KJV or Geneva Bible? How do you know?

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They can look very similar, and often have similar extras (e.g. Book of Common Prayer) bound in. But they can be immediately distinguished from one another if the title pages are present. (Neither says the Geneva or the KJV on the title page).

***I normally try to include only books which are (or will be) for sale in my videos, but these two Bibles are my teaching copies. They are not for sale. Sorry.***
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The King James was produced by writers who could not divulge what GOD said about the Kings sins.


When one reads the bible, its when one reads the stories again and again. But, its when one Is kead by the Holy Spirit is when the real maguc happens...even the older book as you say, has been translated.... probably 100's of times before that too... who knows, just
Walk by Faith, Not by Sight❤❤❤


Thank you! Important information! Sadly I've never heard a Preacher explain this. I'm sure some have, somewhere but I personally have never heard one say this. God bless you!


Fun fact: both bible translations had included the Apocrypha.


Where can I get the 1599 Geneva Bible unaltered version


Both versions ARE correct in Jude 7, saying the fall occurred by fornication and that strange lust is homosexuality.


Both the Geneva and the KJV are excellent English translations! I have both. Be very careful of the newer English translations because doctrinal beliefs from different groups of church organizations have filtered many verses to fit their interpretations.
What we need to know about ourselves from God's Word and our only hope of being justified before a Holy and righteous God: [WHY WE HAVE NO HOPE IN OURSELVES: Mk. 7:20-23 And he (Jesus) said, That which comes out of the man, that defiles the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things (sins) come from within, and defile the man.] [WHY WE NEED A SAVIOR: Rom. 3:10-28 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understands, there is none that seeks after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that does good, no, not one. Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: Their feet are swift to shed blood: Destruction and misery are in their ways: And the way of peace have they not known: There is no fear of God before their eyes. Now we know that what things so ever the law says, it says to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his (God's) sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin. But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ to all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believes in Jesus. Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. Therefore we conclude that man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. Joh. 3:16 For God so loved the world (us), that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Joh. 14:6 Jesus said to him (us), I am the way (salvation), the truth (assurance), and the life (eternal): no man comes to (God) the Father, but by me (God the Son). Rom. 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:]


If you look at them both there’s only a few subtle differences between choice of words like ruler of this world/prince of this world, stuff like that


If you don't know history this is what you say. But the fact is the 1537 mathews bible comprised by John rogers was approved by king Henry and this is what the kjb is derived from. So everything stated is accurate. In the Bible. But narrator is mistaken.


Lucky enough to have a page of a Geneva Bible that was on the mayflower. Got it from moon's books


Ask the Holy Spirit to confirm each verse and book(whether included in your Bible or not) and the Holy Spirit will confirm each verse as Gods word or not Gods word. Lean not on our own understanding. Great video by the way! ❤


I have the companion bible, moffatt bible, interlinear bible, great bible, tyndale bible, ethiopian coptic bible and the dead sea scrolls bibe and have read them all, comparing scripture side by side.

I recomment the companion bible and moffatt bible along with a concordance if you want to know what God is actually saying.

If you limit yourself to one bible then you are hurting yourself.


Saying no to both just means that you don't believe in truth. How did you learn of God. You didn't learn it from the original text. How do you know what the original text is? The majority of people making the argument for a different Bible are not Christians anyway. Most professing Christians don't know what is the gospel of the grace of God. The only gospel for one to be saved.


Well, here’s the thing, the Bible is written nearly 1500 years before the Geneva Bible, so any argument you have about time passing before it was translated is kind of negated 1500 years 1800 years it’s still well over 1000 years and it’s not like you’re gonna get it right after 1500 years but 16 or 1800 years is just too long and you’re gonna get it all wrong now because of another century.

If somebody goes back to the original manuscripts today and puts in the time, learn the Greek in the Hebrew and re-translate it today they could be just as or more accurate. The biggest problem with the Geneva Bible is it’s the kind of Puritan version and runs running around calling everybody a witch and burning them at the stake And we your ideal representatives of Jesus Christ. I don’t think it’s horrible, but that whole Calvin is Puritan interpretation is a bit legalistic and kind of reminds me more of the Pharisees and the sadnesses who worshiped their process, and they knowledge and application of the law and kind of had a little bit of a supremacy complex And we’re overly judgmental to a fault Just because the Geneva Bible is older does not make it more accurate. It’s still a translation and age doesn’t make it more accurate. It’s only as accurate as the people translating it. so it’s a bit of a legalistic kind of thing where you’re worshiping a timeline more so than accurately, the scholars who have studied in depth generally agree that the king James version is the most accurate even the paraphrase translators acknowledge this, but they were translating it to a more modern version of English. That was easier to understand and read, and it makes sense, unless you are willing to sit down and learn old English, which is pretty much another language and many ways it’s going to be a very difficult laborious process to read it and a lot of people just aren’t gonna do it or are some of the context in it, because even though, though the translation is accurate, our translation of old English meanings may not be accurate And that can also be problematic. There are some people that read the NLT or the NIV, or even the living Bible that I figured it out and understand salvation and God filled with the spirit and get it but the truth is they’re all imperfect whenever you do a translation you’re going to have variances, because there aren’t word for word switches going from one to another and one language may have eight different words and you translate into an English language and you have one or two words so it’s not define exact context and I think it’s important for people to know whatever version they’re reading that when something is important to them or is difficult for them they should probably get a linear Bible and go back and learn some of the Greek and Hebrew what the original words were, and study those for the original meetings and the Text and maybe even get some commentaries or study guides that give you even more context and information about those particular parts of the Bible because even beyond the text even understand some of the things, Jesus Christ or Matthew told you you have to understand he culture and things like Hebrew wedding traditions, and the full processes of the different sacrifices, when Jesus says it is finished he just didn’t mean OK it’s over y’all safe now that’s the basic meaning but that’s a very loose interpretation and he was mimicking what was going on at the time he was killed on the last day of passover at 3 PM that’s when he died at the same time, the priest in the temple were sacrificing the last lamb of the Passover, and they were also looking up to the skies and proclaiming it is finished finished or the Hebrew version of that, and everybody who heard Jesus say that new exactly what he meant that he was professing that he was the final sacrificial lamb, and coincidentally, just happened to be on the last day of Passover at 3 PM when they were literally doing the last lamb sacrifice for that Passover, so when he was saying it, the priests in the temples were saying it as well. But this isn’t in the text you have to understand Hebrew culture but when Jesus said it, that’s what he was saying and there’s a lot more context to it then just the words, and that’s important as well, so the king James, or the Geneva Bible are a translation. If you really wanna know exactly what it said, you’re gonna have to go study the original languages and the culture understand the context of it because a Hebrew culture was very much into contacts and understanding the tradition, and having a word from an origin where it was named after a specific event, or was related to a cultural practice that meant a lot more than just what the word meant. When Jesus said it is fine as she just didn’t mean well we’re done with this for today, he was profess himself as the last sacrificial lamb and the atonement for our sins, he didn’t say those words, but it was understood because he was standing around a bunch of people who were living and Hebrew culture, 2000 years ago. so in that context you could say no English translation is going to be accurate enough

