How long does it take to recover from gallbladder removal surgery?

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Leading consultant surgeon, Miss Avril Chang explains how long it will usually take to recover from gallbladder removal surgery.

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I am on my 4th week after surgery. I felt wonderful health wise the first day after surgery. Pain was taken care of with Tylenol. I was tired, took a lot of naps. I was sore last week, but no pain. I am eating more healthy. No junk foods or sugar. My energy is increasing so I walk in the treadmill. My hair is beautiful and looks more healthy than in my whole life. I am 71


Had mine out last summer. Took 3-4 days for the doctors to decide I did *not* have a heart condition, on what was to be my release day they decided they better do an ultrasound. By the time I got to my room there was a lady who introduced herself as my surgeon... and it was removed that afternoon. Surgeon reported it was badly infected and gangrenous. Recovery was not bad at all. I had a Jackson-Pratt drain that was responsible for most of whatever pain I had, and it leaked which was a horrible mess. Back to work in about 10 days (I drive a desk).


I had this done 5 days ago and went back to work today. Totally felt fine once the gas pains went away, the first two days were horrible with the gas in my shoulders. My stomach is sore but nothing tylenol can't handle. Feels like you over did the sit ups


I am not going to sugar coat this topic ok.
Its very painful you cannot lay flat pain pain pain pain recovery is at least 2 weeks so prepare yourself for pain.


Im about 1 week post op and want my energy back, crazy how it drains all of your energy.


Thanks for the info, it's very informative.


i have undergone gallbladder surgery in 30.6.2020 ..when i get pregnant can pls tell me


I had my surgery yesterday, and I'm only 15. The surgeons in my country are only used to people at age 17 and above. (I'm a female btw) this is my first surgery and its quite painful and I can't sleep on my sides, only my back


I am 17 years old and the pain is really bad 1 day after surgery.


4 week here and i feel fine and my old self is back and ready to rammble the hard part for me was my first 2 days O MAN what a painful feeling that was


i work for the post office and they wanted me back three days after surgery but my doctor gave me a full week off and 1 week of restrictions im a mail handler my job is very physical i need two weeks off i have a doctor appointment today


I’m likely having this done in a week. Very stressed because I’m meant to move to Australia from the US in under a month to be with my LDR boyfriend. I don’t want to be sick when being with him for the first time in two years. This sounds vain, but I was trying so hard to be in the best shape of my life and now this is happening. I hope everything recovers quick


My wife had an laparoscopic gallbladder removal and her sutures had been removed 2 days ago but i was wondering why shes having a fever at night time is it normal?thanks in advance


I had to stand 2 hoursr after surgery because the nurse had to put new sheets wow!! That was the worse pain i couldn't even walk


chances of hernia after gallbladder surgery? I am a mechanic my doctor told me going back to work after 6 weeks, i wonder is it enough? thanks


I hope you can asnwer me. I had a removal of gallbladder(suregery) since 2019 of October and im pregnant now 2021 is it safe for me to have normal delivery


The day of surgery i was walking up and down my aprtment stairs doing laundry 😂


How long gallbladder laparascopy surgery


I’m currently in the hospital, just had my gallbladder removed two days ago. The only problem is I can’t eat. How I do eat without getting sick? My surgeon said that everything went well. I just need to start eating


It’s been exactly a week and I feel like shit, I have a massive wound what is hardly healing (due to bad care from nurses), I’m having trouble breathing from the anaesthesia, severe diarrhoea and to top it all of today I had a horrible attack of pain that felt exactly like a gallstone attack! I’m so fed up it’s unreal. I’m seriously regretting having it out.
