Bashar On Don't react to the things you don't prefer

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Physical Action Is The Language Of Physical Reality
Act on your passion,…(Heart Mind)
To the best you are able,(Physical Mind)
W/no insistence on outcome.(Higher Mind)
Remain positive no matter what happens,
to receive a beneficial effect.
Acknowledge, Appreciate & Allow
Though minds may be different, though body forms may be different, it is through the heart that we recognize our spirits are one. ~ A Sassani, First Contact Specialist saying.
THE FIVE LAWS (unchanging facts)
(The Structure of Existence)
1.YOU Exist (you always have, always will)
death is an illusion
2.EVERYTHING Is Here & Now
time & space are illusions
3.The One Is All, The All Is One
separation is an illusion
4.What You Put Out Is What You Get Back
physical reality is a mirror
5.Everything Changes Except The First 4 Laws
change is a constant, that never changes
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He makes life sound so simple and all the trash we've had are from society programmings. By and large.


I like how wobbly he is as he states his speech about circumstances during manifestation🙂
