Monday 9.30.2024 The Narrow Path with Steve Gregg LIVE!

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CALLS: 4:43 Apostles' Authority: When Jesus said "Whoever receives you who I send, receives me" was he only talking about the apostles, or can it be applied to pastors and apostles of today? [John 13:20].
Understanding Foot Washing: Did they understand Jesus correctly when he instructed them about foot washing? [John 13:1-17].

13:16 Prophecy about Jesus & the Jewish Perspecitve: Are these scriptures prophecy about Jesus, and if they are, how do modern Jews explain them? [Daniel 7:13-14, Jeremiah 12:10, Isaiah 53:5-6, Luke 24:27-44].

18:58 Going Through Jesus or through Father God for Salvation: Based on the Lord's prayer and its direction to pray to the Father, couldn't one go directly to God the Father in prayer for salvation and forgiveness? [Ephesians 3:3:14-15, Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 18:14, Genesis 3, Romans 3:25].

28:26 Calvinist's Lack of Assurance of Salvation: If a 5-point Calvinist can't know if he is saved, isn't that directly contradicting scripture about assurance of salvation? [1 Corinthians 3:17, 1 Corinthians 10:12].

36:27 Stop Praying-Get Up and Do Something: Regarding the scripture that tells us to bear one another burdens, isn't there a place in the Old Testament that says to stop praying and do something? [Galatians 6:1-5, Joshua 7:10].
Tattoos: Does the Old Testament verse about not tattooing one's body, apply to us today? [Leviticus 19:28].

44:57 The Whole Household Saved: Regarding the passage "You and your household will be saved" how literally should we take this? [Acts 16, Acts 16:33-34].

50:49 Two Judgments: Are there two judgments-The Judgment Seat of Christ (Bema Seat) and The Great White Throne Judgment? [John 5:28, Revelation 20:11-14, Matthew 25:31].

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Calls: 4:43 Apostles' Authority: When Jesus said "Whoever receives you who I send, receives me" was he only talking about the apostles, or can it be applied to pastors and apostles of today? [John 13:20].
Understanding Foot Washing: Did they understand Jesus correctly when he instructed them about foot washing? [John 13:1-17].

13:16 Prophecy about Jesus & the Jewish Perspecitve: Are these scriptures prophecy about Jesus, and if they are, how do modern Jews explain them? [Daniel 7:13-14, Jeremiah 12:10, Isaiah 53:5-6, Luke 24:27-44].

18:58 Going Through Jesus or through Father God for Salvation: Based on the Lord's prayer and its direction to pray to the Father, couldn't one go directly to God the Father in prayer for salvation and forgiveness? [Ephesians 3:3:14-15, Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 18:14, Genesis 3, Romans 3:25].

28:26 Calvinist's Lack of Assurance of Salvation: If a 5-point Calvinist can't know if he is saved, isn't that directly contradicting scripture about assurance of salvation? [1 Corinthians 3:17, 1 Corinthians 10:12].

36:27 Stop Praying-Get Up and Do Something: Regarding the scripture that tells us to bear one another burdens, isn't there a place in the Old Testament that says to stop praying and do something? [Galatians 6:1-5, Joshua 7:10].
Tattoos: Does the Old Testament verse about not tattooing one's body, apply to us today? [Leviticus 19:28].

44:57 The Whole Household Saved: Regarding the passage "You and your household will be saved" how literally should we take this? [Acts 16, Acts 16:33-34].

50:49 Two Judgments: Are there two judgments-The Judgment Seat of Christ (Bema Seat) and The Great White Throne Judgment? [John 5:28, Revelation 20:11-14, Matthew 25:31].


Great broadcast, as usual.
Thank you for your work!

I'm not a calvinist, however, there seems to be conflation and convulsion regarding the epistemological problem versus the ontological problem in the presentation during that particular call. It isn't clear that Calvinist doctrine has any contrarities on that point, pardon the pun.

A calvinist can indeed be sure of their own status, yet more or less sure about another's. This, also, is the case for the non-calvinist.
