The Geneva Bible

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All but forgotten today, the Geneva Bible, born out of persecution and bloodshed, was the most widely read and influential English Bible of the 16th and 17th centuries.
The Geneva Bible is unique among all other Bibles. It was the first Bible to use chapters and numbered verses and became the most popular version of its time because of its extensive marginal notes.
These notes, written by Reformation leaders including John Calvin and others, were intended to help explain and interpret the Scriptures for the average reader.
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Not knowing much about the different bible versions while pondering this I had a revelation from God the number 1599 popped in my head I did a search and low and behold the Geneva 1599 bible came up. The footnotes are invaluable in this version I believe the footnotes are revelations from God too


This is one of my favorite translations. It was highly influential and should get more recognition. I recently purchased a copy printed in modern typeface from Tolle Lege Press.


Christians Should Know About The Geneva Bible, And Should Also Read It. God Bless You Man.


Thank you thank you thank you for doing this video. I'm am so glad I found this.


I do own a GENEVA Bible, WIlliam Tyndale was my 15th Great Uncle…


Appreciate so much your informative piece of our Holy Bible. The overall timeline was helpful. We don’t realize the treasure we have and what our fellow believers sacrificed for mankind. We are not worthy of the blessing of Gods Holy Word imparted to us.


I Don't See Anything Wrong With The Geneva Bible. That's Good. Love Your Accent Man.


I've been reading this one occasionally on a bible version app. I really like it. KJV is my main bible, though. I think about the poor people who couldn't own a bible back in the day. We forget how blessed we are.


One thing that wasn't never taught in American History. The first settlers of New England carried this Bible!! It makes sense to call the Geneva Bible the Pilgrims Bible!!!


Greatly informative!! May the Lord our God bless you more and more


Thank you, I never heard of it until I heard others saying that words were not the same... going to get one thank you for video


Good commentary with added historical details


Far more pure and undertsanding then KJV


Thank you so much for sharing in such simple terms. Much love from Fiji.. God bless. 🙏💗


I Have Never Heard about The Geneva Bible Until Recently. Interesting.


Those "f" looking letters are called a "long S." They were a typesetting convention of the time, and followed certain rules as to when they could be used. You will also find letters like ae are often pushed together into a single letter.

Dont let any of this freak you out.

If it looks like an "f" but with a curly bottom tail and a very small cross bar, then it is simply an "s" and should be pronounced as an "s."

After an hour or so, you'll hardly notice the long s.

Same goes for the pushed together letters. They are usually just exactly what they look like.

Oh, and spelling wasn't standardized yet. So if it looks like "ftarre" thats just star, spelled a bit differently with a long s at the beginning. Just say the word out loud and you'll see that most of it is very phonetic, even if spelled strangely to our modern eyes.


This version and an the archeological bible are my go to bibles. The footnote are amazing in Geneva in respects to understanding History was repeating itself in imperialist tyrannical papacy. Catholics were from the Nicolatians. Jesus said “ I hate what they are doing!”
They were continuing to mix their pagan rituals with a little Jesus.
The Geneva also includes the apocrypha and maccabees. Macabee revolt would of been unpopular to King James. Those that worked on the Geneva ran for their lives. The king wanted his name and his version in every household as a counter move. He also included a hymnal to be given to all the commoners.


One of my ten ancestors who came over on the Mayflower to colonize in the New World was John Alden, the ship's cooper and carpenter. He brought his personal copy of the 1611 King James Version and his Bible is still in the family today, seen in the Alden House, now a museum in Duxbury, Massachusetts where John Alden built a house for his wife Priscilla Mullins, also a Mayflower passenger, and their family of ten.


I have the 1560 facimily hardback. And the 1599 leather version. I like them!


I have a 1599 Geneva Bible on my phone. I like it. Very similar to KJV. I think it actually reads easier than the KJV in some passages of Scripture.
