Multiple Sclerosis Vlog: MS and Aging

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In this Multiple Sclerosis Vlog, I discuss issued related to MS and aging. Want to better understand MS in older patients, then start watching right now!

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NOTE: Make sure to talk to your provider before ANY treatment decision. We hope to educate, empower and energize those impacted by Multiple Sclerosis. This channel consists of a collection of formal lectures and informal video clips about MS to help education others. These videos do not provide medical advice and are for informational/educational purposes only. The videos are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in any of our videos. They are just to help educate you about the condition guys!
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How the hey, hey do we sort out aging from MS? Yes! Yes! And yes! I am constantly asking is it MS or menopausal? It is a mystery. Thanks for the video Dr. B.


Yes! As a 92 yr old with MS, I definitely feel proactive care for my MS is ignored. I do a LOT of self care with diet, isometric, exercise, meditation & staying socially active.


I have yet to find a neuro who gives a fig for my health. I was told in Dec that my MS is stable and she would not be medicating me. That my condition would not worsen. She said I had Progressive Relapsing MS and refused to listen to me. Decided my bladder issue/and fatigue was tied to excessive trips to the toilet in the night (utterly NOT the case). She told me when I tried to express the issues I currently have "I don't have time for this". So... still searching for a neuro who wont blow me off. You are the BEST Dr B.


Yeah, 56 and diagnosed last year. Raging mad at doctors of every specialty in the entire medical profession, therapists of every therapy that exists and everyone whom I've ever known for overlooking the possibility that I might be suffering from MS this last 10-20 years. Slowly accepting that it was God's will that everyone went deaf, dumb and blind in this matter. Grateful for my Ocravus infusions, better late than never. Cleaned up the diet, relieved to have an excuse to use a walker, and most important, calmer than I've been in many years and ready to give grandmotherly advice from my armchair. Happy Sukkot from Israel. 🇮🇱


I found out i had MS at 60. Thank you for help me understand what it is i have. I was given book to learn from but couldn't & found your channel better for me. So i would love to say biggest thank you ❤😂


I hope you know what a godsend you are to so many people, Dr B. 💜


Good morning, Dr. Boster, this is Steve from Long Island, NY. I have had PPMS for 26 years and I will be turning 60 next week. This video answers many of my questions. Thanks so much for your compassion and dedication to those of us with MS.


Yes doctor I agree totally I was 50 when I was diagnosed which is older then the usual patient. I am now 63 and it's been difficult to say the least. I have relapsing-remitting. About five years into the disease it was really kicking my butt I was a nurse and Homecare so I didn't have a physical job but really it was the cognitive issues and fatigue. I have talked to many people that are my age and that seems to be the main source of her symptoms. I do have difficulty walking but I managed I fell last year and had a compression fracture in my spine due to osteoporosis so there's another thing that we deal with. I've lost my ability to add and subtract and do basic math and my memory is shot. I basically don't leave the house too much because I don't drive anymore it's not safe and it gets very lonely so I'm dealing with depression. But I'm glad you're addressing this because our needs are a little bit different than the younger Folk. I do feel very sorry for the Young patients they have children and that can really exhaust you. Thank you for thinking of us senior citizens sometimes we think we're the Forgotten bunch but we're out there and we're still fighting. Thank you again


Thank you so much for this video!! As a 90 yr old MS patient I have found it difficult to find a neurologist that will engage with my MS care. I am very proactive in my health issues. Would be helpful to have someone just to talk to that is an interested “partner” in keeping my health as good as possible.


I just hit 70. SPMS @ age 51. My bad luck to have a VA doctor who can't even see me as a person of interest. When asked if I was depressed I replied that "Depression is anger turned inwards, so no. I am not depressed. I am however, angry. At being forced to endure pathetic dismissive "care" from such a callous person masquerading as a physician. Depressed? No. Just really pissed off". Welcome to the age of inconvenience for my MD. I can't wait till he ages out and finds his own share of being inconsequential


At almost 68, I am glad to say I am doing everything right. I am still on Tysabri, but I have no more than 8 infusions a year, and luckily for me, it is the only drug I take! I'm lost excess weight and still exercise 3 times a week in a therapy pool my husband and I put in almost 5 years ago. BTW, it was ridiculously expensive, but it was the best money my husband and I spent. I'm going to give myself a good old "You've got this girl!"


You have a heart of gold. I have the kindest Neurologists who have kept me going for 20 years . At 65 I would be devastated to lose my DMD's etc especially now I have a grandchild! I've learned so much from you. Be blessed Angel of MS ❤


Mr Boster ! Thank you so much for being such a caring person, I really appreciate you taking the time to address MS in the older generation, l find as l age”MS”just gets worse more brain fog more pain, more numbness, more bathroom trips, more stress, more fatigue, more anxiety, just more everything, you are very kind 🙏❤️🙏


I am a player on the MS volleyball team for years! MS doctor would say my symptoms were not MS, go see your Primary, Primary would say this is for your MS physician. So frustrating!


Thanks for not shying away from the more difficult aspects of life with MS. 👍🏽


This video is 4 years old.
I just found it.
Feb 2023 I was diagnosed with MS, based on testing from Dec 2019 - March 2020.

The Dr said I was blessed to be 64 and not have it severely. He sent me home to "continue life the way you have "

I haven't known what symptoms of health are MS or something else. I have been aware of many allergies.

I struggle - and I feel glad to have found you and your videos.
I wish I had help, understanding and knew what to do in my own life. I feel alone and limited by my diet as well as my cramps, spasms n instability. (Will it ever get easier?)


What’s up Doc? I’m 64.5 and really appreciate this post. Things you discussed I see happening and not happening. I’m on Ocrevus with no issues at all from infusion to the 6 month mark. I take 6 baclofen throughout the day. I take Lipitor one a day. I also take 7500 oh Vitiman D every day. And of course Flomax as well. I have Primary Progressive. I fail at consistent movement. I’ve got some work to do! Have a great day!


I am 55 and have become a shut in. I got so tired of canceling plans. It’s easier to not disappoint people. I’ve lost many friends, but not because they left me but because I left them. I am sad on occasion but have always been ok alone or with people.


Outstanding, well articulated and most importantly, sincere. Thank you


I’m 75 and watch most of your videos. For me this is one of your best.
