King James Bible - vs - Geneva Bible

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I think you make some pretty flawed leaps in logic. But I understand you are just trying to defend your view from what others say is 'Better'. Idk, I think you've actually convinced me that the changes in Geneva ARE better.


Are you comparing the KJV to the 1560 Geneva, or the 1599 Geneva?


You're splitting hairs it's actually speaking of the exact same thing be careful to not mislead people


Here's a hint on John 1. Before Jesus was conceived in Mary's womb, he was not a he. He was not a human. He was an it! You're making great leaps without a parachute. Try not to break your leg, cause you're close.


I find both translations interesting. I often think of the KJV as a "government authorized" version since King James I had taken offense to the footnotes of the Geneva Bible. I do love the 1560 Edition of the Geneva Bible. I love the art work in it as well as the footnotes. I think it was beautifully crafted. I like how in Genesis 3:7 it uses the word breeches when Adam and Eve were sowing leaves together to make clothes. Now in the Greek for John 1:1-5 is actually more so correct in the Geneva Bible. The church tends to misunderstand the prologue of John and the Logos.


Interlinear shows geneva translation more accurately correct. Study to show yourself approved


Did you get to the original root words?


And the it is different than the king James of course it is but when you compare them to the original manuscripts it's where you'll get a true comparison at


it's ALL ABOUT CHRIST... "the LIVING Word" ... He sa I d, "I AM the WAY..the TRUTH and the LIFE and NO man cometh unto the Father but by ME"..
It's about Christ and the FINISHED WORK of the Cross!
Christ IS the Word MANIFEST and IS very much ALIVE even today!


That's not the 1560 Geneva. SMH

And that's not a real AV1611. Not same as your 1769 KJV


Both version confirm: Jude 7 the fall did occur due to fornication, and that strange and unnatural lust is homosexuality.


KJ is a great translation but has many issues. I think it has been used by the Church to justify certain views like the Trinity issue (the Logos John 1:1-4) (the Johannine comma 1 John 5:7-8) that do not look so "evident" when reading translations such as the Geneva Bible. We should not read our thoughts into the Bible, but let it guide us i to the light. I agree with you, though, in the Rapture vs the-not-saved view.


That isn’t the 1611 KJV nor is it the 1599 Geneva. Also, just because there are differences doesn’t mean one or the other is better or worse. I would say the Modern KJV and the modern Geneva are both good. But both have differences. I would say that both do not deduct from Christian Doctrine. Personally I believe the Geneva is better and I have a modernized version by Tolle Legg Press. Geneva was the first Bible to be translates into English and so the 1560 or 1576 versions would probably have looser meaning. You have to understand that during this time, both Grammar, spelling and the meaning of words we use today were different then. So depending on how they are interpreted now, would have been interpreted different then by English speakers. King James also persecuted anyone who user a Geneva Bible and King Henry persecuted William Tyndall who made the first English translation. Tyndalls last words was that he hopes that King Henry would see the light, and that he did. He eventually became a protestant and broke off from the Catholic Church and decriminalized the use of the Geneva. After his death, his sister known as Bloody Mary took back that protestant freedom as is known for banning the Geneva once again and burning many at the stake who continued using it. King James would carry this persecution, although he was considered a protestant, he persecuted the puritans and anyone layman who practiced Christianity outside Anglican doctrine. King James was also a very murderous and homosexual of a man, so although the King James Bible is popular among Christians, he actually killed many Protestant reformers and would hate any protestant today who practices Christianity outside of Anglican doctrine and tradition.


I'm not sure who worked on the Geneva, or what the source material was used for the translation. That being said, I own copies of both the original Geneva 1560, and KJV 1611. I use them when I am digging into a verse. What I found most interesting was that both Bibles showed that Jesus Christ quoted the Apocrypha.


I am a critica😢l text guy nota texus recetus guy. I do not reject all kf the alexandrian texts.


How can anyone take that seriously?? It??
Good job, I'm glad this was brought to my attention today. I do think it is good to get different renderings from time to time especially going back to the original Hebrew but some of the translations are blatantly and obviously incorrect and even heretical at times it seems. God said a phamine of His Word would come and I think we're in the beginning of that now. People also use childish arguements such as if anyone says kjv is the best rendering they we said it is "the perfect infallible word of God" when that's not what is said.


We are all "God" or should I say Wooten. Maybe you should do more research on who king James is, then do research on his mother. Once you know who you are dealing with, and why all those who people left Europe under persecution, you'll see why you might just wanna investigate further. It's a deep rabbit hole.


Do you have any provable, fact-based evidence of anything spiritual in the bible?
And by "evidence" I mean, NOT any hearsay, feelings, faith, beliefs, hopes, coincidences or bible stories written by man.


So you beleive the geneva is wrong bc it doesnt say exactly thw same as the KJV? And your stranded of measurement is... KJV... um thats not how these things work. You have to go back to the oldest manuscripts we have, like the Greek septuagent, and compare BOTH versions to that. And i just did with you 1st example and Geneva is far closer to the Greek manuscript.
And in your 2nd example, the KJV is more accurate.
3rd example in the greek...john 1... and God was the Word... both are diffrent
John 2 HE was in the begining with God ... greek clarifying that the word is a HE... giving personhood to the Word.
John 3-4 The KJV is more accurate
John 5 greek. And the light in the darkness shines and the darkness it not overcame.
Bother are KJV and Geneva are off.
Your 3rd example, the Geneva pit you have at the top it the annotation to clarify that in 1st Thessalonian 2:3 is referring to a departure from the faith.
And both versions agree with the Greek here.
I am not necessarily a proponent of either version over the other, but if you want to try to prove one over the other you have to go to the source material AND include the annotation in both versions.


I have a Regular 1611 KJV Facsimile which is a direct computer scan copy of the original. I'm using it to show the accuracy of the infallible Word of God! God bless!
