Symptom change and waning protection

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COVID cases no longer climbing as feared, except Scotland

Data from 21st August to 4th September

COVID cases no longer climbing as feared

Current cases, + 51,876 (symptomatic)

Based on PCR and LFT test data from up to five days ago, n = 31,075

Down 9.2% from 57,158 new daily cases last week

In the fully vaccinated population

Cases, + 17,674 (symptomatic)

(Last week’s average, + 17,342)

New cases are the highest among the 0-18 and 18–35 year-old

On average 1 in 90 people in the UK currently have symptomatic COVID

UK R value = 1.0

Wales, 1.1

Scotland, 1.1

Scotland and England

Cases remain highest in 0-19 years old

Longer covid

894 people a day will go on to experience symptoms for longer than 12 weeks

Professor Tim Spector

It’s great to see the return to schools and summer festivals haven’t yet resulted in a spike in cases as feared.

Worse in Scotland, rates are still rising

Scottish hospitals could soon be overwhelmed

The Scottish situation makes it clear we can’t be complacent about COVID as winter approaches

We are still producing far too many Long Covid cases and hospitalisations unnecessarily

For 521 days, ZOE and King’s College London have demanded cold and flu-like symptoms be recognised as common COVID-19 symptoms

UK rates the highest in Europe, if the government continues with no restrictions,

surely we should at least help people to recognise the symptoms early and know when to stay at home

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Small thing - but I really like your previous background with the window and educational material, vitamin D bottle and mugs. Greatly appreciate your excellent work


If I was the government I would be demanding my money back from Pharma. Even my doorbell has a 12 months warranty.


Dr John - you have greater faith than me, that the government has the capacity to make sensible decisions based on the data.


The trouble is most English schools haven't even been back a week yet, I'd give it a couple of weeks.


As you know Dr. Campbell, there is a connection between low vitamin D3/k3 and weak immunity to all pathogenic viruses including Covid-19. Scotland is terribly low in vitamin D3 especially in winter. So an increase in infection is predictable. Vaccination helps survival but does not stop the spread as far as I understand. Could you please do another video on immunity and the immune system?


I’m a doctor in the UK at new cross and around 54% of people hospitalised with COVID-19 are fully vaccinated.


Three people in my household have covid currently, they are all double jabbed an ill. I'm unvaccinated and I'm fine.


It's a giant scam, doesn't take much brain power to calculate. If I brought a car and they told me it could go 100 mph and it only went 50 I'd be pissed off 😤


Couldn’t we start a prophylaxis program to help prevent Covid infections, and I don’t mean masking and hand washing, (what I intend is the distribution of kits with repurposed drugs, vitamins and minerals as has been done in other countries with encouraging degrees of success) instead of just putting all of our eggs into the vaccine and vaccine booster basket??? Not to be disdained, you know. We need all the help we can get in fighting this virus!!!


Sending much gratitude and warm wishes to you and Mrs. Campbell. We appreciate your dedication to public health education. Thank you <3


Schools went back in Scotland around the 18th/19th August. Schools in England went back on Thursday 2nd September. If schools returning is the cause of the rise in Scotland then we'll expect to see a rise in cases in England starting within a week or so and very high in about 4 weeks.


The problem with the list of symptoms is that they seem to cover everything from allergies, hay fever, colds. influenza, chest infections, throat infections, chest infections. How do we know what is the true rate? As we test many more than other countries do we show more cases? Very confusing.


@Dr. Campbell Can you help me understand these statements I found in a CDC article? "People with autoimmune conditions may receive a COVID-19 vaccine. However, they should be aware that no data are currently available on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines for people with autoimmune conditions." and "In small studies, fully vaccinated immunocompromised people have accounted for a large proportion of hospitalized “breakthrough cases, ” and that suggests immunocompromised people are more likely to transmit the virus to household contacts.". Lastly: "A person should not receive more than three mRNA vaccine doses." Please and thank you!


England schools have only been back a week - that's not usually long enough for covid to become severe and require hospital. Scottish schools went back a couple of weeks earlier. I think we need to give this another week or two before making any declarations.


Could you please reply to the mRNA inventor who has said that wide spread use of the vaccinations will make the pandemic worse for the future?


To be fair, a lot of people on Tim’s YouTube channel were pointing out that schools actually returned later in the week. So perhaps it’s too early to say that there’s been no impact.


John the schools went back a lot earlier in Scotland. Our kids have just gone back...give it a couple of weeks then we can compare.


The protection in the fully vaccinated will continue to wane And hospitalizations will be going up. The first wave of so-called breakthrough infections were disproportionately in the Pfizer vaccine population. This was the least antigenic of the three vaccines available. Moderna will be on a similar trajectory with protection fading To Pfizer levels in the next 2 to 3 months.


I've had long haul COVID-19 for over a year. What I have discovered is that a Keto diet is the ticket to being symptom free, also avoiding all histamine triggering foods.


I miss your doodles on the paper presentations; the odd tick here, then a definite X elsewhere, followed by a ? or even a "Watch this space" type comment.
No idea why I find the pen method easier to watch.
