The Anti-Aging MIRACLE - 4 Tips to Activate Autophagy

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A complete guide to autophagy: your body's most powerful anti-aging tool!

Autophagy. It's a word most of us have never heard of, much less know how to pronounce. For starters, it’s pronounced aw-taw-fuh-gee, quite a mouthful, but it’s so important that you understand this crucial part of your well-being and how to activate it, even if you can’t pronounce it!

In this video I explain how autophagy is scientifically proven to slow the appearance of aging by killing off damaged cells which are created by natural stressors. I was lucky enough to be granted interviews with the Nobel Prize winning Dr. Yoshinori Oshumi as well as Dr. William Dunn, in which they told me about their life changing research surrounding autophagy, I’ve linked both videos below! More importantly, I’ll be explaining how to activate it.

1. The Keto Diet: When on the ketogenic diet our bodies will begin to induce autophagy in a way similar to that which occurs while fasting. As your body shifts from being glucose-dependent to fat-dependent, autophagy allows the body to maintain energy homeostasis and create benefits from the starvation as opposed to detriments.
2. Intermittent Fasting: While we fast, our cells enter a phase where they literally digest themselves to recycle and reuse the good while discarding the bad. If we constantly eat throughout the day, it doesn’t give our cells a chance to repair and clean up the waste and toxins that have accumulated.
3. Exercise:Exercise creates microtears and inflamed muscle tissue which activates the autophagic process to repair and optimize the muscles. However, acute exercise may do more damage than good, so exercise in moderation is more efficient.
4. Sleeping. The sleep is the easiest and most enjoyable way of activating autophagy, simply because it requires no sacrifice or effort. However, miraculous things are going on inside our bodies that we are not even aware of. This is one of my favorite ways to activate autophagy :)
I hope you enjoyed this video! If you’re interested in learning more about autophagy, your body’s most powerful anti-aging tool, make sure to check out my book Glow15 which goes over everything you need to know about the topic. I also have so many videos and blogs on autophagy which I’ve linked below.

Thanks for watching and I look forward to sharing more exciting content in the future on all things happy, healthy, insightful, and informative.

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Рекомендации по теме

I'm a medical doctor. In medical colleges we are never taught about natural healing methods. That's a big lacunae. Medical curriculum should change, all over the over the world.


1. Sleep
2. Keto / High Fat Low Carb Diet
3. Intermittent Fasting
4. Exercise


1. Sleep
@ 4:37
2. Keto / HFLC Diet
@ 6:05
3. Intermittent Fasting
@ 6:27
4. Exercise @ 7:11


The most important thing to me when listening to Health advice is how Healthy the person looks sharing the information. This Lady exudes radiant Health and Beauty.


Very informative, Naomi. Thank you! I am a 69-year-old male. I quit alcohol several years ago, and I quit coffee 6 months ago. Now I have gone zero carb for 2 weeks. I only eat sardines, beef, and pork, and I only drink water. In the past, along with alcohol and coffee, I have quit smoking and cocaine use. I have to say, quitting carbs has been the most difficult for me. But so far so good after 2 weeks. I work out to total fatigue then partial reps to failure with high quality, layered latex bands 6 days per week and I've just started jump roping. Six years ago, I found myself at 247 lbs. I went on a ketogenic diet and dropped to 184 in about 6 months. But now I have this stubborn belly fat and love handles I am trying to get rid of. That's the biggest reason I went total carnivore. But I haven't tried intermittent fasting yet. I'm certain I can do the Noon to 8:00 pm window which results in a 16-hour fast every day. Thank you for that suggestion. I will start implementing it at 8:00 pm this evening and see how it goes. Hopefully I'm on the right track!


Wow... I'm a 55 yr old male. Have tinkered with a 5-2 intermittent fasting diet for 10 years. Good but tough... always hungry and never really got the best results. 3 months ago I went on a keto diet AND daily fasting by starting a 6 hour eating window so fasting for 18 hours every day, AND joined Planet Fitness where I lift weights / run 4-5 days per week. I throw in a 24 or 36 hour fast at least every other week. I got lean FAST! I'm now at my High School wrestling weight and honestly look and feel better than I have for at least 15 years. Most remarkably I'm not hungry while fasting. The Keto diet (super low carbs) is the reason for that! Oh, I also recently had my bloodwork checked and everything is great!


Your skin tone looks very healthy and vibrant.


