PS4 Pro - Speedcheck: Samsung internal SSD 870 EVO vs. internal HDD (RDR2)

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Kein Quantensprung in der SSD-Technologie, aber eine starke SSD für alle Bereiche: Die Samsung SSD 870 EVO punktet im Praxistest mit guten Werten und hoher Verlässlichkeit.

"The Definitive SSD for Every Need" - so steht es auf der Verpackung der Samsung SSD 870 EVO. Auch wenn inzwischen zunehmend Datenträger mit M.2-Standard den Markt übernehmen, erfreuen sich die preiswerteren SATA-basierten SSD-Speicher weiterhin erstaunlicher Beliebtheit. Gerade Besitzer älterer Systeme greifen immer wieder darauf zurück, um ihre in die Jahre gekommenen mechanischen Festplatten auszutauschen.

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If you haven’t upgraded to this SSD then you’re missing out. I went from feeling like my PS4 pro was just a glorified PS4 to actually feeling a difference in speed, interfacing & rendering. The games look better, play better and load faster. Especially when you’re playing at 4K. This upgrade is a no brainer!


It’s a must! the stock HDD Toshiba overheats a lot! mine gave out after 3 years! replaced with SSD! no lag no freez


Been doing research on SSD drives lately as I want one for my ps4 pro. I would just upgrade to ps5 but scalper prices, ps5 hardware and controller issues, and the lack of decent exclusives right now/accessories, make it not worth getting yet in my opinion. Maybe next year or the year after?

But for now I want my ps4 to run about as fast as a ps5, plus I need more memory so I'm going this route for now.

Saw the WD SSd drive but holy crap it's like 700-800 bucks. NOT THANKS! I also heard it's one of the fastest ssd drives but has some software issues with PC that they haven't yet solved soo... Nvm getting that one.

The samsung ones seem the over all best quality. Perhaps slowly by a few seconds in some cases but seems like the safer bet. These are 300-400 usually.

And just so you know I'm talking about the prices of 4tb drives. Not 1 or 2 tb drives. I know those are much cheaper... But I got like 200 games on my ps4 lol. I need 4 tbs as it turns out lol.


I did my upgrade whit the 870 1 t and is realy fast


Are you eraly using a evo ssd ? Because y open de same game i did the same test and my open in 1 mnt 23sec


17 difference. I expected much more.


Did you have the labels backwards? 870 upgrade seems slower than the stock hdd


Terrible game to test this on lol red dead just loads SLOW in general even on my ps5 it takes forever to load in
