Voddie Baucham on Predestination and Election

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Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, offers a cordial critique of a sermon my Dr. Voddie Baucham on the Calvinistic approach to predestination and election.

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My King never mentioned Baptist, or Methodist, or Presbyterian, etc etc. He also never mentioned the divisions and or mixtures of the same.
My Lord and King said come to me ALL who are weary and heavy laden. It's my belief that the division in theology and interpretation is a major wedge for those on the fringe who have no idea that theology and denomination actually will not exist once Christ returns. Yes we need to call out false prophets as we were told to but we must be very careful not to make every believer out to be false. If we do that, no lost soul will find a place to hear the gospel for fear of possible deceit.
I pray for more understanding and joint effort to just preach the gospel and that God would shut up any division among us for the benefit of His glory.
May God bless you all.


Any system where the teacher needs to say your logical conclusions are correct but you should act as if they're not....should seriously give you pause. God is a God of reason and order.❤


God predestined us to ETERNAL LIFE for those of us that chose to belive in the gospel! is the truth dont listen to false teachers.


I'm not a Calvinist but I absolutely ADORE Voddie Baucham for his stances on other issues. I also adore Charles Spurgeon and he was a Calvinist as well. His stance on this "social justice" nonsense is great and his stance on cessationism and women in ministry I also strongly agree with. It's just terrible to me that so many Calvinists are devoutly militant and confrontational on the issue. There are TONS of GREAT Calvinist preachers but I just don't agree with them on the points of Calvinism.


Regarding provisional free will, and there is no scripture that says after we died that we still had some moral will within us that would seek God or recognize God. The only thing that we can recognize is when God brings our dead soul alive that he has done that and he allows us to see what he has done then he gives us the faith to respond it has nothing to do with our free will with some moral integrity it has all to do with God bringing a morally dead person alive to see that he has now made us moral.


I’m happy to see Leighton’s subscribers grow.


Our God is not a God of confusion. The ability of one person to turn their mind into a pretzel is not a prerequisite to salvation. Thankfully, God is merciful and allows us our own choice, despite what Calvinism states. Amen.


The problem with the corridors of time description of Simple Foreknowledge is that it imagines God looks into a future in which he is not involved and then reacts to it. That is not Simple Foreknowledge. God doesn’t look, he simply knows. And God doesn’t know a future that will never exist (a future without him involved), God knows the future with himself already involved. Therefore he cannot be reacting to his Foreknowledge since he knows a future in which he is already acting in the world as he will.

If this seems impossible to wrap our heads around that is because God’s omniscience is beyond our understanding. In this view, Foreknowledge is a mystery - as it should be. The conceit of the Calvinist is to suppose they can understand how God’s knowledge works and derive complicated, divisive doctrines from it - that are themselves mysterious.


Dr. Flowers, I just want to let you know how thankful I am that you changed your mind about calvinism and are so dedicated to debunking it. Calvinism makes a mockery of God's love (that He would randomly choose to save some people, rather than give all the chance to accept His merciful sacrifice). God bless you!


The biggest issue with the Calvinists I have is that their "Gospel" is not the Gospel the Bible teaches. If that's the case, they are false teachers no matter how you slice and dice it. They could be confused or deceived, but it does not negate the fact. IMHO, confused or ignorant Calvinists can preach the true Gospel, but the ardent ones who "know" what Calvinism teaches, cannot. They can't even say that God loves them (unbelievers), even though the Bible says otherwise.


Voddie Baucham - “Repeat after me, ” “there is no contradiction, there is no contradiction, there is no


Calvinism is the gospel/good news for a few chosen people and horrible news for everyone else.


Doesnt the very notion of "temptation" imply that we have a choice to make?


I am a Calvinist and although I disagree with Dr. Flowers, I couldn't help but leave a like because of the echo effect hahaha. Grace and peace


In England predestination is even avoided by calvinistic leaders. I recently left a church with calvinistic leanings. A church that never preached on such contraversial topics. It was only by doing my own studies that I learned the details of this world view.


Christian rap music is another place where Calvinistic teachings are found. A lot of these young black men who are talented with rap get their theology from John MacArthur and John piper and I don’t know whether they go to seminary or not but they are very talented rappers and they want to glorify God with her gift. Which is understandable. But that’s where they get where Calvinism gets very popularized as well.


Brother, just a kind word, if your truly friends with Dr VODDIE, critique him face to face. I really believe in the end you'll find out that Mr Baucham is blessed with great wealth and knowledge of the Word of God, and you may have trouble keeping up, when one of your first statements was about the length of his sermons I knew right then that we were not comparing apples to apples. I really wish that we could have two to three hours of the word of God each Sermon.


Leighton my heart is sad, because these great minister are deceptive and people love them. It seem i have been lead to Confront Calvinist, though I never wanted to. I heard Voodie baucham but he said something not true. So i look him up and heard other things not true. thank you for confirming everything I have study out. But this is very sad because he is a Good preacher who is confidently wrong.


Yes the Calvinist god is merciful by punishing by torture those he forced to commit the very sins he came up with! Good job Baucham Sproul, Calvin, MacArthur, Washer, Piper. No wonder millions flock to the merciful Calvin god!

The real God of Creation said this of His love for all man and the Created Universe.
Psalms 145:9 The Lord is good to ALL; he has compassion on ALL he has made.
Little different from the evil cruel god of calvinism isn't it?

The real Jesus said in John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

1 Timothy 2 : 3-6 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all people.

Calvinist god followers say that their god blinds the eyes of the Non-elect so they cannot see or understand the gospel. Yet it is they who have been blinded by Satan. Satan has blinded the eyes of those who are perishing. Satan leads the whole World astray.
Nothing makes people hate God faster than Calvinism.
Nothing turns people into Atheists faster than Calvinism!
Nothing kills hope and love faster than Calvinism!
Yet they are wise in their own eyes and lost in their souls and hearts.They gather around themselves those who speak the same lie!
Wake up and turn to God who loves you . "Repent and be Baptized before your life is spent and there is no more hope for you!
This can be the day of your salvation.
In Love!


Excellent video, Leighton. It sounds like (just speculation) there are those challenging Calvinism, or at least asking questions, in VB’s church. If I were asking questions of Calvinism and my pastors answer was to reiterate what a confession stated without being able to address the inconsistencies or lack of biblical foundation, I would quickly lose respect for him as someone who understands and is qualified to preach.
Conversely, if I sensed in my Pastor a genuine love, genuine concern for the flock, passion for evangelism, willingness to listen and humility to question their own presuppositions, I would have greater respect for him as a man of God.

For too long the church as a whole has been lacking in Pastors willing to engage the text of the Bible, exegeting it line by line, verse by verse, in its proper context. Preaching has been applicatory without exegetical foundation, or founded in confessions, catechisms and creeds rather than the word of God.

But I sense a change developing; there is growing interest within the body to understand what God actually says, who He is speaking to, the conflicts being addressed, etc. This is exciting, because understanding what God says will cause the declination of Calvinism.
