Minecraft Easy IRON FARM Extremely Efficient! - Tutorial 1.16+

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Minecraft Easy IRON FARM Extremely Efficient! - Tutorial 1.16+
Hey guys, in this video I show you how to make a very good Iron Farm


♪ Branch (Prod. by Lukrembo)
♪ Biscuit (Prod. by Lukrembo)

Voltrox Voltrox youtube Voltrox iron farm Voltrox minecraft

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Literally the best overall minecraft tutorial I have seen! Good music instead of some annoying EDM, block sounds mached with the music, very easy-to-follow building instructions, exact amounts of blocks showed right in the beginning, afk-test at the end and even credits given to the original build designer! Keep it up my guy. Hope you get a lot ton of more subs in the future, you deserve it!💪🏼


Common mistakes if your farm doesn't work:
-Build the farm higher so iron golems don't spawn on the ground.
-Put carpets on top of the zombies cages so iron golems don't spawn above.


To anyone who is building the four stacked version of this. Make sure you do the villagers before the zombies otherwise the farm will only work on the bottom layer. The zombies stop the villagers from linking to a bed and they cant spawn golems if they arent linked to a bed


Thank you for showing how to do it in survival, I’m new at this stuff and that was super helpful!!


Thanks! Finally a good flower farm so i cam feed my bees


Nice, easy, and efficient design and very well edited! Nice work!


Bed orientation is apparently very important. Even though I had the top of every bed facing the middle block I wasn't getting golem spawns I rewatched the video and followed the exact way he placed them and all of the sudden golems started spawning.


really lovely tutorial dude, thanks for your efforts. Also i really loved that the block placement sound matched to the beat of the song. Great!


Please note:
If you decide to do it in the over world like I did, I got 2 stacks of iron in 20 minutes. This farm relies on them going to the nether so more can spawn in. Heavily recommend doing it like the tutorial. F you don’t want them to go to the nether, another great iron farm is ilmango’s design. If you decide to do that one, however, you have to adjust it slightly but if you look in the comments there uk be solutions.
Hope this helps


Great editing! Well done and thanks for the design


I just want to say that these are some of the best transitions ive ever seen in a simple tutorial videos. Well done!


Mine wasn't working at first but I think I fixed it: (Building it in 1.16.5)
So he says to build it 9 blocks off the ground (building out on the 9th up) I assume because of the radius that iron golems spawn. Minecraft Wiki says that golems spawn within a 16x13x16 box around each individual villager +other factors. So if you have any hills or other spawnable blocks around your setup that fall in that box it will also try spawning them there. Getting rid of any of these within that radius should fix it! I'm not exactly sure how far out this is, but I dug any block that was within 16 blocks of where the villagers stand that was above the ground's y level.
I'm not sure if this is even necessary but I saw on the wiki that most of the villagers had to have worked the previous day for golems to spawn so I modified the villager pods by basically stretching them to be 4x3 (1x2x2 open area) and adding 2 work stations. 🗹 = bed (still put the pillows next to the area they will stand in. ☐ = air. ☒ = work station. The other 3 layers should be the same just add another row of each and get rid of the glass block so they can walk on both blocks.
Two important things that you should do on the zombie pods anyways: Put bottom slabs on top of the sun roof or else golems will spawn there. Then also place bottom slabs on the full blocks surrounding the water or else iron golems will spawn there as well.
I noticed at one point I had a golem on top of the wall surrounding the spawning platform and I'm not sure if he swam up there or had walked up from the zombie pod, but I raised the wall to be 2 and a half blocks tall from the floor.
Mine works well now! Thank you for the tutorial, hoped I helped someone!


Very well done tutorial. I've watched your Pigman farm tutorial and it works like a charm and so did this! I love your videos, they are very short and has easy instruction.


Tip: You can slab the ground below the farm so the iron golems don't spawn there that's what I did now my farm works perfectly


Thanks for this, I'm definitely going to use this in my survival world.

Also I dropped a like. :)


First high quality video without talking I have ever seen


Now i have more iron than cobblestone😅😅


did not use ur design but the idea of soul sand to make the zombie go up and down helped my farm ty :)


Minecraft tutorial + Lo-fi + sound sync + cool edit = Masterpiece


thanks soo much!! before i saw this video, on my smp i like steal the others iron but now i do this farms like without looking the video at all Thank You Soo Much!!
