So keep pushing and keep moving forward!


I will always love Jim Rohn, a gift from God (His Wisdom)! I'm always in the mood to learn from Jim Rohn, over and over again!
