Make your own Ethanol fast and easily!
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Need some high-proof alcohol but can't buy it in your area?
Get some 40% alcohol, clear or dark, and a Countertop Water Distiller with Digital Temperature Controller, you can find a link to one in the description. BE SURE TO ONLY DO THIS IN A WELL-VENTILATED AREA SUCH AS OUTDOORS OR UNDER A FUMEHOOD.
Remove the top of the unit and attached a food-grade silicone tube to the output spout and attached it to a Condenser. Then attach the tubing to the condenser to a cooler with ice water in it, and use on a pump to pump water through the condenser.
Pour your alcohol into the distiller and turn it on at 95C
It'll take about an hour and when it's done be sure to turn off the pump first so you don't accidentally make a mess with the water.
The first run tested at about 80% with 10% or so in the leftovers of the distiller.
You can also do this with Whisky or other brown liqueurs and it will come out just as clear. I mixed the two leftovers together and distilled them at 90C to get the rest out as they still had about 10% alcohol. Finally, I took all the batches and distilled them at 90 to increase the final alcohol content. In the end, I was left with 85% proof alcohol that I could have run another time to get higher but I was happy with this percentage. You can get as high as 95% with this method but not higher as it will start to absorb water from the air around it.
DO NOT DRINK THIS STRAIGHT. High-proof alcohol is not safe to drink on its own. This is for use in making tinctures, etc.
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Get some 40% alcohol, clear or dark, and a Countertop Water Distiller with Digital Temperature Controller, you can find a link to one in the description. BE SURE TO ONLY DO THIS IN A WELL-VENTILATED AREA SUCH AS OUTDOORS OR UNDER A FUMEHOOD.
Remove the top of the unit and attached a food-grade silicone tube to the output spout and attached it to a Condenser. Then attach the tubing to the condenser to a cooler with ice water in it, and use on a pump to pump water through the condenser.
Pour your alcohol into the distiller and turn it on at 95C
It'll take about an hour and when it's done be sure to turn off the pump first so you don't accidentally make a mess with the water.
The first run tested at about 80% with 10% or so in the leftovers of the distiller.
You can also do this with Whisky or other brown liqueurs and it will come out just as clear. I mixed the two leftovers together and distilled them at 90C to get the rest out as they still had about 10% alcohol. Finally, I took all the batches and distilled them at 90 to increase the final alcohol content. In the end, I was left with 85% proof alcohol that I could have run another time to get higher but I was happy with this percentage. You can get as high as 95% with this method but not higher as it will start to absorb water from the air around it.
DO NOT DRINK THIS STRAIGHT. High-proof alcohol is not safe to drink on its own. This is for use in making tinctures, etc.
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