Multiple Sclerosis Vlog: MS MRI

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In this MS MRI video, I show you how I use MS MRI brain scans to assess response to MS medications. Join me as I compare side-by-side MS MRI brain scans. Learn more about Boster Center for MS at

The Boster Center for Multiple Sclerosis accepts all major insurance carriers and accepts consults, both in office and via telemedicine. or call 614-304-3444 to schedule!

COMMENT with your thoughts and questions and MS and MRI below! I look forward to reading and responding!



NOTE: Make sure to talk to your provider before ANY treatment decision. We hope to educate, empower and energize those impacted by Multiple Sclerosis. This channel consists of a collection of formal lectures and informal video clips about MS to help education others. These videos do not provide medical advice and are for informational/educational purposes only. The videos are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in any of our videos. They are just to help educate you about the condition guys!
Рекомендации по теме

i think these MRI video's are really informative and would like to see more. thank you.


Please, please, please continue videos like this one. Knowledge is power...


Nice. I always like these videos where you analyze someone's MRI.


Thanks for the clear “non-doctor-speak” explanation of what what’s happening on the MRI. I’ve got 10 1/2 years of MRI scans on disks - yes, it’s a thick stack! Understanding them a bit more is a good thing.


I am gonna have to figure out a way to get an appointment to come and see you. I would love for you to see my MRI. I would so welcome the conversation containing your insight and thoughts. When my doctor was getting ready to show my MRI to me. She had pointed out to me that she was completely blown away by what she and the others who examined it discovered. Then she showed it to me and she pointed out to me what all the white fluff meant and all the dark holes and so on and so on. And I too was completely blown away by what I was seeing. I am more than 30 years into my journey with MS. And I have decided that I intend to donate my brain for MS research. But I am sometimes disappointed in what appears to be a lack of interest by persons researching MS and teaching about MS. Showing little interest in people who have actually been on this journey for most of their lives and have the most experience and information. To share with others.


Yes would really like to see more MRI reviews please Dr Boster.


Thank you for reviewing this MRI. Very informative regarding identifying new lesions


🤟🏻 #WehaveMS. Excellent visual to go with your explanations


Thanks Dr. Boster. I really enjoy these types of videos! Learning about the tools doctors use to help us manage our disease is very helpful.


Fascinating and would love to see and learn more about reading MRIs.


How disappointing for your patient. Do you often find that if 1 highly effective DMT doesn't work that another will? Or do some people have drug-resistant MS?


If this patient is on a highly effective medication like Ocrevus then what would the next step be to slow down the progression?


I love this channel very informative with answers we need to know


I've been studying my scans for ages. I just find it fascinating and just want to know my butterfly brain better. Thank you for this, I'd love to learn more.


Great vid, I always go away with a bit more knowledge, greetings from the UK 🇬🇧 to all m.s warriors whether you have it, live with someone who has it, or support someone who has it,


As always - yes please. You're a hero. If you only could have been at my neurologist Visit today . She was like "it's Syringomyelia" bla bla bla. "You should see dr. - who is an MS specialist. We don't know if it's MS without the Lp." Ok, soooo if you don't know, why have you now joined several other physicians in referring me to an MS specialist? J/S she didn't even answer me on lesion size and number. I honestly don't think she's ever even reviewed my studies, outside of reading the reports. I mean she's good in a way, but also negligent in care. The only reason I was called in 42 mins after my 10 page email, with bullet points of symptoms & cut & pastes from the 2017 Revised McDonald Criteria. Lol. She was mad; but also - she found the IGM & IGG for EBV in my bloodwork & no one else explored it. However, if she has to question MRI results - clearly showing syringomeyila (prominent in autoimmune disease such as MS, being offset by latent & recurrent EBV) AND a C4 lesion on T2 flair.- yeah I'll be seeing an MS Specialist. They all keep sending me to one after the "follow my fingers with your eyes & touch your nose test." Idk why but I'm done AF. PLEASE TAKE NEW PATIENTS FROM NJ & figure my life out 😭 I shouldn't have to fight so hard to stay barely alive anymore. Rant over. I'm tired. Life is hard. GN Doc. Seriously pls help - I have Aetna POS Choice go now.. goodbye


I was diagnosed with MS last October this was the first MRI that I have seen. It is very interesting. Makes me want to see my MRI


Thanks for the show and tell in this video! I have managed to retrieve all my own scans from my MS debut in 2007 until last year and have been able to make comparisons myself. I even got a version of the software to make the same sort of Viewing you are able to do. I am happy that my Swedish health care system allows me to do this. Then I can have a really good discussion with my neurologist 🧠💡


Hey dr. Boster that’s cool, now I know what my MRI look like when my neurologist explains his findings.. thanks!


yes I find these videos very Interesting and informative and would love to see more in the future and not sure if can but could you maybe say what sort of problems the lessions cause in the different areas
