How I get more out of reading

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How do I read so that I feel like I'm getting more out of the experience? And what does that even mean? I share with you some of my thoughts & methods: rereading, annotating, reading multiple books at once, researching, etc.

2:20 read smart tag
3:08 what does it mean to get "more out of reading"?
6:13 reading "badly," summarizing, rereading, not finishing books, reading multiple books at once
12:37 annotating
18:16 examples of how I annotate
20:03 creating, making connections, researching, sharing

the #readsmart tag co-created by @ProseAndPetticoats & @ToReadersItMayConcern :

insta: @sdelphis
storygraph: @sdelphis
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first things first.... the shirt is the most fabulous thing I've seen today. Now, for the content of the video- lots of great insight as always. I go into books with no intention other than having an experience. I don't read to analyze. I do annotate, but more to have a conversation with the book than to analyze it. It's why I don't do any formal book reviews. I just read for the vibe. I'm in my 50s and I had many years of analyzing books...just not into that anymore. Not that it is wrong to do so, it's just not my thing anymore.
I, too, am an advocate of rereading. I don't do it often, but I do reread my favorites every few years. I get something new out a reread every time. I am also a DNF fan! Life is too short for books that don't please you. Sometimes it's a matter of putting it down and picking it up for I'm ready for it, but sometimes i just DNF and take it straight to the donation bin. :)
I also read several books at once. I have one book I read in the morning, one before bed, and usually essays and/or poetry to pick up in between when I have a few moments.
One thing I'd like to change about my reading is that I would love to read more slowly. Each year, I set this goal for myself instead of setting a goal for a certain number of books. I have not been super successful, but getting a little better at it.


this video is so full of wisdom sophie - as someone with a terrible memory i appreciate the advocacy for not needing to remember every single thing about a book. i’ve found that writing reviews and making videos has forced me to slow down and truly sit with books and it’s been so rewarding


I think this is the most thoughtful articulation on this subject I’ve come across in a while. I also appreciate that your video is titled “How *I* get more out of reading” rather than the more didactic (& typical of YouTube) “How *TO* get more out of reading”. The difference may be subtle but I think it’s meaningful!


I love what you’re saying about reading through a book and not worrying about not having understood *everything* but instead focussing on what you got out of it


I love your advocacy for allowing the personal and not merely the practical in one's annotations, "making it a Proustian experience, " as you say. It's nice to remember that books are for ourselves. So many years have been spent with books assigned and our comprehension graded. They do not have to serve strictly as such objects anymore. (I liked sneakily perusing your notes in the video; all your various meandering wonderings—thanks for sharing those.)

I'm glad you took on this subject and am grateful you shared our tag. You're awesome!


I love the expression "book monogamist"


Oooh thank you so much for participating! Can't wait to watch 🥰


reading wrong, YES!

i think we had a conversation ages ago about rereading and i took your advice and it has been a joy to go back to the books i've meant to revisit after tirelessly saying "i lOvE rEreAdinG iTs ImPorTaNt a BoOk iS nOt A oNE ofF tHinG!" even though i had not reread a single book in ages...but now is the time and the time feels right. the books feels richer, and so does life!

can't wait when we get the chance to reread a Lispector together!


Loved these ideas-especially not having to remember everything that you read, and that taking away something can be as simple as a vibe! So excited for the book club!


Wow Sophie, so many great suggestions! Some I already do and some that are very new to me. A bit overwhelming but in a great way!


this was such a wonderful video! i watched it a couple of days ago and returned to it now because it really crystallized, for me, what a reading journal can do and look like!! also - fabulous shirt 👼🏽


this came at a perfect timing in my reading life, and i felt so assured by you and your tips and tricks! feeling very inspired now to start a youtube channel to grow more as a reader and as a person. :) lovely video as always, sophie!


This was super helpful and valuable to my future reading. Great ideas to enrich the reading experience. Thank you for this great video!


I sometimes copy some of my favorite passages in a notebook that I keep exclusively for that. I love owning the words, making them mine and "taking them into my body" as you so beautifully put it. Reading aloud is also something that I enjoy a lot, especially when it comes to poetry. My mother, who never reads poetry, is always appreciative when I read her a poem that I particularly like.

On a totally different and unrelated note: I recently watched Alice Rohrwacher's "La Chimera" (great movie!) and for the whole screening, I was convinced that I had come across one of the actresses before even though I had never seen any of her other projects. Watching you now, I have realized that she just looks a lot like you (only brunette) !


Thankyou. Clarified my own approach. Gave me new ideas. I look forward to your first selection next month.


brilliant subject for a video and a wonderful book club approach!


I got some great insight from your video! Will definitely incorporate some of them.


You've given me things to think about, ideas and tools. Thank


Lots of very good ideas here. I definitely would like to experiment more with ways to savor the books i read during and afterward. I don't know what that would look like yet.


When you talked about exploring artistic works that are written into a story (22:21), I was reminded of Murakami’s _1Q84_ and how he would mention pieces of music that I would look up on YouTube and listen to. The main theme in chapter one was, famously, Sinfonietta by Janáček, a record that I had bought way back in college. Whenever I hear that music I will think of Aomame in the story.
