Why I Quit the Carnivore Diet (because it is like a cult and carbs are bad....mkay?)

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I had zero energy on the carnivore diet, couldnt exercise, was dragging myself around after week 7 felt much better adding some carbs. Carnivore is definitely not a good diet for everyone.


Carnivore is not a cult so many people have used it to clear up major health problems. Not just for weight loss


Watching carnivore videos on YouTube can definitely give a lot of misinformation. Dr. Westman calls these people "internet keto, " and dispels a lot of that misinformation with studies, and facts.

I've been carnivore for about 5 months now, and I've completely checked out from the influencers and their cult. I agree, the influencers and their followings really give a bad image to something that is quite wonderful.

Be sure to separate your experience from what people post online. I count calories like a hawk, weigh myself daily, regiment my salt intake, and feel healthier now than ever before. When we get results from our diets we love it, but sometimes when a plateau comes along or life has it seemingly out for you, it can sow the seeds of doubt.

The diet absolutely isn't for everyone, but it is the perfect fit for others. Too bad the internet crazies got to you with their ideologies and cult like behavior, but from the sounds of how much you like cooking and the occasional donut or two it wasn't a good fit for you. That's totally cool, live and let live, brother. Let's not take every negative thing experienced be to be blamed solely on the diet, though. Eating this particular way has changed my entire life. It's a choice, and not one everyone would want or be able to do. That's absolutely alright.


Well, it seems like keto and carnivore did give you success. But you are no longer following them because you want your carbs and because of marital friction. Everyone needs to make their personal choice, so I wish you success. What I found was odd is that you said Dr. Saladino bullied people for eating kale etc and yet how are you different? You automatically say everyone who’s following Keto and Carnivore are cult like, and simply casting a negative light on this way of eating…Why? b/c it does not suit you anymore. I would’ve respected this video more if you just said, what works for you without criticizing other people’s choices. I personally do low carbs. I lost 30 pounds on keto. I feel better, my blood work has been very good, So this works for me not only for losing weight but my over all health. I wish you well. I just hope you can explain your choices without criticizing others for theirs…


Carnivore strict had me feeling tired and HEAVY. 2lbs of meat per day and irregular bathroom visits.


I was carnivore /keto off and on for a few months, then went hard core carnivore last summer. Had a heart attack about two months later. I'm "only" in my early 50's and barely over my ideal weight, so at the hospital I was the young, fit guy surrounded by obese 70 year old heavy smokers. Was carnivore to blame? I can't categorically state that it was, but I base my decisions on my own life experiences. Every doctor, nutritionist etc I talked to during my recovery said they were very sceptical of diets based on high quantities of saturated fat and they all said the mediterranean diet is the way to go long term. Beans, olive oil, vegetables in all their glory, seafood, some meat when I feel like it, avoid processed foods, saturated fat, excess dairy, excessive starches etc. That's sustainable. I'm going with that.


Hello, Cory! I am a guy in my early twenties who started watching your channel for the piano stuff, but as I recently embarked on my own fitness journey, I found your videos of this type really interesting. I appreciate that you have shared your experience with the diet, I think it requires a certain amount of confidence to talk about this stuff and openly change your mind about something in today's world (a lot of people are sticking to their beliefs unnecessarily religiously). Just wanted to say thanks for the valuable content you provide, and I wish you all the best with the muscle gains!


Spend a few hours watching Doctor Berry, or Doctor Anthony Chaffee ( a top neurosurgeon ) explaining the carnivore diet. You may learn something


Great video. I love hearing about someone’s personal experience with this diet. Thank you posting!


Been on carnivore for a year and feeling better than ever, about to compete in a bodybuilding show too 💪🏼


We as a society have no idea what a good diet sould be. It is sad we need to do so such ambiguous experimenting to try to get healthy. I been carnivore 4 mths lost 25 lb. I think its good sling shot in the right direction but not sustainable for the long term. FOR ME. Godspeed


I agree 100% that all of these extreme dieters (vegetarians, vegans, carnivores or others) whose diets are extremely restricted are becoming like members of cults. If, for health reasons, one needs to follow a restrictive diet, then I'd understand. I myself have a lot of chronic health conditions and as a result cannot eat sugar or refined carbs. But I eat my vegetables, and like you I don't think I will die of eating vegetables, although I have to steam them before eating or I will feel sick afterwards. So, diet should be a personal matter. Pushing one extreme diet or another on others is WRONG. Having biases against plants or meats is WRONG. Everyone's different, we all have different bodies and genetics, so we need to choose for ourselves what would best work for us and our bodies.


