The Top 5 Mistakes People Make in Workers Compensation Claims

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One thing I've gone through was my boss telling me he can accommodate, for me to go home and sleep it off because May be in just tired.. I said "no. I have to go see urgent care", which I did. Now I got more paperwork supporting my injuries


thanks for this very informative video!!!! so glad i came across this information!


Hi thank you for being so honest I live in Massachusetts and the judge denied my claim can I speak to the judge that denied my claim thank you for your time.


Thank you! I haven't been able to work for 3 years because the hospital put down I only hurt my neck but misdiagnosed me. I said to over 30 different people other body part on the same side were injured and I kept noting it but still they refuse to look at my arm and trapezius on the same side. I have a pinched nerve I think because of a fracture. It feels like a piece of bone is hitting the nerve. I feel helpless.


Joe that was some great information. I was injured a week ago while performing patient care, in RI, for my Federal employer. And I'm happy to say that to date I have not made any of those mistakes. Needless to say, I am still scared for my health, my employment, my family, and my sanity. I do have one point of criticism, please don't call us "ambulance drivers". We are EMTs and paramedics. Again thanks for the information.


Please, I have a question. In fact, the employer filed the form 36 to suspend the weekly benefits but after the informal hearing the judge dismissed the 36. The issue now is that the employer who already suspended the weekly payment 3 weeks before the hearing, is refusing to continue the payment. There is no other pending form. Which action the employee can take? Thanks


I have a question I'm from Michigan, I got injure broke my plexus at work and have nerve damage, my employer claim that I have no case because I went back to school after I got injured.
Still is hard for me to sit on my computer and do homework something that will take 30 min typing take me couple of days due to pain I do my assignment in segments.


I have a question, I’ve been out for 5 months now randomly hr finally tells me since I been out the work insurance added up and now I owe a balance, something that was never told from the start.. can i stop the insurance and still receive the workers comp docs and surgery that i will be getting


Crazy. I have be careful then. I have a hernia, according to a doctor, work related, thing is my employer just said to wear a belt support and nothing further. I'm attempting now to document as best I can about my situation and response from my employer. I also suspect that he wants for me to quit, but can't do that now can I. Houston, TX.


Can you do a video that specifies that the date of your claim is not necessarily the date of your workplace accident but the date an injury was discovered and deemed an disability..and whether the Statute of Limitations applies if your employer did not report your workplace accident as required after making written report to them
Thank you for your videos


I'm in California, so I'm sure the laws are different. I made a few mistakes. Even not filing an injury report and more, but my biggest mistake was going back to work when the workers comp doctor said I had to. I was fired from my job shortly after, due to the workers comp case no doubt and I started working somewhere else while fighting my case. My injury got so bad I couldn't walk anymore. Now here's the kicker. I was rated at 100% disabled, but because the doctor rated it 90% first employer and 10% second employer somehow, in the eyes of California state disability laws it doesn't equal 100% anymore. I won on every aspect, but I'm 90% and 10% disabled. Not 100% disabled. The difference in value is huge. The difference from a half a million to a few million.


Do you suppose to get per diem added yo your worker’s comp


Thank you for this information, , much appreciated. How do you find your workmans' comp claim if the office wont give you the claim number or the number even to the HR department? I am helping my roommate as much as possible through this; however, his office is not helping him at all. They even took his work load off the schedule for the day of the injury, to try to cover this up. I am petty sure that is against the law, though i am not a lawyer. This is insane that he has to go through this. He is an American citizen, and I am helping him because he is Latino and is unfamiliar with the laws. I am worried he is being taken advantage of. I have made sure he has copied all his emails, messages, doctors records, even his weekly time card. I am in the process of helping him fill out his claim, and still, now, a week later, I cannot definitively tell you whether his employer has even filed a 1st report of injury. Now, the only thing his manager has told him is that he can't come back to work until HR finalized there investigation/claim (????), even though he turned in his doctor's note that released him to light duty. His manager has been talking to the office about his claim (which doesn't that fall under the privacy act?), as he has received texts from other employees asking him what is going on (which I also had him save), and she wants all his records to send to HR, and his manager stated he is not allowed to contact HR (all of which I have documented for him). This is really strange to me and as much as what I am typing doesn't make sense, either does any of this to me as well.


Is a C9 the same as the from you're talking about for #2? I have no idea what to do to get the other parts injured severely thay they refuse to add to the claim. I can't no normal activities, I can't go back to work...3 times I went out complaining about the body parts. I kept consistency and I'm on medical leave and I've missed out of about $300, 000 of salary. I'm exhausted trying to stand up for myself. Advice please... 🙏 I tried to get light duty and they said no. I think I only have a month left of medical leave before they can fire me for good. 🥺 I use to work 7 days a week before I got hurt. It has ruined me and my reputation. I can't build indy race car tired anymore. I just want to be healed so I can enjoy life again and most importantly be able to work again. :(


What happens if your job/employer never offered workmen comp?? Or never sent you to their DR.


What about new york state workers compensation laws how long do have claim


I fell at work I’m 16 and slipped on wet floor while mopping, I wasn’t wearing nonslip shoes and your supposed to but I was waiting to order them, I got a bad bruise and hit my ear/cheek, can I get workers comp? What exactly is it?


Hi I did everything right and I was still denied my lawyer says we can't ask the judge why is this true by the way the insurance company offered a settlement can you please tell me why they did that? Please respond as soon as possible thank you.


got hurt last year on the job in VA, (fractured right ankle)..just had my hardware removed last year and reaching MMI. I read, for my foot injury I can get up to 125 weeks of PPD.. will the commission determine the weeks or will I get 125 weeks, depending on my impariment rating?


Heres the thing, my mom got injured on her right arm, all she asked was for two weeks off (paid) for getting injured at work, they took her to a doctor and got an injection, but the pain was still there, instead the company puts her in another job site, then another one, alot more physical labor, needless to say her tendon is severly fractured, she filed a lawsuit against the company for basically ignoring her and not helping out the situation, but im wondering if this is exploitation from the company?