Back to the question of the Geneva version or the KJB version, the Geneva version I many scholars who have studied and done the translations and researched it believe was a bit more frivolous and less accurate the king, James version kind of corrected those flaws by translating it more accurately. Either way, it’s the word of God when we read it we should be praying we should be asking for the spirit to give us discernment and guidance and ask God to reveal what he’s trying to tell us whatever we reading and disagree but lots of people get saved and figure all this out reading the NLT or the NIV or the living Bible or I haven’t read the message yet or the ESV but when you sit around and discuss critical points and complex principles of God‘s word, somehow they still got it from those versions even and when could argue that you’ll know by their fruits, and frankly, the Puritans and the church of England did some pretty sketchy stuff and we’re running around murdering people calling them witches and burning them alive because they wouldn’t submit to the Puritan church leaders and do exactly what they said the way they said, and Hole Calvinist thing. From what I’ve read in it it’s not that far off and I don’t think it’s going to destroy you if you read it, but the new king James is generally considered the far more accurate version. But the people who usually talk about this stuff are pretty legalistic and anal and care more about the version of the Bible than they do about the meaning in God’s word, and it is what it is. I said read what you can read, sitting and reading the King James version or the Geneva. Bible is laborious and annoying. It’s like another language and you’re basically translating it yourself, and are only as accurate is your understanding of that language or era, and personally, I think you’re better off with a new king jams or an NLT Because it’s translated into the language you actually speak and understand that it is a translation and there will be variances if you want absolute accuracy eventually you’re gonna have to go back to the Hebrew and the Greek and the original text and understand the traditions and context that the people speaking these words, and who they were speaking them to Had to do with the message.

So I can tell you this much. If someone comes up to you and tells you, you must read the Geneva Bible or even you must read the King James version, that person is being very legalistic and anal and isn’t really interested in the messages as much as they are the methodology, and this was the downfall of the Pharisees and sadnesses as well and the church of England, the Roman Catholic Church, they’ve all made huge mistakes and done some pretty horrid things, and we can tell by their fruits. Sorry if somebody saying you must read the Geneva Bible, they’re probably a Calvinist tour somebody who just thinks cause something is older that it’s better. Sorry the Geneva Bible was not a great interpretation. The king James is better, but is still translated from another language and you’re going to lose a little bit of the context when you translate something so neither is perfect if somebody’s telling you have to read one over the other, especially if they’re telling you, you’re gonna lose your salvation or your worshiping, some sort of false God, I think those people are probably worshiping themselves that’s not for us to judge but it’s a bit of a ridiculous argument, but if we need to get into it, Geneva, Bible wasn’t accurate and the vast majority of scholars agree of course the people who wrote the Geneva Bible and put that front page in there are going to tell you it’s perfect because that’s their bragging or advertisement but biblical scholars have read them all study them compared them for accuracy against the original Greek and Hebrew. The vast consensus is that the king James version is the most accurate. And Calvinist, I don’t know they’re pretty borderline they might be over that borderline into the realm of a cult like Mormon or Seventh-day Adventist and the Puritans were a huge mess and not exactly people I would consider experts, or take advice from


The one people pick? Obviously it's the one that tells them what they want to hear


If anyone uses Masoteric text instead of Septuagint their translation is invalid by default and there is no debate


From what I understand, the Puritans continued with the Geneva Bible after the KJV was written, and because they refused to go along with the king's Bible preference, this was why they were persecuted, imprisoned and exiled to Holland and then to what we now call North America.


Does the KJB really censor anything that opposes unjust leaders & other oppressors?


both are fine but the geneva has notation thats indiscernible from scripture


Well if the KJB was good enough for Paul and Silas….. then it’s good enough for me! Ha Ha Ha!
