How to Get a Tattoo You Won't Regret | Tattoos

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Hi my name is Chris 51, I'm here to help you get that tattoo that you won't regret. First word of advice, search your heart. I find that a lot of the younger generation tend to congregate around styles and trends that are popular at the moment. These things are great now, they make for beautiful, colorful tattoos but your likes and dislikes are going to change over time. Go with something that is you and not popular with you. Base your decision on emotion rather than fashion. That doesn't mean that every tattoo you choose has to have some deep-rooted, hidden agenda, some life-long lesson-- that's not what I am trying to say. I'm just trying to say stick with your heart because you can't go wrong there. No matter what friends, or anyone else tells you if its something you are passionate about, something that happened to you, a life experience, that's what you are going to be proud of.
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That painting behind him is fucking great.


I agree I think tattoos can be either super meaningful, personal and pretty. You can loose the art if you try too hard but at the same time personally I love symbolism and philosophy and such so mine will probably always have meaning. But I do see it as personal choice.


Agreed...I always look at them as art and composition (throughout the body matters) matters...The wrist wouldn't be this extreme but I have seen photos of pretty similar side pieces and just like 2 or three inches of difference from where they begin and end make a huge difference on the over all composition of flattering the body. I feel like symmetry to some extent is beautiful. But a good artist can make the words work so do what you want.


Think long and hard before choosing a design, I've been thinking for more then 10 years on what to tattoo on my body? Where to tattoo it?, So it's 1 tip think, take your time, draw it on a piece of paper, drow it on your skin, see how it looks, if you think it's perfect, keep it in your mind, draw it every day, take a pic of it, look at it every day, and if you really felt that this is it, tattoo it


not if your a serious collector, and you wait years for that real high level work


Personally I think both are great :) Art is beautiful


I don't really like the whole tattoos have to mean something thing I just like art and like looking at it on it my body i'd much rather a kick ass tattoo that has no sentimental value to me than a average tattoo that means a lot


nice thanks! that makes sense :) lol when I first saw this I thought I had offended you...."Who do you think you are?" Do you make videos?


NIce oooh what do you have...I'm just now working on my first. It's such a fun process.


Animal needs to be colored in and the rest of the band need to be added. I can't wait to get it finished :) It's gonna look awesome!


lol im full trippin out on the sesame street characters pointing the gun to his head .. fkn LOL


How about a flower with a word as the stem or tied in...IDK I like matching arms but there's no rule.


oh sad day...who are your favorite philosophers...I'm a Plato fan (not expert haha) but I'm pretty sure I don't have any of his lectures, or talks, or videos of him "corrupting the youth." I'm learning every step of the way about YT's rules and copyright. Anyways, most of mine are about art jobs, art school, my art, and being an artist. (actually I talked a bit about philosophy majors in some I'm editing now.)


Great video, Tattoos aren't made to brag tell everyone on the block hey i got a tattoo they are made to remember something Important to you.


I'm extremely picky when it comes to tattoos. I have 4 already and going to get number 5 in 3 weeks.


Cool...I suppose I am a true westerner :) Thanks! I will keep Alan Watts in mind next time I am at a used bookstore.

Автор at my last appointment one of the artists had an Animal shirt on and my artist quizzed him about the name of his band. lol That's cool though. I just finished the outline and will start shading here soon.


dont get a full face tat and expect to run for public office lol!


I got my first tattoo on my right upper arm which is Link from The Legend of Zelda, Scooby and Shaggy on my right lower leg, My husband's name on my right butt cheek, on my front, I have his name again and on my left upper arm I have the Electric Mayhem. Electric Mayhem isn't finished yet. Right now I have Animal, Dr. Teeth, and Janice. I get it done next month on the 12th. I plan on getting more tats in the future symbolizing my grandparents and my dad.


omg ur profile picture!!! <3 <3 <333
