Все публикации

#AstroBot - #Controller #Unboxing #PlayStation5 with @CatInCharge - #ShotOnIPhone

#LEC #Munich 2024 - #LeagueOfLegends #Season Finals #ESports #ShotOnIPhone

Emio - Der lächelnde Mann - Test: Aufwühlende Visual Novel von Nintendo-Veteran Yoshio Sakamoto

Visions of Mana - Test / Review: Ein magisches Abenteuer?

Concord - Test / Review: Bereits gescheitert?

Star Wars Outlaws - Test / Review: Nur gut oder ein Kracher?

#LEGO #Fortnite #gamescom #Llama #Timelapse with our @CatInCharge Mia - #cat #ShotOnIPhone

#GooglePixel9Pro #Unboxing with Mia the @CatInCharge #ShotOnIPhone

Kingdom Come Deliverance II - Interview: Jede Menge Infos aus erster Hand!

#KingdomComeDeliverance2 (#KCD2) - #Event #Recap #Kuttenberg #ShotOnIPhone

#GranTurismo7 #EigerNordwand #GamePlay #SpeedUp #BMWMini

#Samsung #GiveAway - #T7Shield #SSD - Mia the #Cat

Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition - Test: Mögen die nostalgischen Wettkämpfe beginnen!

#SummonersWar #SkyArena #TheWitcher #Gwent #Unboxing // #Mia the #Cat #ShotOnIPhone

#LuigisMansion2HD #PressKit #Unboxing with #Mia the #Cat #shotoniphone

#Samsung #G6 #OLED #Unboxing with #Mia the #Cat

#StarWarsTheAcolyte - #LeslyeHeadland #Interview

Paper Mario: Die Legende vom Äonentor - Test: Papyrussieg für Mario?

#Travel 4 #Games : #Japan #Osaka #Saucer #Crash - #ShotOnIPhone

#CosPlay Walk #FantasyBasel 2024 - Can you spot the VIP? #FaBa2024 #ShotOnIPhone

#DinoDance #JustDance2024 - #FantasyBasel 2024 #SwissComicCon #FaBa2024 - #ShotOnIPhone

#StarWars #Cosplay Walk - #FantasyBasel 2024 #SwissComicCon #FaBa2024 - #ShotOnIPhone

#StarWarsDay #MayThe4thBeWithYou #StarWars #HasbroPulse - Mia the #Cat - #ShotOnIPhone

#BeatSlayer #GiveAway #Unboxing with Mia the #Cat #ShotOnIPhone