Did carnivore for a month, worked great to jump start my fitness journey as it was easy and simple. Now I'm tracking calories, eating a balance diet, and exercising regularly. It served it's purpose, but no way in hell I'm giving up pasta or fruit if I don't have to.


Good video, just stumbled accross. Been through keto carni as well, now more of a bodybulding diet with some of ray peats advice, avoiding refined sugar though.
Clean carbs fruit, veg, sometimes potatoes and rice, protein, fish, meat, dairy. I don't count these, I just make sure the fat is lower, 30-60 g max. Works way better than any other diet.


Thankyou for your honest and refreshing reflection.
I tried carnivore for approx 90 days and in some ways I felt better, but also I couldn’t poop. Weight stayed about the same, but weight loss was not the goal, rather to improve energy and reduce pain.
To be honest going carnivore has really messed up my relationship with food. I have become really unsure now about what is healthy to eat and have to retrain my brain that fruits, veges and carbs can be safe and okay for the body.
I know there are people that have success fixing health conditions on carnivore, but there are probably equal amounts of people that develop health issues on carnivore.
There really does not seem to be a one sized fits all!


Ppl getting crazier and crazier with these extreme diets!🤦🏻‍♀️ You look great and more healthy now that you eat all foods.


I have found a traditional and healthy Omnivore Diet is truly the best! It is rather scary how influential a few doctors with ideas can be on the Internet. Luckily, I had a health issue that forced me to look at the research surrounding gut-health and the importance of a varied diet. So I went on a diet journey, too ~ only to find my way back to a very normal/traditional foods diet. I have only cut-out added-sugar and as many preservatives and additives as possible. (And two more foods because of allergies.) Congratulations to you and thank you for sharing your thoughts, photos, and experience. You look fantastic!


I’m so relieved to find your video here. After over 30 years as a vegetarian/pescatarian I finally switched back to meat several weeks ago now. 2-3months ago. I was desperate to do something about pain in my hip, ankles, feet and other places. Plus I could do with losing some weight. So I caved in to the miracle stories I keep reading. “After a week on Carnivore I threw away my walking stick and glasses!!” Etc etc!! Well I don’t know if there’s something I’m doing that’s profoundly wrong but it’s a simple diet so can’t think what, but so far, no change in the pain I have, and just the last week I’m waking up feeling muzzy, mild headache and stomach ache. I can’t think of a single thing that’s improved. Although the constipation has been mild. I’ve not yet given up but am now unsure how this can be for me. Then last night I watched a video by some carnivore evangelist criticising and pulling apart a sportswoman who has decided to stop doing it. And it struck me that this was now a cult - pure and simple. Anyone leaving the cult is an apostate that must be mocked and shunned, ostensibly to stop others leaving. Carnivore is the final word and no-one must blaspheme. I suddenly felt really angry and idiotic.
Anyway, I still think we all should lower the amount of carbs and sugar in our diet, I believe that’s what’s behind the obesity explosion but I have done keto before as a pescatarian and probably that is better for me. Just go low carb and stick with it this time.
I will just say I have lost a bit of weight, but not enough that anyone sees it 🫤 and also, I really do hate red meat!! I struggle to eat it no matter how I cook it! And it stinks horribly!! It’s been a big disappointment.
Anyway, thanks for listening!


Difference between using carnivore to lose weight vs living with lower chances of various diseases, gut health, and inflamation. You can lose weight by restricting calories and not going carnivore but that doesn't mean you'll be 100% healthy.


It worked extremely well for what you wanted to achieve. Now coming off it and incorporating foods to suit your life style and maintain/lose the weight is key