39 INSANELY Helpful Tips! [ Stardew Valley Guide ]

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Welcome to my Stardew Valley guide: 39 helpful tips and tricks for new players in 2021! Whether it's farming, fishing, mining, or foraging, I've got you covered with my Stardew Valley guide that covers content up to the 1.5 update!

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First day of summer first year, plant your melons with speed grow. Then you’ll have a melon (hopefully good quality) for the soup at the luau which will give you a “best soup ever tasted” which means friendship hearts!


At the beginning of the game, I recommend checking the fortune teller & waiting until a high Luck day to clear all the rocks on your farm, because high Luck increases the chance of collecting coal & geodes from the rocks. You can actually collect a fair amount of coal & geodes solely from the rocks spawned on your farm if you do this.


This video was full of really helpful tips, so thank you.
BUT playing the whole game according to what will make you the most money is the most Joja thing I ever heard.


For coal: head to floor 50 of the mines. Go through, grab any you see, then get the coal at the end of 52. Head down to 53, turn around, head out, then repeat. It's a super short run from 50-52, and it's a good amount of guaranteed coal


I will say-- even if you aren't showing anyone your farm, if you want flowers then get the flowers! This game isn't all about making money right away and having pretty things on the farm is nice too


I actually use the preserved jars with the sturgeon roe to make caviar that makes the least 500 and at most 700 gold (with the artisan profession) and for the beehives its more valuable with the flowers especially the fairy rose that makes your beehive produce honey worth 680 gold every four days


Something that helps me with burnout.. I watch other people play (such as 100 days of Stardew Valley, there seems to be a fair amount of variety) and that ends up giving me motivation to go back to it. A bit late, but hopefully someone finds this helpful


9:11 I totally agree, coal is a very precious resource and hard to get. HOWEVER, if you go to the frozen section of the mines and kill the little black jumpy guys (idk the proper name) they often drop coal! That’s always my go-to way to get coal.


"Don't talk to Elliott."

"Okay, " I say, casually gifting him 999 pomegranates and treating him like the demi-god he is.


"Salmonberries are nuts!"
No, they're berries xd


Bee houses are actually really good with when they are well-positioned around fairy roses or other valuable flowers, especially when they are on Ginger Island. If you need coal, spray on the monster musk and kill dust sprites by spamming 45, 55, and 65


Side note, you WILL need a steel watering can at the very least if you want to go through the volcano dungeon in any reasonable way. So don't just nix the watering can after you get the sprinklers


“Don’t talk to Elliott”

Me, who’s married to Elliott in like 5 of my saves: :0


The way you put Elliot in the thumbnail but don't talk to him LMAO


"having animals isn't important" "crops are the best"
I play the opposite way, but I appreciate the enthusiasm.


Another tip for me is getting the mine carts as soon as possible by unlocking them in the community center. It essentially unlocks fast travel that saves a lot of time over the long haul


You: "don't talk to Elliot. Never talk to Elliot"
Me, having him as my husband: 👁️👄👁️


Blueberries are only good for the first year. On the second year, you "should" have the desert unlocked, and you should have some kegs. Prio getting Oak Resin from tree's to make LOT's of kegs, and plant Starfruit. Starfruit has a MUCH higher income than Blueberries, especially if you turn it into Wine (Each Starfruit Wine sells for 3, 150 with Artisan Perk).

Coal isn't difficult to farm. Just kill Dust Sprites on floor 45 over and over (Going down the ladder's if they show up) until you kill 500 of them to get the burglar ring, then keep killing Dust Sprites on floor 45. Every one, or close to every one, with the burglar ring gives you coal. Meaning, once you get that ring, you can easily farm 50-100 a day.

Once you have enough money though, it's always worth just buying 1-2 stacks, if not more.

Preserves Jars take 3 days to make jelly. I only have 26 Jars atm, but, I'm making 10k every 3 days from he jars alone, and this is on Summer year 1, so, it's a lot. You'll make a LOT more once you full a shed with them (Think it's like 120-130 Jars altogether). Since you're growing crops anyway (Like Blueberries and Cranberries), turning them in to Jelly is much more profitable.

