Friedrich Nietzsche's Life & Philosophy Part 3 | Stephen Hicks & Ryan Hogg

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The discussion between Dr. Stephen Hicks and vlogger Ryan Hogg on the life and times of Friedrich Nietzsche concludes.


00:00 Review of earlier conversations
02:00 The conversation
08:37 Nietzsche's Greek hero
14:18 How does Heraclitus influence Nietzsche?
18:19 "The Will to Power"
24:03 What is the will to power?
35:38 On struggle
38:30 Struggle and the will to power
40:26 Is modernity the hell Nietzsche foresaw?
56:15 The picture now
1:01:35 The individual?
1:03:40 The popularity of Nietzsche?
1:07:40 Summary

We would like to thank Ryan for allowing us to re-post this discussion from July 2021 on the CEE Video Channel.

Stephen R. C. Hicks is Professor of Philosophy at Rockford University, Illinois, USA, Executive Director of the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship, and Senior Scholar at The Atlas Society.

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Thank you for that. I think Nietzche got it quite right. We're a lot of "Last Men". 😢😮


#28👍🤔👏🤷🎉instructive talk worth the time and thank you!


Good stuff, fellas. Bear in mind:

We're talking about a guy way ahead of his time trying to address atheistic nihilism in a way that spoke to mankind as a whole. It's a tall order.

And Nietzsche the man was actually a good natured guy as I understand it. I think if he had gotten laid, maybe had a few kids, he would of been less of a nihilistic atheist himself. Which is why it's VITALLY important for anyone reading Nietzsche to follow it with Carl Jung, NOT Camus or Foucault. Nietzsche is a black pill, hard to swallow, but will both burn and cleanse your stomach. Jung is like your first solid meal after being sick a while.

Nevertheless, Nietzsche was the man.


When you discover that Hebrew Cosmology is true then it makes sense why he said God is dead. Indeed God is alive and Earth is flat.

"Ancient cosmologies"


Nietzsche's works will still be read and discussed long after Rand's writings have fallen into obscurity. After all, there never has been anything like a Friedrich Nietzsche Institute, funded by wealthy Nietzsche obsessives, to keep Nietzsche's books in print and make young people read them.


Since neither one of you is a genius or insane, maybe you should stop the chatter.
