STOP- Before you Mud over Torn Drywall Paper, WATCH THIS, part 1 of 2

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You can fix torn brown paper on walls or ceilings, but you have to do it right or you'll get BAD Sheetrock Paper Bubbles. DON'T DO ANYTHING ELSE until you watch this video. Torn drywall paper repair needs to be done right or it will cause you a lot of grief. But it's not hard to fix right with the right products and techniques. (***New info, I've found that spray shellac works well, and spray adhesive)

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DISCLAIMER : That Kilted Guy Video Productions LLC, cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. We assume no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. No information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result, or any obligation for future assistance. Watching the video does not form a professional relationship or constitute receiving professional advice.


I recently bought a home. 1st person in my family in generations to own a home. I didn't have people who have "done it before".
I found this page and I've watched just about every video on here. Needless to say, after a few hard lessons, patience, and TLC; I now have level 5 everything. I started with popcorn ceilings on vaulted ceilings too.
You are the man sir! I appreciate you.
I will go and check out the foundation as well. Take care.


God Bless you sir for your service in protecting our country! Thank you Gary Sinese for your help and taking care of our Great information sir.


Spray it down with clear lacquer and the paper will be hard as a rock in 5 to 10 minutes. One of the best tricks I’ve learned in 35 years!


I use that PRO 999 on all my rent house drywall it has never failed me! Great video!!


Thanks for this. Like your customer, I put nicks all over my ceiling while removing the popcorn. I was going to just mud over so I'm glad I check your videos before doing anything.


As a professional, for me, regular or odorless oil primer and even BIN primer has worked out perfectly. No problems what so ever. For the fumes, I use respirator and good ventilation. No explosions luckily 🤣
Great video as always, Guy!


Great advice
After 25 plus years in the industry, I was amazed how many finishers just mud over torn paper.
Even on 100% torn drywall from vynl removal.
We got to the point where we would not take on projects where the finisher prepped those walls.
Much appreciate that your not one of those bad drywallers


Good video, I am a painter at a MLB stadium and I deal with drywall damage everyday. I use Gardz on all my drywall patches. The most important tool I own is a heat gun. I force dry the Gardz, then force dry 5, 20 or 40 minute mud, a skim of topping, repaint and on to the next patch. My crew prides themselves on undetectable patching. Our biggest compliment is when fans ask "what do you do here all year?, we don't see anything that needs painting", if they only knew....


One trick I've used before on paper-exposed areas no larger than about 2sqft surface area is misting the brown paper with water from a spray bottle, then going over with the first coat of joint compound. The water dries out through all the layers and INTO the joint compound creating more of a bond.


Pride in workmanship! Wish all drywall contractors had your work ethic . 👍God bless you and your family.


Thx so much for being willing to serve our country! It takes a real HERO! Thank YOU!


I'm just a girl, but my husband taught me how to mud on a 65 ft. Mobie home..paneling through out..I mixed DW compound with Plaster of paris..Filled every grouve in that trailer..It held up with a 60 mi truck over the mountains and resetting up for someone we were just flipping homes at the time. But I learned but I also fell in love with it! ! Happy that I found you I'm always looking to learn more and more about everything that has to do with home repair so you're great thanks so much for all you've given us


I've used rattle can clear lacquer to seal paper tears. Three coats and it's dry within an hour. Because it's so thin, the texture of the paper is still there, so the mud has something to bite into. No failures so far.


For years (really decades) I have used a similar method with perfect results but I use KILZ Primer over the exposed paper instead of Pro-999. Seals the area up great. Then mud to fill in the area, feathering as needed.


Thanks for posting this. I'm not a drywall professional but I've done a lot of dryawalling in my nearly 72 years. I've had to deal with this problem many times but I've done something different than what you describe here and it has always worked very well and doesn't require finding and ordering a product that may not be available locally. After removing all loose paper and lightly sanding, I simply apply a coat of shellac which is available virtually everywhere. It seals the remaining paper not only perfectly but very quickly because it has an alcohol base. I noticed the product you recommend takes hours to dry. Shellac is dry in just a minute or too. And fast drying provides an important advantage because the faster a sealer dries, the less likely it is that it will swell the paper you're sealing. So I would be willing to bet that shellac actually works better than the product you mention. Besides, you don't have to wait for hours to complete the repair.


Thank you for posted this, you saved me from a huge headache… this video literally popped up in my suggestions right before I was about mud over some tears I made in my bathroom while removing the popcorn ceiling. You have a new subscriber.


Just retired and bought a house, your videos give me confidence to start my own repairs #fellowAFcomrade#retired#


Thank you so much for your service. My niece, her husband and child was stationed in thetford England Air Force Base for 6 years. Now, they are in Idaho mountain home Idaho Air Force Base so proud of him go airmen. He has his own name on the tail of a f-15 so proud of him. Thank you again for your service.


First thank you for your service🇺🇸
Second thank you for the info. Helping my daughter with house renovations while fiance is deployed. Thank you again!
