The downsides of being beautiful / handsome 

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Not all beautiful people are vain and self obsessed and that's what makes them come across as even more beautiful.


Let's not forget about bullying. As someone who experienced being ugly in high school to having tons of guys asking me out after a glow up in college, personally, the bullying got worse esp from women who are too insecure about themselves.

I've never understood how mostly bigger women are just plainly rude and mean to me in college when I didn't do anything bad towards them nor was I mean to them. I realized that as long as there is someone pretty within the vicinity, they'd put that person down. In high school there were very little people who bullied me but mostly just ignored me which was fine cause I'm an introvert anyway. But the audaciousness of some girls who hates attractive women despite being nice to them is extreme. They feel like they can get away with being rude to you since they just assume you got your life together anyway which is false. And people tolerate it.


Chasing after people who reject us is not a “pretty people problem”… it is a “low self esteem problem” and everyone can have it.


I would like to be handsome/beautiful anyday than being ugly.


I completely agree with you💜 This is such a tricky topic because beauty is a very fortunate thing😊There were many times I was invited to things that I felt I was only invited because of my appearance and not because people actually liked me. It wasn’t until I did some soul searching and started seeing myself as a beautiful person on the inside that I was able to develop genuine friendships.


Unless you're born UGLY, but then turned to a BEAUTY at puberty. Trust me, it's different. When people thought you're ugly they hated when you existed, when you're so beautiful they're just there for your looks. But by that time you're a beauty with brains cos that's what you bring to the table, your thoughts.


Still a 100x easier life than anyone who is ugly.
There are a lot more downsides that come with being unattractive. No one kills himself because they think "oh my god, I am so beautyful, why am I this way?" Lmao


You can have both. Be beautiful or handsome while knowing your beauty is not the main value about yourself as a person!


Compared to the downsides of ugliness I'd trade places in a heartbeat.


Whatever you said was absolutely on point. I was just an avg kid but when puberty hit me I actually became very attractive. And I noticed that I was gaining a lot of attention than before and honestly it was such a huge ego boost. But I never had an attitude towards others I was always friendly with everyone, I even got approached by a lot of boys who liked me coz of my personality or looks that Im not sure about but I was and am still confused about it. Whenever I go for a walk people stare at me and trust me its not pleasant. I started having insecurity abt myself and now I dont go outside without a mask or a scarf to cover my face. I feel disgusted when Im stared at like I'm some new species that they have never seen. How can overcome this? Please if anyone has a solution let me know I'd be very grateful 🙂


Another tip that I had experienced with pretty privilege also is that there is a lot of suitors out there for you but there is ALSO alot of twist catches behind them.

Everything that seems sweet, isn’t really sweet. Some of the suitors will greet and treat you just to prey on you, while the others who will use you and value you to market off of you then run you dry and waste your time.

In the end, have pretty privilege or not people is going to use or prey on you at any chance they get, if convenient. Not a nice world.


Guys i have a classmate who's pretty; white, good-looking eyes, no pimples. But the way she acted is alarming me. She likes to give off negative vibes, such as like to complain about everything and swearing everytime she CAN (that's two things i can think of rn).

I heard she confessed to her crush (who's quite good looking too) a while later. Turned out she got rejected, and do you know? Her crush likes me lol 😭 I don't even fits the what-so-called beauty standards, but i think he likes me because of my attitude and personality.

I know we couldn't close our eyes towards beauty privilege, but i still wanna believe that even without looks, we have the same chances and rights.


Dont base your value on beauty because beauty fades while knowledge doesn't


Anyone who says otherwise probably isn't 8-9/10 pretty

If you were extremely beautiful and you got the actual amount of attention she's talking about.

You'll know that over time you'll be numb to it and ignoring people that approach you becomes easy.

About liking people that don't give them much attention.

It works(if you're also charming)

It's not an issue of self esteem, it's a human issue of value being attached to scarcity.
And also the female hypergamy

For us guys it really doesn't get to our heads. Because the attention a female 8 would get is far higher than what a male 8 would get.

Status is what gives us that vain ego, since it's what people notice quickly in a man.


I’ve been called all my life beautiful yet I’ve got so used to it that when I grew up i was disgusted by anyone Who Tried to approach me in that way, because if that makes sense it was like i hated them because i knew t hey were not basing their interest in something more than just a Piece of meat, they were instead trying to get something that was out of their “possibilities” and yes i gave my attention to those ones who were not interested in me because i thought that if I convinced them into liking me I could believe them because it was an interest that I”gained”. Trust me it’s kind of messed up because it may look like the most self-centered speach i tell you that it’s just the reflection of a big insecurity, and I know it may sound a paradox but I think that if you are fragile, and you are pretty, this priviledge may turn into an issue as well. I wish this matter was just talked about more


What a lot of people who see themselves as "ugly" don't understand, is that the people who give attention to "beautiful" people are generally just basing it off of superficial things like their looks, and not so much any of their other inner qualities. Being treated like a piece of meat is not nearly as good as it sounds, and it's honestly probably worse than being flat out ignored, because it's your true self just generally being ignored


Beauty is not necessarily skin deep. Some very beautiful people are very deep mentally and emotionally.


The insecurity/anxiety about being pretty is actually real. While it's true that I love compliments or to "glam up" even just for the sake of boosting my confidence, I get anxious co'z I keep experiencing catcalls, some people singing songs with vulgar lyrics while you see in your peripheral vision that they're looking at your direction, while some would go to the point of approaching just for an uncomfortable interaction.

As much as I love to glam up, my mind would tell me to rather not do it instead co'z I know I'd just feel objectified. It sucks. People who don't know respect boils my blood.

I don't usually share this to people co'z if I do, they would just tell me, "They're just appreciating your beauty, " or "they're just complimenting you, " or "maybe they wanted to get acquainted with you, " or would tell me I'm being overdramatic about it because it's normal that people would react if they see pretty people.

But on the bright side, I get treated kindly :>


As someone who's been introduced as the pretty/beautiful one growing up, I ended up believing it was the only good thing about me. I felt I always needed to look pretty, so when I didn't feel pretty, it deeply affected me emotionally. I have low self esteem and social anxiety. I can't even say I love myself. (Just wanted to mention because the video mentioned a big ego.) I often feel fat but can't even tell any of my girl friends because they judge me (I've mentioned it to them before but got judged so I don't say things like this anymore) because I'm the skinniest out of them, but they don't know I starve myself. I also found out I have body image disorder last year. When I noticed a change in my looks because of age, it emotionally hurt me a lot. Any little self esteem I had and love toward myself dissipated along with my looks. And I'm still working on being okay with that.

P.S.: I know there's downsides to everything. I just wanted to share my life on this topic because I've felt alone about this until the comments on this video.


This is why you also work on developing the inside as well. Have a good heart and spirit.