Autophagy is currently reversing some of my grey hairs!!! Started doing keto/IF for the easy weight loss, but my god, the other positive "side effects" are insane!!


"How to activate autophagy? The first one is the sleep."
Me, watching this at 02:25 AM: "Okay, I will watch the rest of it later."


My autophagy recipe is 2 to 3 cups broccoli, 1 medium carrot, 1 beetroot, some spinach, 4 whole eggs, some beans, 1 medium radish, 250 gram of chicken/panner cooked in ghee (clarified butter). Add some ginger, garlic, chilli, acv, jeera and dhaniya for taste . I eat twice a day (intermediate fasting) and omad twice a week and it's amazing.
Suppliments - alpha lipoic acid and omega (fatty acid)


I truly have been enjoying, and have adapted quite well to, the 18:6 intermittent fasting routine. I’m into my second week of it, went from 234lbs to 227lbs in only a week and a half, feeling much more energy and my sleep has been outer worldly. For the first time in, I’d say well over two years, I’ve slept between eight and nine hours for a whole week. All it took was to cut out one meal every day. I am considering doing OMAD for awhile, and also incorporating some extended fasts. I sure hope most, if not all of these other physical maladies I deal with will be brought under control or completely eliminated in time! Thank you.


We love fasting for autophagy! Hubby is fighting type 2 diabetes so we’re thrilled to hear our fasting is healing and healing in so many ways 💕↖️


1. sleep
2. healthy fat consumption
3. Exercise for 30 minutes
4. Intermittent fasting


Nayomi; amazing, I can see the glow of autophagy in ur face and the energy in ur body language. Awesome.


Well, I have been feeling ridiculous for many months now, with pain here and there. I did not know about autophagy. I decided to do intermittent fasting. I downloaded an app for that. At the 16th hour, I got a notification that my body has gone into ketosis. At 24 hours (yesterday), I got a notification that my body has gone into AUTOPHAGY. I had no idea what this meant. I got scared. Then I searched on YouTube and came across this. Within 48 hours, I am feeling amazing. More energy, a clearer mind, calmness, my knee pain has improved(looks like pacman is really working). I also realised that I am not craving sugar like before and not craving snacks. I am motivated to do more of this and hope my body continously stays in AUTOPHAGY.


Got me bergamot oil have been glued to your daily videos. My salad dressing: olive oil . Red wine vinegar. Pink salt, pepper and a touch of mustard, In a high speed blender!
Almost forgot. Avocado!


Hi Naomi, I Had Tinnitus which they say is incurable, since I started fasting 2 Years ago, its completely gone, my body literally fixed all the damaged cells, think it’s quite amazing, anyways keep up the great work.


This is my top 8 list based on what I've learned doing research. How to lose weight fast in just a week about 15 to 20 pounds

1) breathing technique. slowly inhale for 3 seconds then hold it for 7 seconds so that air or oxygen stays in your lungs and make your lungs bigger. Make your lungs expand so you don't get tired easily. Then exhale not from mouth but thru your nostrils. Your endurance will last. When you walk run or swim.

2) sleep longer if possible 8 to 9 hours. You still lose weight by just sleeping. Why because your subconscious mind works. It tell you heart to pump blood. Tells your kidneys to filter and other organs to work while sleeping. And when you breath tiny particles of water comes out from your nostrils.

3) extended fasting after intermittent firv3 days. Try for 4 days not eating any except water.

4) take multi vitamins daily so you still get nutrients. Take this for 3 days after meal if you do intermittent.

5) light exercise like squats 30x 4x a day. Every 3 hours if possible. Do some walking daily for 15 to 20 mins. Include some body stretching too.

6) drink only 3 full glasses of water daily. Once in morning once in afternoon and once b4 going to bed.

7) massage your chest left and right. By doing that your massaging your left and right lungs. Massage the veins in the middle of your chest. Massage your scalp and the side of your head. Including your cheeks and around your eyes and side of your nose. Massage also your arms all fingers and knees down to your foot including your toes. Do this daily.

8) study the bible read the scriptures this also will prolong your life. Also listen to your parents. It's biblical.
God bless and Goodluck.


Re-learned more than I knew

I knew a lot about autopahy but now I realize the tides with High intensity Training. Thank you, subscribed.


The beauty of it, autophagy, is when we fasting we are not hungry the body takes the jungle and turn it in calories.
nice work thanks
