Kawasaki ZH2 review by KNOX

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Kawasaki ZH2 review by KNOX

With 1 in 3 motorcycles purchased now being from the naked sector, we shouldn’t be surprised that manufacturers are innovating in order to stay ahead. But with the ZH2, Kawasaki haven’t just bolted on a piece of tech to their range topper… they’ve strapped a supercharger to it!

For 2020 Kawasaki have made a huge footprint in the Super Naked sector with their 1000cc supercharged Kawasaki ZH2 2020. A different take than a lot of the new competition in the sector, the ZH2 very much builds on the attributes that other Zed bikes are famous for, but brings a thrust with it more comparable to a Jet than a combustion engined motorcycle. In short, the ZH2 is an incredible do it all bike that can be ridden every day in pretty much every riding environment, but doing so with more performance and drama than most would ever have the guts to use!

In our ZH2 acceleration testing, we took the bike in excess of 150mph on the airfield and its performance was incredible, neck and neck with KTM’s 1290 SuperDUKE R in a straight-line, and then saying “good night” to it on gears above 3rd in roll on performance. But speed isn’t all the ZH2 is about, it’s a great handling road bike, often overlooked by other media in our opinion, and while less sporting than others, holds a great line!

Like any bike out there, there are a couple of niggles that we found and discuss in the video, but make no mistake, the Kawasaki ZH2 is an incredible motorcycle and we loved every minute with it!

In the video Aaron was wearing:

Olly was wearing:

Devitt provided us an insurance quote for this motorcycle for £652.02. This was based on Kawasaki ZH2 performance - £16,599, and MR Average, Based on a 40 year old married Bank Clerk, living in LA13. Kept in a Garage, held full bike license since 2000. Bike has Biketrac and a Datatool S4 C1 Red security. No accidents or claims. Comp cover, 3000 miles, 5 years protected NCD and just SDP use.

Hope you enjoyed this review of the Kawasaki ZH2, please like, comment, and subscribe to Knox and we’ll see you on the next video.


Рекомендации по теме

After watching your zh2 vs sdr video I was very impressed at the quality and open minded approach to the review and fair bench mark testing for the 2 bikes. This video is just as good. So glad u focused more on the zh2 as this is the one I own now after selling the 2020sdr for one. I love both bikes. Uv summed up the zh2 perfectly and reviewed it without the taste of dislike towards its looks that every other "reviewer" seems to so sheepishly follow. Well done for speaking the truth. Top bike top review 👍🏾


The review and footage getting better and better with every video, keep up the great work guys


I've got a green frame US spec model with almost 1600 miles on it and love it! No issues with the side stand but I agree it could use a steering dampener. Incredible acceleration and that famous supercharger "chirp" put a smile on my face whenever I ride it! No regrets. Good honest review. Ride aware mates.


I know this is an old video but I just bought a 2022 ZH2 and am absolutely in love with it. I can identify with all of the pros and cons presented here but I just can't get this smile off my face after spending a few days with the bike. One of the things I think is really worth mentioning is the wheelbase. They could have stretched it or made it more comparable to a ZX-14 or Busa but they kept it trimmed down so close to my K7 Gixxer its handling is nearly indistinguishable from a top-end track bike. That makes a world of difference to me. Pushing 500+lbs around corners with little effort is something everybody can agree is impressive.


Everything you said ticked all the boxes, my friend. In the most demanding terrains and in an ever changing harsh weather conditions here in the Philippines, Kawasaki's reputation is absolute.

Stay safe.



The best naked bike, supercharged, damn headlight 😍


A 200 BHP Supercharged Motorcycle from a Large Manufacturer with a warranty for the price of a crap car, what times we live in great review 👍.


It’s having a similar effect as when the 903cc Z1 came out in 1972, it astounded everyone with immense power and the new Z H2 is doing the same. The big difference is, the Z H2 actually handles and brakes. I think the Z1 had 81 HP and the Z H2 close to 200, yet they weigh around the same!


Just hit 2k miles on my ZH2. Everyone asks what its like and usually my only response is.. "Its 11/10 giggle factor and I cant get enough of it." Zero issues so far.


Love the cinematic approach to your review. Loved every bit of your review...great job @Knox Armour


Was waiting eagerly for the review of this bike from you guys. Nicely done 👍.


She is something out of league just like hayabusa was once.


Double sided swing arm will ensure more stability at higher speed run. Zh2 comes with a perfect package!!👍


Great review. Knox reviews just get better and better, real world.


Amazing review! I love the color😍. ZH2 Looks like a rocket ship with wheels, Its a beast! New subscriber here from the Philippines😊


Great video. It certainly isn't the the most competitive neither does it have the best brakes or suspension but man does it make you feel good and put a massive smile on your face. I'll be doing the full review on the Z H2 2021 in the coming weeks, then have some mods to add such as the Scorpion can and Sprint filter (doing videos for those too). Will be an excellent comparison to the nakeds I have already done videos for.


You really make the best reviews lol, love the way you make your videos, and the fact that every single one isnt boring but exciting :) Hello from France


A missile on two wheels... Great review from Knox, always look forward to these videos from you guys.


Great video I just purchased that bike, even then same colour - looking forward to testing it out….


Brilliant review and yes; of course I want one ! ! Maybe some after season deals might pull me over the line ! !
