Monday 9.30.2024 The Narrow Path with Steve Gregg LIVE!
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CALLS: 4:43 Apostles' Authority: When Jesus said "Whoever receives you who I send, receives me" was he only talking about the apostles, or can it be applied to pastors and apostles of today? [John 13:20].
Understanding Foot Washing: Did they understand Jesus correctly when he instructed them about foot washing? [John 13:1-17].
13:16 Prophecy about Jesus & the Jewish Perspecitve: Are these scriptures prophecy about Jesus, and if they are, how do modern Jews explain them? [Daniel 7:13-14, Jeremiah 12:10, Isaiah 53:5-6, Luke 24:27-44].
18:58 Going Through Jesus or through Father God for Salvation: Based on the Lord's prayer and its direction to pray to the Father, couldn't one go directly to God the Father in prayer for salvation and forgiveness? [Ephesians 3:3:14-15, Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 18:14, Genesis 3, Romans 3:25].
28:26 Calvinist's Lack of Assurance of Salvation: If a 5-point Calvinist can't know if he is saved, isn't that directly contradicting scripture about assurance of salvation? [1 Corinthians 3:17, 1 Corinthians 10:12].
36:27 Stop Praying-Get Up and Do Something: Regarding the scripture that tells us to bear one another burdens, isn't there a place in the Old Testament that says to stop praying and do something? [Galatians 6:1-5, Joshua 7:10].
Tattoos: Does the Old Testament verse about not tattooing one's body, apply to us today? [Leviticus 19:28].
44:57 The Whole Household Saved: Regarding the passage "You and your household will be saved" how literally should we take this? [Acts 16, Acts 16:33-34].
50:49 Two Judgments: Are there two judgments-The Judgment Seat of Christ (Bema Seat) and The Great White Throne Judgment? [John 5:28, Revelation 20:11-14, Matthew 25:31].
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