Agree that Hardwood is valuable, but, not in the way you're thinking. You can usually get 1-2 Mahogany Seeds from the Secret Woods a day (Every mob and all the stumps have a chance to drop one), meaning you CAN make a major Hardwood farm at the train station or something. I use Hardwood farms to make normal Wood, as it's a lot better space-wise, since you get more wood from 1-2 hardwood through the wood chipper than you do from cutting down a tree, and you usually get 5-8 Hardwood per tree.

Chub's are your best thing to eat. Chub's and Smallmouth Bass. They both give the same amount of energy, and they also give you the most energy per 1 gold, so it's kind of a "min-max" thing :P

For Animal's, at least get the starter Barn and Coop. Having 4 Chicken's and 4 Cows makes you 1.5-2k a day from them, going up the longer you have them and keep them happy. This is an easy way to have a steady income for when you want to buy things.

I never use the basic sprinklers. I always go for Quality one's. I just speed down to floor 80, then farm up the iron, gold and quartz, and usually end up with 15 quality sprinklers for my main crop (120 crops) and 5-10 spare for anything else by the end of Spring. The basic sprinklers can be useful, but, they're kind of a waste. 1 iron bar and 1 copper bar to water 4 spot's is not worth it. That iron and copper could be used for something else (Like Kegs, Glowstone Rings and Tappers).

For the watering can, it's a good idea to try to get it to Copper before the 13th (Strawberries), that way, you can plant 100-150 Strawberries in your first spring and have plenty of energy to water it all without having to waste valuable food (Salmonberries start on the 15th-18th Spring). Just get to floor 20, spam floor 21 for copper, do a little fishing for the 2k if you don't have enough and make it. It's more helpful in the long run, especially when you are setting up the next season's crops. You only need it to be copper though, and you can upgrade it higher once you get to Winter if you want (To make year 2's Spring setup a LOT easier).

Sorry for the essay. I have a lot of time in this game as well, so thought I'd share some of my knowledge too!.

BUT, the BIGGEST TIP I CAN GIVE YOU IS play it at your own speed! There is no timer for this game, you don't need to "beat it as fast as possible". Don't feel bad because you don't do the Community Centre on year 1/2. First time I played, it took me till Fall of year 1 to even REALIZE it was a thing, then took me till year 4 to complete it (Before I found out about Stardew Wiki, the saviour of a website xD). Play at your own pace, play it the way YOU want too and do it YOUR way. THAT is the best experience for this game.


Flowers are great for honey, for decorating in front of your home, and for putting in the grange. Sunflowers can be processed into oil for cooking so you don't have to buy it, plus they produce their own seeds automatically.


Some tips of my own!

1) For flowers, I find them really useful for upping friendship meters. Except for the poppies, everyone hates poppies except for Penny. Just be sure to check the characters likes and dislikes.

2) If you find a dinosaur egg. KEEP IT.
DO NOT sell them/donate them to the museum. Idk if this is in the normal gameplay or the randomized prize version but you have to make dinosaur mayo to complete rebuilding the former jojomart center. Keep the dinosaur egg until you get a chicken coop with an incubator, you can hatch the egg and the dinosaur will lay more eggs you can donate/sell/make into mayo.

3) If you catch a sturgeon, KEEP IT until you've built a fish pond. DO NOT SELL/EAT IT. You might need caviar to finish rebuilding the former jojomart shop. Throw it into the pond, then they'll lay eggs n breed more sturgeon to sell/eat/turn into caviar.

4) When given the choice between fruit bats bringing you tree fruit or growing mushrooms, go with the mushrooms and keep atleast 2 of each mushroom. When you unlock the recipe for the life elixcer you'll be able to make alot of it instead of shelling out a bunch of gold everytime you go mining.

5) Try to first clear a path to the green house, northern entrance, and southern entrance before clearing out the rest of your farm. It'll help save a bunch of time and fuss when you have to run off for quests.

6) Make sure to aleast get 3 pumpkins and save one, Abigail's mom will ask for a pumpkin to carve with Abigail near the end of fall.

7) Try and hold onto 9 of any silver/gold/purple star item, that way you'll be able to win the stardew fair your first year.
