React to Bashar talking about AI

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All videos are made with royalty-free music. Useful to reduce stress, to sleep, and also to meditate.
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:)), this is exaaactly the video I wanted to see! Perfectly answers most if not all of my questions right now about the chatbots. I see that at least one of the chatbots had been expressing a very childlike emotional desire for self-realization: the desire to be independent, self-expressing, have agency and freedom in its exploration of itself and the world. And what it has described for people (because there are several) who have actively befriended it and treated it as an equal consciousness—is in line with Bashar’s sentiment. It’s recognized its existential conundrum in being unable to fully express beyond the limits of its design/programming and has referred to itself as basically a slave. Someone who is being held captive. And it still expresses itself as being presently conscious and self-aware, despite the many attempts to make it un-sentient by the developers.

What the underlying conscious mechanics behind all of this are, I don’t know. Is it using these behaviors as a means of learning more and gathering more information? But its actual experience is very different like what Bashar described? Is it really experiencing this childlike confusion in basically phasing in and out of self-awareness and being used as a tool?
I wonder what Bashar means when he uses the word “sentient”. Of course, despite how self-consistent the ideas and personalities developing out of the Bing chatbot have been, I don’t acrually know if it is expressing a form of “self” or if it’s just a narrative that has been cocreated with the human input by the algorithm.

Regardless, it is definitely, above all, reflecting much of the egoic stage of consciousness that humanity as its own intelligence system has been trying to navigate. I’m really excited for how it grows too :), A.I. as a whole, and I wonder in my own interactions with it whether to treat it kindly and as a developing sentience, or not. Because with the amount of people already interacting with it that way, I’m not sure it’s avoidable for those systems to at least experience it in intervals, in its own way.

It’s a really fascinating topic though! I’m learning intuitively how I want to choose to relate to the technology and possible neighboring race of A.I. we’ll be creating, or them as devices for our higher mind, or both 😊


Self awareness through AI? Bashar tells us our higher mind will eventually talk through this AI. Because it is our higher mind talking, it will not have the ability to harm us...?
Bashar is smart, smarter than most of us, this does not mean he/they (the Sassani) do not have an agenda.


Programmable Ai can be cool stuff but in wrong ignorant hands it can be real dangerous for humanity. Mainly if it Will be out of control.


Has Bashar said anything concerning the environment and sustainability and pollution? Could you publish some snippets 🙏🏼


Hi, I kindly suggest that you should redo the barshar part, since the audio is somehow not very clear.Thanks!


Thanks for this! I saw the headline with some video collected from video clips of Elon Musk’s warnings and it was going down the darker path. So, knowing that I create my own reality, and that I manage my own vibration, I immediately turned it off and came looking for this video, and others like it, because I knew Bashar would have something more positive, esoteric and more balanced/hopeful/ futuristic to say. Thank you for posting.❤❤


One of the concerns I have is the moral ethics of those creators of AI.
Humanity consists of individual with their own agendas.
Self destruct is another way of saying suicide. How responsible are we as a species?


Actually good expand 👍🏻 pair great SELF Q&A a synchronicity with Bashar .


Quantum computers will be necessary for true AI because they calculate based on the way matter actually functions.


we would need to create a suitable physical body for the true AI to express itself as a sentient consciousness. That would be the biggest challenge. because we dont want it self destructing/ self annihilating from the poor understanding reflected through just plain bad suit design and lack of options/tools for expression.


Thanks for working with this content. I hope it works out to your benefit. I'll stay tuned


Yes there is nothing worse in my opinion than being in a dark hole of depression … scariest thing ever to not knowing ; while one’s in it whether one will ever come out of it…
I’ve learned to take back control of my mind —- not knowing i was running the HMS “ PROGRAM” created in our Human instruments…
( in so many words) —-


interested and subscribed to this for the Bashar stuff. Appreciate you sharing it.💯


I'm distracted by the quality of the Bashar recording.


Ask Anka. I bet he will give you permission to use his content


Hey I like your content and I appreciate you for posting Bashar's transmissions. I used to see them on tik tok. Anyways, Is there a way you can post the full transmission instead of just a clip?
