3 Downsides of Being a Music Therapist | Realities of a Music Therapy Career

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How do you know you're a good fit for a music therapy career? We hear so much about the positives of being a music therapist, but are there any downsides? For transparency's sake, Mai Abe, MT-BC, sits down to talk about her perspective on three downsides of being a music therapist.

#musictherapist #musictherapy

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Thank you so much for this, especially the last point. I’m studying to be a music therapist right now and it’s frustrating to study alongside peers who dont support a lot of diverse groups. But there are a lot who are advocating for more social justice, and I hope that we can all learn from each other.


Mai, thanks for posting this!!! They really need to implement a “music therapy advocacy/business” class into the curriculum!!! But then again it feels like even one additional class in our curriculum would be a lot 😅😅😅


You covered this in a very tasteful, honest, and necessary way. We have a loooong way to go. I think this video should be mandatory viewing for all students 😁


i definitely want to explore this field, i love music and i want to be a therapist. this video is very educational thank you so much


Thank you for this information! I think it's definitely important to see the negatives of the field while considering it as a career! I'm currently applying to a music therapy program, which for the university I'm applying to, the first two years is the same as the bachelor of music before branching into music therapy. I'm excited, but also nervous! If I don't get into the university right away, I'm gonna hopefully go to the college in my city. It has affilations with the University that does the music therapy program. However I'd have to enter into 3rd year bachelor of music then take an extra semester to a year after getting the bachelor of music to get the required courses for music therapy. Though the college has music business course which may help with some of the aspects mentioned!

I know someone who is a music therapist that used to live in my city. While she was visiting over the summer I was inquiring about some things and she did mention she's in the process of getting a counseling license as many still don't know about music therapy.


Thank you for your feedback. After watching your video, it tells me that it's very important to obtain sales skills along with this career. As it requires a lot of self selling and advocacy on why it's very important based on your experience to have these individuals use your services. Best wishes on your journey in your career.


Consider including in your music therapy training on the Heidelberg and other models for helping those with Musical Ear Syndrome Tinnitus both through music listening and learning how to read music which helps you whistle, hum, sing, and play small instruments such as Tibetan song bowls, recorders, harmonicas, drums and dancing.


you are amazing and inspiring pls continue!


Thank you. I love that background music...what is it?


Wait, what do you mean "below the median national average" income? That's not what all the statistics I read say, which are that the salary range for music therapists is anywhere between $30-$80k. I'm also kind of counting on that by the time my degree is done the field will have advanced four more years, with four more years of increased awareness and demand.


I'm looking at going back to school for music therapy, but i saw a tiktok video from a music therapist who said they go home exhausted at the end of everyday because of the emotional labor of the job. Have you seen this in your work? How big of an issue is it?


Whenever someone is not accepting of others it's okay to call them out for it too, or you can just say "It's okay to have wrong opinions" lol


Omg, the performers vs. Music therapists, please...


Tbh it sounds just like being a music teacher, people don’t really value that much either


I strongly believe that universities has to stop creating these courses for students, which they know that there is no value in the marketplace. For example, exercise science, music therapist, and health communication. They’re selling these kids a dream. These are degrees that u can’t make a living out off. It’s debt!!!!


do you have youtube videos 0r instagram
